Another week, another weekly battle challenge! In this week we are being visited from heaven. Or does this creature originate from the sea? I am not sure, but the name suggests that it might be an angel. The Angelic Mandarin, is the star of today’s article and we will discuss what makes this card so special and worth using. Furthermore, we will talk about potential situation in which to play this card as well as potential strategies to utilize with this card. Additionally, we will talk about the cards that I like to play in order to help us reach the goal of winning as well as showcase two examples where we actually are able to win a battle. With this out of the way, let’s jump right into it!
Angelic Mandarin
As always, we start with the card to watch. The Angelic Mandarin looks like a card that is fairly overlooked. It is a rare water card with the Ranged attacking style. It deals one damage, has 5 health and 2 speed. The stats look alright for a 3 mana cost card. But this card is not that glamorous on level one. I would even say it is very average and there might be better suited cards to use if we have enough mana, since this card has no abilities in the beginning stages.
What makes this card incredible, are its abilities once reached level 4. With the Triage Ability it is able to heal other cards and with the Silence Ability it is even able to weaken magic attacker once it reaches the final stage. This increases the power level of this card tremendously! But it also has some valid use-cases as level one card with no ability.
Because it has a very nice amount of health it is always nice to use this card. Because it will not get destroyed with one hit, we are able to deal a good amount of damage in case this card is a target of attack. Furthermore, it only costs 3 mana which makes it a very good asset to fill the board in any situation and a very good alternative in low mana battles. As for strategy, I like to use this card in order to diversify my attacking style. Because the water Splinter is fairly balanced when it comes to attacking styles it is very difficult to find a counter if you diversify your attacking styles. This is the reason why I like to use all three: Magic, Melee and Ranged in one team
Damage Dealers
This is when we are coming to speaking about our damage Dealers actually. We are now at the stage where we need to select some additional cards in order to reach our goal of winning. This is done better with cards that are able to deal some damage. Here, I have three cards that I frequently use in almost every team I play if I have the available mana. As you can see down below they vary in attacking style which makes it very hard to counter.
With Djinn as Magic attacker, Diemonshark as Melee attacker and tank and Kulu as additional Ranged Attacker we are fairly diversified and can react to any kind of build. As I mentioned in one of my previous articles: the Djinn is my absolute favorite and probably one of the best cards in the game. The Shark is just an incredible tank with lots of health as well as armor. Last but not least we have Kulu who is offering incredible value for just 4 mana. These three combined will generate enough damage to bring every opponent down if used with the correct support cards.
Support Cards
This is why we need to talk about the additional cards that we are playing. Starting with the support cards we have to possibilities. Either we increase our armor with the Wavesmith or we try to heal our tank with the help of the Guardian. Depending on the ruleset and mana availability we can use one of them or even both.
Most of the time I prefer the Guardian as it helps us to regenerate our tank but the Wavesmith has its advantages as it has additional attack. Like I said before, it depends on the situation but it always makes sense to play either one of those cards!
Puffer Cards
Last but not least, we need to talk about potential filler cards. Because we will not always have enough mana to fill the board with high quality attackers, we need to think of a way to disturb the strategy of our opponent and protect our attacking minions. I like to use puffer cards in order to do that. These cards are low cost cards which very rarely get to attack anyone. Their sole purpose is to act as a shield for the support cards and damage dealers.
With this strategy we are able to have more health on the “important” cards in the later rounds and have an advantage in these late rounds. Such filler cards are for example the Fiend, the Albatross or the Stonefish. If we use Kelya as summoner, they even get an additional armor which allows them to take an extra hit if attacked by a melee or ranged attacker. This just nullifies the strategy of our opponent and helps us in the long run to win the battle!
Example Battles
Now that we talked about the strategy and the cards we are going to use, let’s get to the practical part of this article: the example battles. I always learn best by doing so let’s try to implement our strategies in two different use cases. The first one, we have a good amount of mana which is why our attacking cards are fairly juicy. I also have to admit that I oversaw the non-healing part of the restrictions which is why the Guardian is really a waste of mana in this example. Nevertheless, we are able to delete our opponent rather easy because we were able to diversify our board rather good I would suggest.
Our second battle, is the complete opposite. We have only half of the mana available which is why I chose to utilize more filler cards. Especially because of the Explosion ruleset it is always smart to have as many minions as possible so that the explosions gets distributed all over your board rather than concentrated on one minion. With this being said, our opponent made exactly this mistake. This is why we were able to deal enough damage with our Ranged attacker despite two misses on his tank. All in all I would say that this battle was also won rather confidently!
Published by ga38jem on
On 1st September 2022
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta