Week through Adrian's Lenses (15-21 June 2024)

in #adrians-lenses3 months ago

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This is the #76th edition of the "Week through Adrian's Lenses" weekly Hive and crypto news roundup.

Let's see what we have for this week. We cover:


  • Blocktrades
  • Freechain
  • Keychain
  • Hive logins
  • DBuzz
  • SPK Network
  • SoulKeep
  • WOO
  • Aachen


  • Upbit
  • SEC, Ethereum

Week on Hive

11 of 25 tracked posts made it to this week's issue of the "Week on Hive" roundup.

In the Spotlight

Blocktrades Team Development Report

First of all, some "wens"...

Version 1.27.7 of Hived (the blockchain nodes core software) is set to be released in July. During that release it is expected to be set the "trigger date" for Hard Fork 28 (when the hard fork will occur): September 24, 2024, 14:00 UTC, some time after HiveFest.

The WAX module (which introduces the possibility of calling Hived C++ code from Python and JavaScript) is slated to be released this month (within 2 weeks).

From this report we also have plenty more details about how the Hive 2nd layer lite accounts from Blocktrades will work. Quite interesting!

They will work via custom jsons (that was expected), Hive bridge accounts would be needed to broadcast transactions, and each lite account has an associated public key and a unique name in a certain namespace (there will be multiple namespaces).

Regarding namespaces, there is a default one ("la"), where names are associated on a "first come, first served" rule. There is a "hive" namespace, reserved for Hive 1st layer accounts, and other additional namespaces. They are thinking about namespaces for other blockchains or non-blockchain apps, such as google/facebook/twitter, etc. More details in a future report.

Marketing / Awareness / Branding

A Partnership Was Signed For Freechain

Galloping Entertainment will represent Freechain in the Global Film Market going forward, as we learn from this announcement.

Governance / Development / Dapps

Generate Revenue with Keychain Swap Widget

Hive Keychain created a widget for website owners that necessitates zero programming knowledge to integrate. Partners who integrate the widget can generate revenue from the partner fees (configurable between 0 and 1%).

What I wonder is if the widget can take custom styling (now or in the future), to better blend into a website theme, or if Keychain prefers to keep its standard color scheme. Maybe offer a few options to select from instead of allowing full customization? @stoodkev

All-in-One Hive Authentification (AIOHA)

This is an API that offers a common interface across different Hive login providers (Keychain, HiveAuth, HiveSigner, Ledger, Peak Vault). Doesn't make any difference to a regular user, but it will be of great use for developers, who won't need to code and maintain themselves different Hive login methods for their apps.

Behind the project is @techcoderx, who has the guidance and feedback from VSC, as we learn from a comment of @vaultec.

Encrypted Posts Coming from DBuzz

DBuzz will come up with an option to create encrypted posts that can only be viewed by the author's followers, once decrypted (each follower has its own decryption key). These posts will have rewards set to @null and will not be showed on the feeds of people who can't decrypt them.

Final SPK Network Testnet Sprint Began

As announced last week, this week started the last SPK Network testnet sprint. All one needs to know is in the video from the announcement.

Also from SPK Network, we have this week a post talking about SPK tokenomics and economy.


Splinterlands Updates

SoulKeep will be launched on Tuesday!

Although SoulKeep was sold to Double Coconut, it will continue to be accessible via the Splinterlands interface and menu (for which Splinterlands has a revenue share deal with Double Coconut for using Splinterlands platform to operate the game).

Many other subjects were discussed during the town hall, but haven't yet become news...

The Summer of WOO...

Looks like WOO fans are are in for 3 months of great contests and prizes, licenses sold for DEC and SPS, token burns, and raffles. The announcement post is worth checking out even to only look at Aggy with the WOO belt. Like a true wrestling fan! Or champ?

Meetings / Events / Communities

Hive Meetup Aachen at the End of Next Week

@detlev made a quite extensive update with all the details about the meetup, including the presentations scheduled and something about the location. 25 to 30 attendees are expected plus 10-12 from various Web 3 groups around Aachen.

Last HIVEED Class

In this first part video, @danielvehe shared the impressions of his students at the end of the HIVEED course. Each of them said which was their favorite class from the year and why in short solo clips.

Week in the Crypto World

Upbit Denies the Possibility of Massive Delistings

A rumor regarding massive delistings from Upbit prior to Virtual Asset User Protection Act becoming effective in South Korea on July 19 spread in the crypto sphere. There was a list too. HIVE was on it. Upbit calls this list "baseless", as we find out from this source. Another Korean source talks about this in the same terms, mentioning that such lists often come up in the crypto sphere to foul investors.

Ok... so these are words, regardless of who says them. What has happened in reality? There was/is a strong selling pressure for a number of alts (listed on Upbit), and HIVE is one of them. If this is a coincidence or not, is anyone's guess...

The solution is: use DEXes more.

SEC Dropped Investigation into Ethereum Being a Security... For Now

That "for now" makes me think we shouldn't be very happy by the wins in the electoral year (unless they are irrevocable). We'll see what everyone thinks and does after elections are over and they safely secured another term (or the first one). The SEC simply can't make too much noise this year. Here's what happened.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


If I remember correctly, the lite accounts are free right? I hope this encourages more people to try Hive out. I wonder if these can work with the NPE planned by the SPL team as well.

Probably yes, I don't see a reason not to be free. There are different types of lite accounts on Hive. What Blocktrades builds is one of them. I guess what SPK is building with their off-chain accounts may be lite accounts (connected to Hive accounts?). VSC might have a version too. Then, Inleo has its lite accounts for users onboarded via X.

I wonder if these can work with the NPE planned by the SPL team as well.

Maybe. I see Blocktrades hinted at a "battle" key to be used for games, so different from the posting key from the 1st layer.

I also saw in the bullet points of the Town Hall that Splinterlands intends to allow free to play, but to earn non-tradable assets. So they already have plans for NPE, not sure if they are going to change them or wait for lite accounts. Will see...

I'm hoping/thinking that SPL have been coordinating with the lite account devs to see which one or all could work with what they have planned.

Sometimes we hope too much...

VSC and SPK lite accounts are compatible with eachother. (Same thing but different layers for different things).
VSC lite accounts are natively supported within VSC, allowing for interaction with smart contracts and sending/receiving of Hive on the L1.

This will also mean Ethereum addresses can directly interact with Hive in a fully decentralized and trustless way. Opening the door to dramatic improvements in onboarding and interop with other blockchains. This is a whole other level of functionality aside from just "lite accounts so we can onboard more people" this is about making Hive friendly to EVM users and even in some cases directly compatible.

Thanks for your clarifications, @vaultec! Now that you mentioned it, I remember VSC had planned to have direct integration of Ethereum addresses. Having compatibility with EVMs and ease of use for their users is an important addition, for sure! We can bring as many people as we want, if they feel like strangers in a new ecosystem, not many will be determined enough to learn about it.

A lot happened and I am glad to hear about the updates to Hive. I hope there aren't any issues when the hard fork happens.

I hope there aren't any issues when the hard fork happens.

Oh well... We'll see when we get there.

I created a free account. Does it mean that I also use a lite account?

Depends on how you created it. If you created it via Inleo using X, for example, than yes, it's their version of a lite account. But you can claim it as a full Hive account.

If it's a full Hive account (you have all its private keys), then it's not a lite account.

There are/will be different versions of lite accounts. The ones I talk about in this post from Blocktrades are completely different from the ones Inleo call lite accounts, for example.

Can you please explain what you mean by Hive second layer accounts? Are they accounts that were created with another frontend asides PeakD or what?

They don't exist yet, publicly, as far as I know, in any of the versions they are being worked on. They are different types of accounts than the regular Hive accounts and they can be useful for certain applications to be able to automate processes or add additional properties/keys/functionalities to a lite account that aren't supported on the 1st layer of Hive.

So cool how Hive is evolving with these new updates and partnerships man. The lite accounts by Blocktrades seem promising for easier transactions. Can't wait to see how these developments shape the platform's future. I always have High hopes for this platform's future. Thanks for sharing brother

Yep, I can't wait to see how lite accounts will be used in the future on Hive.

@aioha is great for developers and if we can get more developers to build DAPPs, it will become far easier for HIVE to gain more active users. EVM Chains have a great many tools and help for developers and that is a bit reason behind their success.

Create a best-in-class development environment for blockchain app development. This is in many ways one of the most challenging tasks, as it requires a lot of work to create a powerful, intuitive, and well-documented framework for app developers. But IMO we are making good progress in this area, and I expect we will start to see more of the fruits of this effort near the end of this year as new apps embrace the technology. - @blocktrades

It was great to see that the developers working on Layer 1 is paying attention to one of the most important things for our success.

That has been the focus of Blocktrades ever since developing HAF. But more and more tools need to be created, improved and then, slowly better adopted.

AIOHA is very important, indeed. I still wonder why no one created it until today. The alternative is most devs preferred to choose the most popular login option, Keychain, but that makes the whole ecosystem highly dependent on it, even though there are alternatives.
