A Journey Through Challenges

in #hive-16792210 months ago

Challenges of Tribulation

In the vast landscape of life, we often find ourselves navigating through unexpected storms. Recently, my journey has taken an unforeseen turn, and it's important to address the challenges I've encountered along the way.

A Battle of Words

In the realm of online communities, particularly on Hive and Discord, I've faced a relentless barrage of accusations and slander directed towards me as an investor, not even a team member. For weeks on end, I've been subjected to a constant stream of negativity, an unfortunate consequence of being in the public eye.

A challenging path

The Toll on Mental Strength

Staying resilient in the face of adversity is a virtue often glorified, but it's crucial to acknowledge the toll such experiences can take on one's mental well-being. The incessant attacks have left me emotionally drained, and I've reached a point where preserving my own peace of mind takes precedence over engaging in futile battles.

Understanding the Choices of Others

To those who found it necessary to distance themselves from me during this tumultuous period, I extend my understanding. These are not battles that others should be forced to fight, nor should my struggles impede the progress of projects or collaborations.

The Silence of the Many

In the absence of a collective voice against bullying, our community inadvertently showcases its vulnerability to the influence of powerful figures. It is disheartening to witness the resilience of a community weakened by the actions of a few.

Moving Forward

In light of these challenges, I have made the decision to reevaluate my positions within the Hive ecosystem. While I have invested time and effort into various assets, recent events have prompted me to reconsider my commitments.

A Shift in Focus

Moving forward, I plan to divest from most Hive assets, retaining only those tied to the LEO and LVL communities. This decision is not only a financial strategy but a symbolic gesture against those who have chosen to support the instigators of this turmoil.

As I embark on this recalibration of my journey, I hope to find solace and a renewed sense of purpose. To those who have stood by me during these trying times, I am grateful for your unwavering support. Let this serve as a testament to the strength that lies in unity, kindness, and understanding.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Best regards,

Troy G

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

P.S. help is appreciated against bullying and sabotage, showing the world it is ok to destroy an entire project and thousands of holders assets on Hive will not help us grow


This is a perfectly understandable decision. It's unfortunate that personal vendettas are causing such blatant misuse of stake power and toxicity of words. I sympathize and empathize with this, as I had experienced both in a prior iteration of the project I'm currently running - ironically, when financial incentives were not even a factor!

Take the time you require for yourself. It's painful to see something you've worked on for years torn down. For what it's worth, you'll have my emotional support.

I hope that anyone who sees this understands that it doesn't cost anything to be kind to another human being. The cost of cruelty is far higher than that of kindness.

Thank you, means alot !PIMP

Remember, that when you start making enemies, that's when you know you're truly successful.
Ignore the haters and keep doing what you're good at.

To this day Hive community is the most wholesome and sweet community I have been apart of, though that's not saying much as I've not really been apart of many communities for such a long period of time.

Thanks !PIMP

The greatest insult you can give any bully is to ignore them, and to succeed despite them.

True yet a coordinated attack destroying an entire project shows the world a bad side of Hive. They are sabotaging thousands of holders...