Feeling a little sad about starting the new work week

in #hive-16792210 months ago


This new start to the week is full of positive thoughts, I want to first thank a special person whose dedication I have observed here in Hive, in the #inleo community for inviting me @meraki7578 for inviting you to the #freecompliments community.

This opportunity is the topic to discuss is how sometimes it doesn't happen that we see Monday or sad, stress or anxiety, I would like to know in the comments if it has happened to you, what has been your way of motivating yourself.


When this feeling comes to our life, seeing how Monday arrives again, the least you want is to get out of your bed, because you feel again that you are going to be doing the same thing, since your work has become part of a mechanized routine, It is something that you already do remotely, it is not because you are passionate about it or you like it, or you had a disappointment along the way.

This experience happened to me, of feeling Monday as the worst thing that came to my day every week, when Fridays arrived I felt my freedom. When you are in a job that you like, or that there are factors that motivate you to get ahead, you will not feel it as a burden.

Here in Venezuela we are going through an economic situation of Hyperinflation, where you see in less than an hour your poor fortnight goes by hours, they are not unnecessary expenses, but it is the basics of the home, sometimes it can put an extra taste of food, because if not you are stopping shopping for the pantry.

This is a detrimental factor in the life that every Venezuelan lives, but despite these great difficulties they say how Venezuelans move forward, how we have that good charisma and share a beautiful smile.

The Venezuelan has always been characterized by that good heart full of love and personality to move forward, several here have an extra job that helps you half cover your day-to-day expenses.

I wanted to tell you a brief summary of what the Venezuelan is like, because it is something that we are born with that even if we feel that our world is collapsing, we continue forward with a positive mind, I cannot deny that it has happened to me to throw in the towel, to get depressed on a Monday. , but I confess something to open my eyes to feel like this, I do the following:

  • I take three deep breaths.

  • I begin by thanking God for this new day that he has given me to live, for every experience that I will have in my life.

  • I repeat positive thoughts in my mind that make me get up and forget that it is an unpleasant Monday. Home, hey champion, get up from that bed, it's a new day that God gives you, let's not waste it in a bed regretting, or making our day bitter by starting a new week.

  • Then I take a warm bath while listening to my favorite music, the one that lifts your spirits and makes your body start producing the hormone of happiness.

  • I am grateful for the breakfast that my God gives me.

  • I get dressed and put on makeup, I talk to the other person in the mirror, I send her beautiful compliments saying you are beautiful and intelligent, this will be a great day.

  • When leaving my home I ask God to watch my steps, give me the wisdom to achieve my goals.

This is what I do when I feel that my week is starting, that it is going to affect me.


When you thank God, the universe or life, whether it is a religion or not, you don't know how beautiful it is to be grateful. Just because you are religious, you don't want to be grateful. It is something so beautiful because you are seeing in your mind the good that life has for you, you are initiated with a positive mentality that will make you not see the bad.

Breathing helps our body a lot to nourish it with good oxygen, it must make it deep and fill your lungs so that your diaphragm grows, see how relaxed your body feels if you have it tense just knowing that it is Monday.

By thinking positive thoughts, you are nourishing your mind with Adrenaline, a Dopamine hormone that makes your body feel happy. There are studies that positive thoughts help our body, I will soon make a post on this topic.

  • The warm water bath and music, or listening to good positive audio will help everything bad in you to be completely from your brain.

  • Always praising yourself before leaving your home in front of the mirror will make you have high self-esteem.

All this together will make your day the best and excellent you will have, there will be nothing that can change your life and your good attitude.

I hope you liked my post plan to change that sad start to the week.


Este nuevo inicio de semana este lleno de pensamientos positivos, quiero agradecer primero a una persona especial que he observado su dedicacion aqui en Hive, en la comunidad #inleo por invitarme @meraki7578 por invitarte a la comunidad de #cumplidosgratuitos.

Es esta oportunidad el tema a tratar es como a veces no sucede que vemos el lunes o triste, estres p ansiedad, me gustaria saber en lo comentarios si te ha sucedido,cual ha sido tu forma de motivarte.


Cuando este sentimiento nos llega a nuestra vida, ver como llega de nuevo el lunes lo menos que desea es salir de tu cama, porque siente de nuevo que vas a estar haciendo lo mismo, ya tu trabajo se convirtio de parte de una rutina mecanizada, es algo que ya realiza de forma remota, no es porque te apasiona o te gusta, o tuviste una decepcion en el camino.

A mi me sucedio esta vivencia, de sentir el lunes como lo peor que llegaba a mi dia cada semana, cuando llegaba los viernes sentia mi libertad. Cuando estas en un trabajo que te gusta, o que existen factores que te motiven a salir adelante, no lo sentiras como una carga.

Aqui en Venezuela se esta pasando por una situacion economica de una Hiperinflacion, en donde vez como en menos de una hora tu pobre quincena se va en horas, no son de gastos inecesarios, sino que es lo basico del hogar, a veces o puede meter un gusto extra de comida, porque si no estas dejando de comprar para la despensa.

Esto un factor perjudicial en la vida que vive cada Venezolano, pero a pesar de estas grandes dificultades dicen como los venezolanos seguimos adelante, como tenemos esa buena carisma y compartir una hermosa sonrisa.

El venezolano siempre se ha carectizado por ese buen corazon lleno de amor y personalidad de seguir adelante, varios aqui tiene un trabajo extra que te ayuda a medio cubrir los gastos de tu dia a dia.

Te quise hablar un pequeño resumen de como es el venezolano, porque es algo con que nacemos que aunque sintamos que nuestro mundo se derrumbe seguimos adelante con mente positiva, no te puedo negar que si me ha sucedido en tirar la toalla, en deprimirme un lunes, pero te confieso algo a abrir mis ojos sentirme asi hago lo siguiente:

  • Realizo tres respiraciones profundas.

  • Inicio agradeciendo a Dios por este nuevo dia que me esta brindado vivir, por cada experiencia que tendre en mi vida.

  • Repito en mi mentes pensamientos positivo que me hagan levantar y olvidar que es un lunes no agradable. Inicio oye campeona levantate de esa cama es un nuevo dia que Dios te regala, no lo desperdiciemo en una cama lamentando, o amargando nuestro dia por iniciar una nueva semana.

  • Luego me doy un baño de agua tibia mientras escuco mi musica preferida, esa que te levanta el animo y hace que tu cuerpo inicie a producir la hormona de la felicidad.

  • Agradezco por el desayuno que mi Dios me brinda.

  • Me visto y maquillo, le hablo a la otra que esta en el espejo, le envio hermosos elegios diciendo eres guapa e inteligente este sera un gran dia.

  • Al salir de mi hogar pido a Dios que cuide mi pasos, me brinde la sabiduria para cumplir mis metas.

Esto lo que realizo cuando siento que inicia mi semana, que me valla afectar.


Cuando agradece sea a Dios, al universo o a la vida sea una religion o no, no sabe lo hermoso que agradecer no es porque sea religioso no agradezca. Es algo tan bonito porque estas viendo en tu mente lo bueno que tiene la vida para ti, estas iniciado con una mentalidad positiva que te hara no ver lo malo.

Las respiraciones ayua mucho a nuestro cuerpo a nutrirlo de un buen oxigeno debe hacerlo profundo llenar tus pulmones que ese diagfragma cresca verz como siente tu cuerpo relajado si lo tienes tenso por solo saber que ya es lunes.

A realizar pensamientos positivo estas nutriendo tu mente de Adrenalina, Dopamina hormona que hace que tu cuerpor se sientas, feliz. Existe estudios ue los pensamientos positivo ayuda a nuestro cuerpo, ponto realizare un post sobre este tema.

  • El baño de agua tibia y la musica, o escuchar audio de buen positivo ayudara que todo lo malo ya en ti este completamente de tu cerebro.

  • El elogiarte siempre ante de salir de tu hogar frente al espejo hara que tenga un autoestima alto.

Todo esto unido hara que tu dia sea el mejor y excelente que tendras, que no existira nada ue pueda cambiar tu vida y tu buena actitud.

Espero que te alla gustado mi post plan por cambiar ese inicio de semana triste.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Thank you @enamouredsoul for joining and creating a beautiful post.
I welcome you aboard. Please feel free to ask about anything regarding the community.

Keep posting, supporting and complimenting.


Well, it is a reality that happens very often in our lives. But we must always keep in mind that a positive mind helps to get ahead. #freecompliments

You always got the opportunity to take my free secrets of high class which teaches you how to make more and invest in your hive account. I'm doing really well and I love to share this information with others.

Hopefully that would be able to provide you an income and some stability.

Part one is teaching people how to automate their account.

Part two is teaching people how to trade and the basics...

And part 3 is teaching diesel pool investments. As well as also teaching people where to find the interest return rates so you can either know how much you're getting rewarded for supporting specific communities... As well as how to make more on money you've already got!

Excellent post. I think more people from Venezuela are going to be investing in this blockchain.

It really does help that is for sure!


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