My Thoughts About The Near-Term PolyCUB Roadmap!

in #hive-1679222 years ago

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PolyCUB is proving to be one of the most intriguing DeFi applications released in 2022. This is the year of DeFi 2.0 and the Leo Finance team seems to have done their homework really well. They are providing us with some of the best and proven DeFi 2.0 features out there just like they did with Cub Finance (DeFi 1.0). The Cub Finance DeFi stack is evolving pretty well and lots of exciting stuff to happen in the near future.

Yesterday, the near-term roadmap of PolyCUB was released, and to my shock, there was a groundbreaking announcement regarding Collaterlized Lending aka Self Paying Loans in DeFi 2.0. Almost a month ago, I wrote about how self-paying loans work. At that time, I was researching about DeFi 2.0 and how it is different and better from DeFi 1.0. What timing! Thanks to my research, it has been fairly easy for me to follow what the heck is happening while many others are still trying to figure out their shit. Don't worry, I got you if you are a DeFi newbie. Just follow along!

In this blog, I am going to discuss what to expect in terms of development in PolyCUB yield optimizer application. I will also throw some light if you should buy PolyCUB and stake that in xPolyCUB or not. Let's start

Cub Bonding To Achieve Infinite Liquidity

In order to be self-sustaining, a DeFi protocol must acquire as much liquidity as it can so that it doesn't have to rely on LPs in long term. I have explained the concept of Protocol Owned Liquidity in detail in a post I wrote just before the launch. It was first implemented by Olympus DAO. Make sure you check it out to understand it a little better.

"Bonding" is a mechanism in which LPs provide LP Tokens in exchange for PolyCUB at a discounted price. The LP Tokens will become a part of the treasury. Bonding would allow PolyCUB to acquire its own liquidity over time. This makes PolyCUB its own market and it helps to keep operations going even if there are fewer LPs. That's DeFi 2.0 liquidity sustainability for you.

When the emission rate of PolyCUB goes to near zero, the protocol will start buying PolyCUB to provide rewards to LPs. So we all are in for a long term, sustainable yields unlike DeFi 1.0 protocols where users have to keep on moving funds to chase high APYs on new platforms.

Self-Paying Loans With xPC As Collateral

The idea of getting crypto loans where you don't have to pay them back from your own pocket sounded magical to me. I am pretty sure this is mind-boggling for so many traditional finance 'experts' out there. 😂 It would almost sound like a scam to them but it's not. It's math and smart contract technology combined. Never expected Khal and the team to start talking about its implementation in PolyCUB so soon. It's actually very simple to understand:

  1. Take a crypto loan in USDC (from protocol's treasury) by locking in your xPolyCUB as collateral.
  2. Yields earned from xPolyCUB will be used to pay off the loan with interest over time.
  3. If the yields from xPolyCUB are low, the protocol will take more time for repayment.

The Only Debt Is 'Time'

Moreover, you can earn further yields on your crypto loan to buy more PolyCUB and repeat the process. You can go full circle with PolyCUB. I am pretty excited about this feature going live. It would change the lending world forever.

Should You Buy PolyCUB in 2022?

Now comes the golden question. I am going to keep this section pretty straightforward. Should you buy PolyCUB in 2022?

  • PolyCUB is hyper deflationary, inspired by Bitcoin. The emissions rate will decline to make it a scarce token.
  • xPolyCUB staking - set it and forget it. XPC to PC ratio is designed to go up forever. Deeper incentives for LPs.
  • Bonding to achieve liquidity and long term sustainability yields
  • Self Paying Loans 😎

Since the halving process will keep on cutting the supply, it would be difficult to earn more PolyCUB later on. The earlier you invest, the more you get. So if you want to hop on the PolyCUB train, now is the best time.

  • Crypto is risky and so is DeFi. You would be locking your funds in a smart contract which are prone to hacking. If you are not willing to take that risk, don't do it.
  • It's a new token as compared to CUB. So going all in is a bit risky. Also, DeFi 2.0 ideas PolyCUB is are also new and evolving with time.
  • If you don't have money to invest. 😋

I hope it helps! Please let me know what are you thinking? I didn't want to buy PolyCUB because I was satisfied with my daily airdrop. 😂 This short-term roadmap made me rethink and I might buy some before it's too late. I am bullish on PolyCUB. What are you going to do? Comment below!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Ye man, I am also bullish! I bought some polycub a couple of weeks ago, staked all and I am also staking all the airdrop😎 I think that will be just fine as a suplement to my portfolio! Seems like, yet again, we think alike again, lol!

Haha! Hi-Five bro. 🔥 Great minds think alike 🙈

#PolyCUB to the 🐮🔛

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Only Debt Is 'Time'

I like the way you phrased this. Since interest on loans is repaid automatically from xPoly rewards (yield, early harvesting penalties and in the future rewards from PoL), you don't pay it from outside funds, and it only takes time to generate rewards. However, you still have to repay the principal of the loan, that will probably be a separate thing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you collect the loan, what's the process of repaying the loan. But polycub is great project this 2022

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You don't have to do anything to repay the loan. Your collateral will be used to generate yields that will pay the loan. ✌️

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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I never did get an answer but I know that the yield can be self-paid back by xPolyCUB but doesn't doing this dilute your shares in xPolyCUB? I think xPolyCUB was built to not change and the ratio to go up. By taking away some interest, doesn't think mean your xPolyCUB amount drops?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great question. I don't know the answer since the mechanics BTS has not been released yet. Here's my best guess.

You submit $1000 worth of xPolyCUB today as collateral. You get a $500 value loan in USDC. Once that loan (plus interest) is paid off with your xPolyCUBs, you will get $1000 worth of xPolyCUBs back. Now obviously the number of xPCs would reduce since some of them will be used to repay the loan. But the $ value of your principal will remain the same.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your content just keeps getting better and better.

Keep up the great work!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much Dane. It means a lot! Cheers. 🍻

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just wrote a post on what I did/am doing so I won't rehash it here. Suffice it to say that I, too, am bullish on PolyCUB. I continue to add my airdrop into the xPolyCUB pool even though I'm down to fractions. It just seems like every little bit will count in the long run.

At the same time, I'm not moving out of anything to go all-in. This is all still new and if it works, there will be a few more cracks at going heavier as they expand to other blockchains.

In the meantime, I'm just continuing to stack CUB for cheap as that will enhance all future airdrops as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Love the airdrops. It's free money! Even with a small PolyCUB stake you can do a lot so I won't be putting in too much and I won't be selling them either. Letting it compound itself over time. ✌️

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I still don't fully understand how all of this is going to work with bonding and lending but we'll see when it rolls out i suppose.

I'll keep it simple and lock everything into xpolycub to just watch the number keep going up.

Thanks to your post i'm a little bit clearer but still need to do some extra research in the subject.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Actually your other post does make help a lot too. It's a crazy concept but all a bit clearer in my head now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha. I took a lot of time to understand, probably a week of research on Olympus DAO for bonding and Alchemix Fi for self-paying loans. You can study them if you want to. I am still learning.

To understand bonding, checkout this page - I am pretty sure this how CUB bonding would look like.

You will be able to buy PolyCUB lower than the market price in exchange for other tokens/LPs which will get locked in Protocol's treasury. This is a way to achieve Protocol-owned Liquidity and investors will get PolyCUB at a discount price.

To understand lending, read this beautiful Twitter thread by the founder of Alchemix.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the @finguru.

It will give me something to do tomorrow and try to get up to speed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta