First goal achieved: Now earning $100 HBD per month on interest

in #hive-1679223 years ago

I have been putting together a game plan, a game plan of goals.

Here is my first goal achieved: $10,000+ HBD locked away in savings:


At 12% apr that is 1200 HBD per year or 100 HBD per month. It's not quite enough to live on but hey, its a good start. When I got started here in Colombia we were living on less sometimes.

One of the most important things is to make a plan so that never happens again.

One of the strategies that I have been thinking a lot about lately is the relationship between HIVE and HBD. As our beloved HBD continues to mature, it is up to us HIVE users to actually use it to our advantage. The more people use it, the more useful it becomes at its task, which is to suck value into the ecosystem.

Of course, we need an AMM internal market like @edicted says.... but I will keep poking until it happens, even if I am just poking @edicted.

I also store some HBD in the BUSD:HBD pool - this pool is a very important one for stabilizing the HBD, in my opinion. I have written a proposal to help fund this mechanism, I am preparing to post it in the near future.


I have just over 4500 stable dollars in this pool, but this one is paying 19.7% apr. Quite a savings account rate if you ask me! Although this one does not pay in dollars, but in BXT token, which depends on BXT price which depends on the BeeSwap fees that are being collected from the convert function

Now I actually think stable coins are going to be a big part of the future of finance. Far from being the death of the US dollar, I think crypto is what is going to save the US dollar.

Its not that I like the US dollar, it is what it is, a late stage empire fiat program - but its deeply engrained in the world system and I don't think that's going to stop, at least not as fast as some people would speculate.

For that reason I would like to continue my stable accumulation goals.

Token Goal 1 for 2022: Amass 100,000 stable tokens.

At 12% now we are talking about $1000 per month and this is something that could be a pension for a long long time! And it still gives me the freedom to move it into something different at such a time when the USD dollar is less relevant to my life.

The other things that is relevant to my life and my projects is HIVE.

I have just over 50,000 hive power right now, and I would like to increase that as well to 100,000. One day maybe I will even be a whale, but for now, step wise is the way to go.

Token Goal 2 for 2022: Amass 100,000 Hive Power

I think both of these goals are achievable this year, on a personal level.

I am also managing the @ecobanker account, which is part of the ECOBANK project. I have committed 45% of my author payouts on all my posts as a form of beneficiary, and I am happy to see that it continues to grow.

For it I am both saving the HBD stables as well as working to power up more HP, as well as LEO and ARCHON tokens.

With 770 HP and 180 LEO, I can set some goals to reach 2000 HP and 1000 LEO power this year. I also want to reach 500 staked ARCHON tokens on the account, because I have an idea that I might want to petition for, but I could always buy some because they are pretty cheap right now.

Speaking of cheap, I just bought enough LEO to have 5000 Leo Power!


I pulled the trigger on just over 4000 LEO while writing this post. Good luck everybody on your New Year's Financial and Token Goals.

Did you make a post about your goals? Link me in your comment :)

Freedom and Friendship


10k hbd is awesome!!! I hope you get to 100,000 hive power. That's a great benchmark. I can only imagine how that would feel. I hope you get there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

@ecoinstant! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
olympicdragon tipped ecoinstant (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 88 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

This is really awesome and a great achievement in the blockchain.

Amazing! I just hit my first milestone this week at the $1k HBD mark. Wonderful job man! Here is to another year of prosperity!

I post a weekly post on goals both on and off chain and my progress towards completing them.

I really need to do a lot more on Hive. Since I started working for Splinterlands, my blogging has dropped off somewhat.

But having a strategy like this is cool and 12% APR is amazing. Have you ever looked at what interest rates your FIAT bank accounts are offering for term deposits?
They're a joke!

Keep going

Just wondering, what is the better option to you: diesel pool or the HBD savings? I just decided that the Savings is a lot less stressful and I don't have to worry about APR dropping on BXT or the pools.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I agree, both have pros and cons but I like the simplicity of getting paid in dollar token maybe twice as much 😅


That's an important milestone! It's going to take me a while but I hope to get there someday.

Also, looking forward to the ECOBANK sale

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Mi meta de este año es lograr 5000 HP, 5000 LP, 10 LUNA en staking y 1 Billón de SHIB

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Muy buenas metas!!

Looking good! Keep adding to it, I know the value can't grow in terms of token appreciation but over time it definitely can make for some decent passive income.

Besides, who knows where you may be in the next two to three years!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, I am blown away 100HBD monthly is excellent. All you need to do is nothing and it happens each and every month.
Wonder where you will be financially in 2 to 5 years?

Building the future I want to see! Thank you for your comment.

That is the best answer 👍 In fact I liked your answer so much I started following you. 😀

Wow, such an inspiring post. I really loved reading ur goals and I can feel the motivation behind them 😻. I think I might start writing more of these in the nearest future (at least when I develop a less fickle-minded approach towards goals xD), but I'm learning a great deal from you.

question: who could I delegate my VYB to? 🤷‍♂️

I am not sure! Let me know if you find out!

Congratulations. That's some milestone you achieved. I intend to get there someday. Best wishes on hitting your other goals

Good stuff right there.
A plan is first step.
Stay course is second.
Hope for the best.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You definitely have big goals friends

Earning 100 Hbd per month doing nothing is not that bad

Its wonderful!

Awesome milestone and some nice goals. The passive HBD is a real game changer! The 12% is nice to break round numbers into monthly numbers too.

100K HBD is good. With the returns that we have right now, 1000 HBD a month would be a decent income. I myself is amassing HBD rewards to send into the savings chasing those rewards. The more mature I am getting into crypto space, the more I am realizing the importance of having non-eroding stable coin. I missed being early on Hive but I would like to be early with HBD use.

I do have some stables with good interests in centralised platforms, but starting to be more serious about stacking HBD here. As you say, a game plan is needed; still working on mine, but hbd will play a part in it for sure. Good luck with those goals!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's great news I'm so happy for you. All my followers you definitely one of the most hard working person. I'm only have staked 96 HP but I not a good writer !


This is awesome and very inspiring! hope you make it to 100,000HP and 10,000 HBD I'll be watching and cheering you on :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @ecoinstant, here is a little bit of BEER from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Agree that 100k on both hive and HBD is a worth while goal for 2022. Don’t forget the security of locking the funds behind power down time locks, this alone will put off most hackers.

Very solid thinking, the BeeSwap is a powerful tool after all. That crazy Gerber really created something there. I‘ve entered some pools as well, because it makes a lot of sense.

Wow, this is great. I can actually make a simple living in my country if I get 1000$ per month. My goal is also something similar to make 100k HBD in total. I'm definitely not sure if it can happen this year but probably a couple of more years.

Good luck with your goals. Let us all grow together. Cheers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats on the LEO purchase! I just bought a bunch myself.

Yes, I've been thinking about the HBD as well. I have GOT to get some stashed away. I just wrote a goals post myself about trying to get to $25k in the next year. Starting from scratch, it's going to be tough but....that's what goals are for, right? :-)

By the way, not sure if you've noticed or are interested, but LBI is on a big sale right now. Someone is trying to unload a bunch and the price is actually less than 1 LEO. The assets inside of it are worth over 1.6 LEO so you can get it for almost half price. It is NOT liquid, as is evidenced by the fact that whoever is selling has to do it at these low levels. But if you're looking long term, it pays a nice LEO dividend every week and the goal is to grow it at a minimum of 20% per year. It grew 60% in year one. Just thought I'd mention it. I bought another little chunk of it last night...

Anyway, congrats on your success and good luck on your goals. I have no doubt you'll achieve them, probably sooner than you think. See you around...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice tip, just bought them all 👀😅

I agree with you. For me, I am trying to get to the 100 HBD per month level. Hopefully I can make it in the next month or two.

You are right, it isnt anything that most can live on but it does help a great deal. This also helps the platform to grow the HBD.

Glad you are giving it some more focus. We need more articles like this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is really awesome I must say, I hope I get to this level, many things will surely change

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta