Snow Day

in #hive-1679229 months ago


This is my third winter in Pennsylvania and I'm told that they've been uncharacteristically mild as of late. Last year barely snowed at all. I'm fairly certain I didn't even step foot in it while at home. Of course my holiday visits to Rochester are a completely different matter entirely. Apparently there's a thing called lake-effect...

Lake Effect snow occurs when cold air, often originating from Canada, moves across the open waters of the Great Lakes. As the cold air passes over the unfrozen and relatively warm waters of the Great Lakes, warmth and moisture are transferred into the lowest portion of the atmosphere.

Yeah so when you're next to the Great Lakes a lot of the time it feels like snow is just dumping sideways, which is a new thing to personally experience. In any case it just snowed pretty hard in the small mountain town where I live, located an hour away from New York city. Something like 8 inches in one afternoon. Ski resorts rejoice! I always thought I'd end up in some small mountain town with a tourist economy, and here I am. And it all happened completely randomly and pretty much beyond my control. Weird how that happens.

Just another day in the Poconos

When we tell people that we moved here from California, most of the locals that live here are absolutely baffled by it; Like it's some kind of huge downgrade and travesty. "Why would you do that!?!" The glorification of Hollywood and otherwise greener pastures is a helluva drug. Yes well, I've been to LA, many times, and I can say first hand that it's an overpriced smog-ridden cesspool. Hard pass.

High population areas are the worst.

The people are entitled and rude. Everything is crowded. 90% of the cars on the road drive like they're actively shooting up steroids. I really do believe there is a certain madness that consumes the mind when too many people are in one place. Not a fan.


I remember as I kid I really liked the snow and quite a few people tried to tell me I wouldn't like it if I had to live with it. Ah yes well it's been three years so I guess I was right and they were wrong yet again. Much like humidity, snow doesn't bother me one bit. In fact the second it snowed the other day I immediately felt better just in general. I'm thinking this likely has something to do with the exponential increase of light that gets reflected around. Days can go from dark and dreary to completely lit up.


When we first moved here we thought we might have to buy a car that was more suitable for such weather. All wheel drive? Snow tires maybe? Turns out this was 100% false. The ground is constantly salted and plowed and the roads themselves are almost never treacherous. I suppose this certainly isn't true for the entire state (or backroads) but it's fine where I live. Sometimes I wonder how much it all costs. Seems like everyone and their mother owns a pickup truck with a plow attached to it when winter rolls around.


It's amazing just how covered a car can get in a short amount of time when the roads are salted. Salt is a relatively corrosive substance and causes metal to rust a lot faster than it normally would. The upside is that it keeps the road from freezing down to a temperature of 2-20 degrees Fahrenheit (depending on solution density). Seeing as the coldest it gets around here is something like 18°F it tends to be a somewhat perfect solution with little inconvenience (more car washes).


Another thing I like about living in a low population tourist destination is that I don't see cops very often, and when I do they aren't bothering me. There are way too many rich jackasses from out of town doing stupid shit for locals to get on the radar. It's a nice thing when the local government isn't financially incentivized to fine you and generate revenue from the people they're supposed to be "serving and protecting". Let that out of town New Yorker in the sports car take all the heat. Damn yankees.

Ski Resort

I used to snowboard whenever I got the chance back in the day but never got back into it. Still own a board and haven't used it in 10+ years. Probably needs maintenance. Apparently my girlfriend used to be pretty good at it (way better than me) but doesn't even attempt such things anymore after having wrecked knees from playing soccer competitively for so long. Too bad so sad.

I did go to a ski resort in the summer that had been repurposed for another function 6 months ago. What I saw actually baffled me. I don't think the slopes here are actually that good, but don't quote me on that. That may be one of the things that California is superior at: insane mountain ranges caused by the fault-lines.


Life is good and it's nice to be reminded of that from time to time.


Life is good and it's nice to be reminded of that from time to time -
Life's twists from a challenging weather to the simple joys around you are beautifully captured in this post of yours . It's indeed refreshing to pause and appreciate life's goodness amidst everyday observations. Thanks for sharing this reflective moment!

I am further north, about 339 miles (ca. 546 km). Here the snowfall has been over 12 inches (ca. 30 cm) and is expected to reach or exceed 15 tonight, with temperatures of 25 °F (ca. -4 degree Celsius). We'll see how the sun rises, god willing I'll be uploading warm images.

Last year I left salt staying on my car for too much. Not gonna repeat the same experience this winter. If I ever get to give this car a fresh new paint I'll have to change the doors and the trunk door cuz of rust.

Lucky you, you got a job now because of all the snow. You cleaned the alley, I see... How much do they pay over there?

You're getting rich, right?

it's painful that we don't have snow in Africa, would have loved to play in them everyday

Good one there

Over here in Nigeria there is nothing snow. Sometimes I wish I can have feel of what it looks like😔, if must certainly be beautiful.

I love the part where you proved them wrong by liking the snow area even better when you had to live with it, makes me feel more optimistic about my thought on also liking the snow when I get to feel it some day, just like you, I've been told I won't, well let's wait and see how I prove them wrong some day too.

I went skiing in the Poconos on a family vacation when I was 17 or 18. I was on the high end of intermediate or the low end of expert. Hot stuff, in my mind anyway. My dad hadn’t been on skis for at least twenty years but decided to rent a pair. So of course I challenged him to a race to the bottom. He smoked me. I hadn’t factored in that he’d grown up in Norway and had learned to ski at about the same time as he learned to walk.

For some reason I was thinking you were further south. I don't feel like we get as much snow as we used to in Michigan when I was a kid. I feel like the line has moved further south. We tend to get more cold temperatures and not as much snow. We are finally just getting our first significant snow of the season today. It's not really sticking though because the temps are right around freezing. Roads on the other hand can be a bit dicey sometimes. It sounds like they do a pretty good job where you live. It's not always the case here...

We are supposed to hit -9 tonight so I kranked the heating up a notch. There is nothing like feeling nice and warm when its cold as hell outside!

I think there is something about the fresh, crisp air when it is snowing and maybe the air pressure is more balanced which helps give that good feeling.

It has been snowing all day here in Wisconsin. We aren't getting as much as they were predicting, but I've got enough and will be sending it along to you! 😁


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8 inch in an afternoon 😱 You've turned this awful situation into an interesting experience with your wonderful writing - Bravo! - and again, BROVO! that you are really enjoying it.


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Beautiful post.
I have not experienced a snowy environment ever.

I think you liked it when you were small maybe because you never realized it was this cold since you were provided with almost everything to make you a bit hot
But now, adulthood has changed so many things…

It's the snow photo that attracted me here.
I love snow so much and wishes to be in a snowy country one day🥰

Living in a small mountain town must be so relaxing. I've always said that when I'll find a stable and full-time remote job I'd go for one of those towns away from crowded places and lots of people. Too bad though that winters are not as they used to and it seems like with each passing year the season loses its magic more and more.