We are a very reactionary species. I saw a post talking about how BTC likely reacted to the Iran attacks on Israel and how it quickly eroded some capital from the markets. That said, things seem to have rather quickly corrected themselves was far as Bitcoin is concerned. Yet the reactionary trend is something that affects more than Just crypto. We have a situation where original thoughts and actions are way too slow to comprehend, so people simply opt for reactions.
Take for instance the fact that reaction content in form of Videos is fast becoming a big trend on social media. I've literally come across YouTube videos where the content owner did nothing more than laugh and make funny faces to the content that he was reacting to. That and a few words chipped in here and there apparently becomes great entertainment, especially if we are to go by the number of views the video attracts. Such is the nature of what has become such a big trend these days.
One can say we are in a reaction economy. I mean if you look at everything from business to the political landscape one can attest to that. There are quite a few benefits of being someone who reacts that taking original action, as it requires significantly less effort and much less scrutiny. One doesn't even have to be original to react to an original idea or action. It is definitely worth noting, as less effort with the same results is something that appeals to us a humans. We are wired to seek the easy way out to many things, and am not surprised that more people are leveraging on the reaction economy.