USD and GBP would Pull Crypto Down

in #hive-167922last year

I have this theory that if we want crypto to be the global currency and the reserve currency then the top guys need to be down. Because always the top guys are the problem in the world. And that is something we have to think over before we plan on making the world run over crypto.

Crypto requires a lot of efforts to be adoption. And so that means we have to think of the USA and UK public to adopt more or less of the crypto, And they have to do that with the willing choice. That's the only way to replace FIAT.

So let's discuss how we can bring crypto in place of the USD and GBP. We will discuss some of the known points.

Cypto can't be Put down with Sanction

Let's assume that someone in the world is sanctioned. And in order push their own dominance they can choose which currency to move ahead with and which currency to work with in order to stay in the business.

Like say the crypto is in the control, the sanction would not be in the motion. And another thing is that crypto would be lot stable too. So that is something you should consider for the defense.

Another thing is that USA and UK has dominated enough in the world. And we need to find the alternative otherwise the world would be always polarized too. So we have to plan those things there.

We need Crypto in Stores not USD and GBP

As crypto is what empowers the people who are poor and middle class. And the USD only benefits the rich. So it is reasonable to put up the right approach for accepting the currency in the stores and the POS too. So we have to plan accordingly.

Some of the investments in the currency benefits one in context of the crypto. Because here we would be earning good returns and if the crypto investments are routed directly to the befitial places it adds up. Which doesn't happen with USD and GBP as there are more middlemen.

Crypto is the need of the hour. And if we invest into the crypto and push it in the everyday places where the investment places. Things just start to make sense. Some of the time having the crypto invested in the mass pays off.

Use crypto

Don't just use the crypto on the net. But also in the POS places where you want to pay for the bills. And another is that using the crypto helps out to many people who are planning their investment ahead.

I know those who are using the crypto to fund their health insurance and they are planning long term. So in that context I supposse using the crypto on everyday investment basis makes sense.

What do you think?