Activity on the Hive chain remains a major topic of concern for most people. We don't have the numbers yet, and even for the numbers we have the activity leaves a lot to be desired. A lot of us would like to see major changes in the level of activity that we're currently seeing and keeping following closely with the hope that things take a dramatic turn for the better in the future.
That said I think credit needs to be given where it is due. There are those who have remained very active through the years and have been unrelenting in their desire to see the platform grow. I discovered another group recently where daily activity is encouraged and the group has an expansion target of 100 people. I think there are certainly benefits to trying to impact things at a micro level. We have survived this long as a result of micro level impacts by Hive users on the chain.
For instance when the going gets really tough on the value of the token, we see internal rallies by those who hold the chain in High esteem. It is part of the reasons why some of us remain quite confident in the long term prospects of the platform. As long as there are a significant number of people who are active and committed to the chain there is simply no way it would fizzle out. I think more importantly, as long as we have this there is always hope for growth.
Also, there is the rewards aspect for deciding to remain an active participant on the chain. It is a proven formula. For newcomers and old alike, activity is one way to be seen, gain influence and earn potential Hive tokens. It is fascinating when I see established users on platforms like YouTube still churning out content on a regular basis and looking for ways to improve. How much more a platform that is still very much finding its feet. We have quite some ways to go but we certainly can achieve the level of prominence that we want. There's hope as long as we choose to remain active.