Paypal nearly got cancelled for adoption of new policy, here's why...

in #hive-1679222 years ago


Finance giant Paypal's new speculated proposed policy of fining users $2500 in damages for spreading misinformation on the internet was greeted with disgust on the part of the masses as google information shows that searches such as “cancel PayPal” and “delete PayPal” began to trend. Evidently, no one liked the idea of the new policy as many proceeded to delete their PayPal and sell their stocks which resulted in the company's stock going down after the update. The hashtag “PayPal canceled” began to trend on Twitter. Seeing the effects such information to fine users brought about, PayPal has since denied the implementation of the policy and claimed that the information distributed on the new policy contained incorrect information. How ironic

Certainly, everyone knows where such policy would eventually head to. It would result in other financial companies and corporations adopting such policies and taking your money if they don’t like what you say, it would result in a person losing all his financial earnings due to sanctions simply because they’re getting canceled on the internet. This Is a form of control no one wants to see or have to experience, not after the series of events that’s been happening to people over the world for simply expressing their thoughts and interests. No one likes misinformation, but in the same vein, no one likes such control.

The policy misfire was rigidly criticized, even David Marcus, the former Paypal president openly criticized the company for it on Twitter.

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