in #hive-1679223 years ago

Alright alright, Hivers. Time for some Hive bites with your beloved. Me!

Before I get out my piece, there's something I'd like to say. Who said you can't be great or excel in your field of study? Think about it!

Unto today's piece of juicy honey we'll be talking... Yeah. You guessed it. NFTs! I know, I know. Am I becoming obsessed or what? It's just how I am. A bee. In your famous bees-nest. Get it? Maybe not.


NFTs are rocking the world in very awesome ways. Who'd have thought? Arts? Pft. But look at it, seems we can't despise everything nowadays. Most underrated form of creativity happen to be making the world a better place.

It seems that by this year, tickets are going to be issued more in form of NFTs. Get Protocol (an NFT ticketing Infrastructure protocol) along with their team are working (if not already done) to make this possible.

I see the death of online ticket sales and the coming to life of minting ticket NFTs. Apparently this is a way to bring the fans closer and also to deal with fraud and imitation.


Apparently, Get Protocol started with on chain processed tickets in 2016 and have a record of these tickets minted as NFTs in 2021. Awesome?


Also, issued on chain NFTs from the Get Protocol platform are minted using Polygon.


The NFT markets keeps surging and achieving greater heights in tokenised arts. Another testimony is the splurge of $170M in NFT funding by Autograph– a sports and entertainment NFT platform.

This time, these people are not just doing sports but have decided to branch into Music and Movies too. Their Partnership with Lionsgate and The Weeknd is going to (hopefully) be a sensation.

They have released the NFTs of famous athletes such as Usain Bolt, Tony Hawk among others.

Now did y'all fans see what i saw? Where all my fan girls at? Do you all possibly think the NFT space is going to be raving mad with crazy fan girls trying to buy their way into this Artist heart?

My oh my! They didn't just take the digital arts technology and make it a game changer, they've recruited a "fire fighter". We all know The Weeknd rocks the world of our hearts "Often". Hehehe.

I can't wait for it!


Welcome to another episode of my Crypto journey. Look, I am loving this every step of the way because, I am getting to the juicy part. A big THANK YOU to @readthisplease for his patience in answering my questions and also taking the time to call just to teach me. I really appreciate you bruh!

So, in a post of his I asked a few questions...


And he replied with...


And then I went ahead to my now favorite Crypto related YouTube channel and this guy just broke it all down for me in the best way possible. I'm going to be sharing a summary with you.

Do Your Own Research in Cryptocurrency is not easy and neither would it be regarding any financial investment. In this video I got to understand and note down key points on doing my own research:

  1. Tokenomics: Finding the economic data of an asset through checking websites or reading their Whitepaper. Just like Readthisplease told me over the phone and in his handwriting on that screenshot up above.

  2. Presale Data: How are these assets getting to the public? Tutor 101 highlighted various ways which are ICO, Premine, Presale, Airdrops. Now my Crypto adults, What is ICO?

  3. Team: Making my own investigation over the team behind the asset. Who are they? What do they do? What have they done? Who do they know?

  4. Social Media: A very effective way to track an assets credibility.

After asking all this questions, I can go on ahead to find out what their Coin or asset is about. What utility are they bringing? How are they going to solve problems using my money and that of others?

For practical experience, I went ahead to read Hive's Whitepaper. Look, if you've been on Hive and haven't taken a look at their Whitepaper, you should. A lot of things would make sense on how Hive actually works.


Did you read that?! Amazing. Hive never ceases to amaze me. This is the Utility Hive aims to provide and they are doing it well. I had questions while reading this though. So Hive adopted the DPoS(Delegated Proof of Stake) system. Even after reading the Whitepaper, I couldn't really understand what Proof Of Stake really is. Like the "Proof of" phrase, is it like a general term for something on different BlockChains? Because I seem to come across it a lot. Another question to my Crypto adults.

These are what I was able to fork from my lessons. Readthisplease promised that we'd have practicals in sharpening my research skills. Which means, he'd send me a coin and have me do my own research to see if it's good enough to invest in and then after all said and done, he'd let me know if I did well in my research or not.

I feel like I'm in school. Anything to build my success, I'm ready for it. Even if it means putting my head down to learn from scratch.

I am Deraa and this is my Crypto Journey.


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Using NFT's as tickets for gigs is a good idea and a great testing ground to be able to incorporate the technology in other areas.

And then I went ahead to my now favorite Crypto related YouTube channel and this guy just broke it all down for me in the best way possible. I'm going to be sharing a summary with you.

Making good research is very important before buying any token it is always advisable to read the white paper and case users, same with social media research concerning the projects. I will check out the video you shared probably I will be adding some research techniques to my tools thanks for sharing your ideas.

Yes. Thank you 😊

Still waiting to listen to your song though kindly check your discord 😥

Thank you for this and I am definitely saving it as one of my learning tools hehe. Seems everything is going digital and into the blockchain. It is exciting just thinking about the possibility of things. All the best on your learning and crypto journey!