in #hive-1679223 years ago

Circumstances lead people to making decisions contrary to what is expected of them. As children, we grow up with the doctrine that decisions are critical and not just decisions, good decisions. Just like a bad YES can destroy your life, a good NO can make you for life.

Understanding time and place is essential to our decision making skills. Whatever it is that requires our attention, is the time right? Sometimes, we give the thumbs up to the right things at the wrong time totally discombobulating the main reason or the purpose of the action in the first place.


I'll give an example. Let's go simple. An eighteen year old boy getting a seventeen year old girl pregnant. He at that moment would say the right thing to do is marry her and while it is, does that mean he should do it? If so, when? Giving the pressing circumstances, he would end up committing a blunder that is sure to haunt them both for life.

Another example. I have twenty thousand naira. I have rent to settle by February and my relative needs urgent cash which he promises to pay by the end of the month. Now, timing is what is important here and so is credibility. Sentiments in finance has wrecked a whole lot of people.

This is why people are advised to have multiple streams of income so as not to be caught off-guard. Planning can never be overemphasized and timing can not be talked about enough. Yesterday, I met with a lawyer(who happens to be my friend) and understood the value of Time and Planning.

For almost a month, I was seeking his attention because he is a successful man in his field and doesn't just attend to cases here in Nigeria, he's a world man. He was always busy and would apologize multiple times for the bounce. I couldn't fault him for it. I already had the privilege of having his personal number while others can't even get to him directly. With employees under him, running his own firm, I understood that it could take at least three months to set a proper appointment with him. However, after traveling to London for a case(he brought me almond nuts as a peace offering. I asked for it though.), we sat down yesterday to talk and this man spoke wisdom! He didn't talk much but every word of his was valuable. Even while we were together, his phone kept buzzing but he never made me feel too small. He was considerate and polite. Exactly thirty minutes later, after hearing what I wanted his help with, he offered to set up a date again within the week so we could talk more because apparently, He was impressed. He made a passing comment of how I don't talk my age and some other stuff.


At that moment when he looked at his watch, the inspiration for this post struck me. Let's just take it I didn't know this man personally. I may have never gotten to meet him or I would have had to plan three months ahead for about 30 minutes of his time.

The questions he asked me assured me that I was not as prepared as I thought I was. He was willing to help but at the price of clarity, specifics and total comprehensive focus. Just imagine if I walked the way I did into his office(or library where we actually met) and stuttered or gave half word answers or stared into space not sure of what my answer should be, (without knowing him of course) it would have been a disaster. I think he was soft with me when complimenting and then asking me questions I wasn't ready for. Why? So I could prepare myself for the next time we met. Because, Time is of the Essence.

After yesterday, I got to understand a lot of things. There are certain activities that require certain hands-on skills(planning). This also refers to our pockets. It still bewilders me how I could have lost something potentially good if I'd not been at least half way prepared. This is how we miss on a lot of opportunities.

We keep wishing for them, praying for them but then sit in our houses waiting for it to come and then it does. We loose it! I can't overemphasize how educative yesterday was for me. I got to understand why sometimes I loose more than I gain.

Frankly, the world only offers good money to the best in their field. There's always room for improvement and total change. We never stop learning. That's why I took Brian Tracy's advise of reading into my field for at least 15minutes everyday.

In this world we live in, Sentiments don't work but valuable content does. If you want to be successful, sacrifices aren't the only things you have to make. Timely, valuable decisions work hand in hand with your sacrifice. It's a total blob if you get it right today only to blow it over tomorrow!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is the best content I've seen so far this year.

Love it 👍

Thank you❤️

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