Getting Ready To Earn While Nomading

in #hive-1679223 years ago

Life is changing with breakneck speed and we have two choices. One, to adapt and make the most of it, or be left behind. The last two years have been awful for several reasons, but there's something good about it as well. Working remotely has become the new normal and that's not a bad thing.

I remember in March 2020, when all hell broke loose due to covid, many people were forced to work from home, shops were urging people to pay using their credit/debit cards, which led to transactions lagging a lot. The whole thing lasted a couple of days, after which things got normalized.


Internet service providers realized early the need for better services, where it was the case. Urban areas are usually in a good position in Romania as everyone has internet, except a part of the elderly category, those who can't keep up with fast development anymore. Rural areas also have internet, but the number of users is obviously less. I'd like to believe the number is growing though year by year.

If you're able to work from home, it means you're able to work from anywhere basically. The only thing you need is internet. Before you traveling, when you want to book your accommodation, WiFi is among the details you're looking for. Nowadays every hotel, B&B, resort, motel, inn has internet as it is as important as having a bathroom. The problem starts when you check in, unpack your things and try to access the internet, you realize the signal is weak, the internet is lagging and you can barely open your emails or check your social media profile (if you have one), let alone do some work. This is the point where most of us get frustrated.


Get Your Secure Internet Connection

This is one of the reasons I'm getting my mobile internet for my laptop this month. The other reason is security. Since now I've been using my mobile internet on my phone while traveling, in places where the only option has been a WiFi I could not trust 100%. I know there are many users on this platform that own only a mobile phone and do everything using their phone, but I prefer my laptop for posting, charting and keeping an eye on my finances.

Using a public WiFi puts you at high risk, I would never trust such a connection with my finances. Capital preservation always comes first in my book and having my secure internet connection is a form of capital preservation. We say not your key, not your crypto but you can have your key and think you're secure, but not if you're using a public WiFi.

So last week I called my internet provider to see what are my options and was surprised to find out, I can get 50GB data per month for 2€/month. I need to mention that the cheapest pack of cigarettes are around 4€, or to have a better understanding of how much 2€ means in my country, here is another example, you can buy 5 bus tickets in the city. I think I could not get a better deal.

Now let's see is 50GB data enough for one month?

Yes, 50 GB would be able to support a professional working from home or a small family and is considered heavy usage. If you were to use 50 GB of data for a month what would it look like though? You could spend 2,500 hours browsing the internet which seems like a good many hours if that is mainly what you do. You could also stream music for 600 hours or have 400 apps downloaded. You could open and read 20,000 emails for your business if you are a professional who works at home. Or if you need to Skype the partners of your business then you could have 300 hours of Skype calls. If your family likes to watch movies then you could download 50 movies in SD for the month. Of course there will be a mix of all these options, but there are many activities you could do with 50 GB a month. The activities that will take up the most data is gaming online and streaming movies and shows on high settings. If you are worried about going over your data cap then you may want to watch how often you do these activities or do them during low volume times. source

I don't do gaming, nor streaming, so you can imagine 50GB is more than enough for me.

Having my own internet on my laptop is a huge advantage for me. I can continue what I do daily even when I'm traveling. With a volatile market we're having lately, it' important to have access to your wallets so you don't miss out.


Business Opportunity For The Hotel Industry

With all the changes we've been having lately, tourism is not what it was once. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Up until recently, vacation for many families meant one week, two weeks travel as holidays were short. Now kids can do classes through Zoom in some cases, which means the only thing that matters is the internet connection. Some parents can work remotely as well. This means reservations can be for longer periods.


Offers have to be adjusted to these needs, also in some cases redesigning is also needed. Having one bed, a nightstand and a wardrobe in your hotel room may not be enough anymore. You need a desk and a reliable internet connection. This will be key in the future. There's no middle road here, adapt or die.

The hospitality industry took a big hit in the last two years, many businesses had to close their door forever and we're not out of the woods yet. We don't know what's going to happen this year. Travel restrictions are still in place in some countries but indigenous traveling is possible.

Crypto nomads can already work from wherever they want. Some are well off, can afford luxury accommodations, but there are plenty, who will still travel on a tight budget. Renting out a place for three months means steady income for the owners, better than waiting and hoping for one week or two.

And this is how we already have a new tourist category, called Work From Home-ers (WFH).

Please note, the USB WIFI modem on the photo above is just an example. I still need to consult with the guys to see which one is the best option for me. I don't want to buy something obsolete.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

50GB data per month for 2€/month? You don't wanna hear how much that amount of mobile data would cost me.... Sure you didn't miss a digit or two?🙂

Lol, nope, no mistake there.

When I stopped by my provider to ask what are my options, the first question I was asked was if I am a new client or I have other services contracted already. I have

  • internet (fiberlink 1000) for 8€,
  • cable also very cheap,
  • two mobile phone contracts with unlimited minutes in every network, with mobile internet 50GB at 4G, 10GB at 3G for 4€ each.
    (My monthly bill is around 26€.)
    So I have the best offer.

New clients get 20GB for this price.

Must mention that the services are extremely reliable, could not ask for better services.

I know we have the best options and the cheapest as well. Other countries are ...ouch!

And yes, I'd like to know how much you would pay for that :)

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That's dead cheap, at least as absolute numbers. Greece has one of the worst telecommunication markets hence all prices are on a different league that sorry but I don't want to recall now cause it makes me fuming. Besides I'm more than busy planning my move to a new place (a total mess, will post sometime).


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Nomading sounds cool but I imagine that the reality is tough with regularly changing environments. I'm not sure whether you'd want to consider adding a VPN to your arsenal of tools, might come in useful when you do have to connect to an unsecured network while traveling after your mobile internet runs out of data.

I would never use an unsecure network, it's what I said in my posy and that's why I'm having my own. And there's no danger of running out of data as I'll not be using it 24/7.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love the flow of your piece @erikah . The way it explained the impact of the covid right down to almost every aspect is really intriguing. By the way, that amount for 50GB data shows that yours is cheap in your country. The amount the same 50gb would cost me here is eternity. I have never even done something close to that. The max i have reached is 20GB for about $6 - quite costly, isnt it?

Well, I tried to put together a post to make some sense. And yes, internet is cheap here, with is a huge advantage. There are many tech companies and freelance tech people working here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Its like I'd be considering migrating to your country cos of this cheap data 😁

Well, if you meet the requirements.... 🙂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh.... One could work something out though.


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A fine article of how technology is changing the world and society in general. You are right, the remote work idea is only going to keep expanding. Hence, the tools we have are vital in this pursuit.

Cryptocurrency is going to allow for a massive change in the future of business. What do the "traditional" jobs look like? That will be interesting. I believe automation is going to have to take over a lot of them since people are going to opt out of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you Taskmaster. I agree with you on that. Once tried out, remote work is now something to rely on in almost every situation.

Automation is going to have a huge role indeed. Unfortunately human power and capability is limited, so automation will bring a lot of benefits.

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People who lived through the last millennium will be legit scared about the things we have accustomed ourselves to these days. Technology really has advanced so much.

Becoming a crypto nomad is something I’ve always fantasized about. Little by little, this fantasy is becoming reality as the subsets required to make it so are coming into place.
Through crypto, one can pay for numerous services around different locations in the world. It’s all coming together step by step.

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People who lived through the last millennium, as you name them, unfortunately can't keep up anymore, which is understandable.

Crypto is changing the world, slowly but steadily. In a year or two we're going to see the number of crypto nomads double or even triple.

I've been posting about these nomad visas and I'm sure we're going to see the first crypto nomad visa soon.

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