
Right... starting to warm up... I have only 20 min.

@chickilin (PT) - consegues ver este comentário?




I can not wait! cant wait

Me finishing all the family calls so I can go to this!!!


And the people on X will get so Envy for not folowing this LOL

Some warm up!

If this was real LOLOL Bots are easy...

The server to use should be (for this tournament) this one:

Yes, my ping is what it is... because... I am fricking far away! It's fine... you will likely see me flashing around LOL

It started people!

Nice! big amount of people...

To the ones with questions, I will answer them after!

Another game!


And it finished with granades!

The extra rewards are also super interesting...

I finally made it to threadcast! Mostly with my own excitement... but that's fine too.

Check the amount of prizes given (just in $HIVE) from the account on #hive...

There's almost 2 grand in that pool now and it keeps growing with HIVE price...

Some of us still playing... after the tournament...

Nunca joguei esse... tem algum investimento inicial para iniciar?

Para ganhares rewards precisas so de uma NFT... das 3? varias possiveis... mas a mais simples e adquirir um PvP pass..

Tambem podes jogar sem rewards se so quiseres perceber como o jogo e...

Valeu! Vou experimentar sem as rewards primeiro pra conhecer

Yep. O jogo tem dois modos, single player... que e com niveis... e depois tens o multiplayer... que e o que e mais fixe (pra mim) onde podes comecar os teus proprios jogos e ate lutar com amigos.

Por isso so para esta feature, ja valeu quando o pessoal so se quer juntar para dar uns tirinhos.

@forkyishere the game is free-to-earn from Sunday to Thursday!
You only need a Hive account.

Every single day at 10am EST we have free-to-earn games! Fri/Sat/Sun it's Karts/Poker/Chess.

More info on all this:


@emjogos2022 did also play cryptoshots! Which is a mate from Portugal... I will try to (once you have sometime) remind you to add profile details to your hive account, so people can reach you out. There is also a PT/BR community here on #hive that is quite large and enthusiastic. FYI

okay would love to join in
