I used to wonder how people lose attraction for one another until recently. I've had some recent happenings that have cleared the air on that side of things. It isn't the stark revelation I thought it would be, but it isn't as troubling either that it is entirely possible to find something quite appealing one minute and unattractive the next.
Of course this doesn't just happen by chance. There are a couple of contributory factors that add up over the course of time. There is also the case of misjudging what is right in front of us and misrepresenting facts. One thing I know though is that something's doesn't simply become unattractive by chance rather it is made so by selected action.
Frustration is a big contributor to this. Like it or not we sometimes carry certain expectations when something appeals to us on what it could potentially deliver. When those expectations are not met, the attraction naturally withers. The big question of course is whether it is fair in the first place to carry such expectations or attach them as part of what attracts us.
What I do know is that attraction isn't a given. It certainly doesn't come from thin air and there are requirements to sustain it over the course of time. Of course some expectations are more realistic than others, but generally there is a price to pay for being attractive. I believe walking in that consciousness might help some of us. We do have to put in quite a bit of effort so we don't lose our spark.