in #hive-16792228 days ago

If you dont understand, sorry then I cant help you, I think most children would understand it.

Believe me I understand. You are a lazy ass pseudo-intellectual who is grossly dishonest and thinks that gaslighting is a legitimate debate tactic. Not only is that not libelous it isn't even an insult. You make that clear in your own words in the parts of your posts that aren't plagiarized from some random webpage you got the link to from some random crypto scam promoter in some random forum. You demand people watch your pseudoscience video recommendations and when someone presents a video that can prove you wrong you act like you lost the cognitive ability to click a mouse button. You can't even pretend like you watched the video I embedded because that would immediately prove you never watched the video. So you are purposely ignorant of all the large Bitcoin mining farms using renewable energy. As a "crypto expert" you are too lazy to even keep up with the news so you don't know that solo Bitcoin mining is still a thing. Not only are you not paying attention to mainstream news you couldn't even be bothered to read @offgridlife's post about it on Hive. After you tried to sucker him into your latest favorite crypto scam you could at least do him the courtesy of reading his posts.

I am fairly certain you aren't mining with 20 Raspberry Pis. You don't seem to know that even though the board runs with less than 10 Watts it can still generate a massive amount of waste heat. I have one connected to another monitor and it has a cooling fan and heat sink. The main reason you would be mining with a Raspberry Pi is you can overclock it without voiding the warranty. So more additional waste heat to mine your shitcoin. And where is that energy coming from if you were mining with 20 Raspberry Pies? It's not being powered by a panel that converts your virtue signaling into electricity.

If you want to change the subject that's fine with me because I already got all of your misunderstanding about Bitcoin from 2014 news articles.

So let's talk about your "superior" more energy efficient shitcoins. How's your XEN minting coming along? You haven't posted about that since June 22. To show you how long that's been I got this XEN price chart off and marked June 22, 2024 when you last posted about XEN.

By the way, note that it is a "price chart" for the last year. Not a chart showing how XEN has been reducing its power consumption.
