3Speak LARYNX Miner Airdrop Tomorrow

in #hive-1679223 years ago


So the first round of LARYNX miner tokens goes out tomorrow,
but who is Lary and why is he non-expendable?

This airdrop is split into 12 claims, one for each month.

What are LARYNX miners?

Burning LARYNX tokens for mining results in the tokens being permanently locked into accounts from which they cannot be withdrawn.

If you actually want to mine they get locked permanently.
From a logical point of view, doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Physical miners could be sold whenever someone wants.
From a game-theory perspective, it's good to lock them to avoid scalpers.

The more LARYNX burned for mining, the more profitable/efficient the mining becomes.

Again, from a logical point of view, miners don't become more efficient in bulk. Although buying power in bulk might get you a discount and other things in bulk can increase efficiency in the real world, LARYNX mimics this by rewarding heavy purchases. Again, this mechanic will certainly create demand and a volatile market as users attempt to discover the price of these things.

The only way SPK Governance tokens can be earned is by staking LARYNX Miner tokens and running SPK Network Peer to Peer infrastructure nodes.

The grammatical error here makes it extremely confusing. There should be a comma before the 'and'. There are two ways to earn SPK, you don't have to do both of these things at the same time to earn SPK. SPK will be the governance token... so it will be pretty damn important in many circumstances. Still, I have to wonder if people are going to go apeshit on the miners and then dump the SPK they mine trying to recover the loss at the beginning.

Should be a pretty weird price discovery phase with a lot of volatility all around. If I can buy SPK directly for cheap because the draw of passive income jacked up the price of the miners... that'll def be the way to go. We'll see I guess. SPK is deflationary so calculating total ownership of the network shouldn't be that hard.

Sending HIVE to the SIP (Service Infrastructure Pool) - a percentage of the HIVE is auto sold for SPK, and a percentage is sold for BROCA. These currencies are then respectively staked into the SPK-HIVE BROCA-HIVE and SPK-BROCA Liquidity pool pairs in the SIP permanently. The HIVE is exchanged using Auto Market Makers in the liquidity pools above.

So this is pretty crazy to hear...

Because if I recall correctly BROCA is the gas token... and it can be farmed automatically by staking SPK tokens... confirmed on https://spk.network/

Staked SPK regenerates BROCA over time. Broca then can be exchanged for services on the network

Considering this is a network that requires massive storage needs and financially incentivizes participation in the IPFS protocol (decentralized storage)... having SPK is going to be really important. Again, I think many people will gravitate towards the passive income of miners and probably be dumping a lot of SPK... which in turn could be staked for even more passive income with the actual bandwidth token. It's all very strange and we'll have to see it in action to know what strategy is best.

So this is pretty crazy to hear... part 2

Got sidetracked there.

What I actually meant to say is that it's crazy to hear that there will be TWO BROCA liquidity pools; BROCA/SPK and BROCA/HIVE. That's pretty wild because that's not how we think of resource credits at all on Hive, even though BROCA has been compared to RCs a dozen times. There will actually be two liquidity pools right off the bat and they will be worth money immediately (because decentralized storage is no joke).

Also I was surprised to hear that one way to buy these things is to pump the SIP with Hive, getting both SPK and BROCA at the same time. Hive that enters the SIP is a PERMANENT bonding situation, and there is no way to get the Hive back out (short of dumping SPK or BROCA for it in the LP). Still, it seems like the way it's setup creates a blackhole for Hive that guarantees quite a bit of coins will be sucked into there.

Each year, the relative mining efficiency of old versions of LARYNX Miner Tokens drops slightly in order to mimic the relative efficiency improvement to the latest physical mining rigs in the real world. This creates a continuous demand for the latest LARYNX tokens and encourages additional permanent staking into the SIP.

Another interesting mechanic...

Creating demand and outdating the people that got their first.
Seems like a good move.


So basically yeah LARYNX is a miner token... airdropped to all Hive holders. The way they interact with the system as a whole is pretty interesting. We'll have to see it in action to know for sure. I'll see you all at the airdrop claim tomorrow. Soon has become now. Tune in for more details.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


good news

Brain asplodes. Where’s a paint by numbers explanation of how to claim?

I don't even know how to claim... i opened up the testnet and did a test custom JSON but...
yeah i'll let you know tomorrow

I'm excited for this project, but also find it very complicated. I find bridges, defi, and liquidity pools easier to understand.

Anyhow, I'll show up at the party and hopefully it will be clear how to claim the things and what to do with the things! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for going through details (and commas). Saved me good time :) Looking forward for tomorrow...


thanks for the reminder!

I hope I get airdrop

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

To be honest, it's a bit too complicated and confusing, even for crypto enthusiasts, I think the idea is great (incentivizing decentralized video storage), but having 3 tokens, plus running on a different sidechain, not Hive-Engine, is a bit too confusing. Not clear what staking LARYNX does, what software to run, etc.

WEN Trachea Token ?

I think it’s pretty cool that the tokens age over time so that people can’t sit on old stake and keep getting top payouts if someone comes in and gets new ones in large quantities they could get better like the old computer analogy.

Yep, after reading this post, I think this comment reply is the bottom line:

es the complexity is quite overbearing, but the incentives are pretty smart and if there is money to be made... what is essentially happening here is that SPK will be paying us to learn and navigate this complexity... and this 'job' might pay pretty damn well


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I never fully understood the tokenomics of 3Speak Network.... I guess I'll have to go through the documentation again

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have been a little out of the Hive loop for several weeks. Will the larynx miners be stakable tomorrow? Phrased another way, does the SPK network go live tomorrow or is that a ways off and tomorrow is just another step.

meh fuck if i know... it looks like not though.
claim is tomorrow... and they will be tradable the next day...
still not sure if they can be staked when market opens on monday

at least it’s progress I guess. Thanks

I just woke up. I see I can claim this LARYNX, but I have no idea if I should mine with it or sell it. I suppose I'll mine it. I have no idea how to sell it anyway. I barely understand the rest of the things they offer, the SPK and these pools. Hmmm. I look forward to your next post. Hope that can clear things up a little for me.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

apparently I was wrong and you actually do have to run a node to mine SPK tokens

This ain't your daddy's airdrop, that's for sure. Lots of moving pieces. I'll definitely be tuning into the Discord tomorrow to hear how it all works. And then, of course, I'll wait for your interpretation so I might have a chance of understanding what they told me...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm still trying to understand the mechanics behind the Larynx miners and what I should do with them. The only way to put them at work is to stake them and earn SPK, right? All that while you cannot do any trading on the miners while doing so as they get locked forever...?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sounds fairly complicated but it seems like I won't lose out if I decide to stake the miners. From there I can choose to either stake the SPK to get BROCA or whatever I feel like doing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

airdropped to all Hive holders

Interesting, everyone will get to enjoy this particular airdrop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is a lot of information to consume on this topic.
Oh well, looking forward to how it all pans out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There's still a good bit of confusing unkowns for me at the moment on all of this. Every time I read over things and think I have it there's another thing thrown in that makes you go hmm. The complexity of this might be what ultimately kills this but I'm hoping once everything gets launched and we start using it it will start to be common sense and not confusing.

yes the complexity is quite overbearing, but the incentives are pretty smart and if there is money to be made... what is essentially happening here is that SPK will be paying us to learn and navigate this complexity... and this 'job' might pay pretty damn well. I'm here for it.

Most of this complexity is outsourced to advanced users.
Actually using the platform and posting videos and shit will be much easier.
Also people who know Hive will likely find the learning curve far more tolerable.


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This might get a little weird

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