Saturday Savers Club Progress week 22 - trading BTC and more play-2-earn gaming

in #hive-1679224 months ago

Its week 23 (08/06/24) of my savings focus for 2024 with the Saturday Savers Club which is a great Hive community initiative run by @shanibeer writing as @sally-saver on the @eddie-earner account.

My goals for this year are:

  • Primary goal - to increase my HP by 7500, to 18500 HP,
  • Secondary goal - to increase my HP delegation to @eds-vote by 1000 HP, to 3000 HP (because I want to accumulate more of the EDS token).

I will also be continuing to increase my holding of investment tokens, and delegating HP to a number of good community curation accounts as well.

This weeks pic - It was a nice week here in Edinburgh mostly, and I made it out for a nice walk along the river Almond and caught some nice reflections in the water !

Weekly Investment Focus

  • I did a flip trade with BTC these last two days. I sold some when it was over $71k 2 days ago, and bought back in yesterday when it was around $69k. Not much of a gain, but its a gain, plus I dont actually have a lot of BTC, so it really wasnt for much at all ! I have to say that the worrying part in all of this, is that while BTC is hitting the highs, HIVE is hitting the lows. I had zero HIVE:HBD trades this week due to the low price. The price of HIVE is floundering at the moment and I'm not sure as to what it will take to change that,
  • I renewed my inleo premium membership this week. It works well for me (just in the up-votes alone which pays for it), so was more than happy to renew it when it lapsed,
  • I've taken more interest in play-2-earn gaming this week:
  • I'm going to buy some more cards for Big Dog Bone. I understand this Hive game better now, and want to invest a little more into it to make it more profitable in the long term (referral link),
  • I registered for Alien Worlds a couple of years ago, but never really got into it (I found that it wasnt that intuitive - or maybe I'm just thick - it was either of the two). Anyway, I've persevered with it this week, and joined the discord to get help from the community (which was great) and as such am giving it a go again. It seems to be working out all right, so will keep going with it for the moment. I can see it being profitable in the longer term, or at least it will help me to build up some more WAX for staking (non-referral link),
  • I've started trying a game called Prospectors Grandland. Its a wild west mining type game. I havent figured it out yet, so need to learn a lot more about it, but it seems to have earning potential (referral link),
  • I've recently been playing mintopoly which I find rather intriguing. I'm not yet sure about its earning potential, but I certainly enjoy the crypto mining simulator game side of it. We'll see how it pans out (referral link).

Weekly Stats

Weekly commentary

  • HP Gain: I gained +47 HP during the week. I really hadnt been that active the week before and as such I was lucky to get as much as I did,
  • HP Passive: 20.25 of my HP gain this week came from curation (not really passive) and HP APR. This is my highest amount to date, and I broke 20 HP in a week for the first time. It made up over 40% of my gains in the week, so its making a great contribution,
  • HP goal: My HP total now stands at 12805 HP and I need a further 5695 HP to hit my primary goal of 18500 HP. At 29 weeks to go, that requires 183 per week (an increase of 4 HP). Its looking doubtful as to whether I'll hit my 18.5K HP target this year - but I'll keep pushing for it,
  • HP delegation to @eds-vote: My HP delegation to @eds-vote increased by +293HP to 2500 HP. I wanted to accelerate my delegation a little, so I cancelled another one I had that was no longer working for me and pushed it towards this instead. I need to delegate another 500 to hit my secondary target to raise my total delegation to 3000 HP. That will require an average of 17 HP delegated per week to hit it, which I should achieve (in any case, I will do what needs to be done to hit it by the end of the year),
  • HP delegation to curation accounts: I added +7 HP to my @qurator HP delegation this past week, and my total now stands at 140 HP. My goal is to have a total of 250 HP delegated to that account, so have another 110 HP to go,
  • HP delegation to curation accounts: The main aim of these community delegations is to support these great curation accounts that have certainly helped me along the way to where I am now, but I'm also getting nice daily drips of HIVE as a result from @ocdb, @qurator and @curangel as they pass on their curation income to delegators, which is a nice little bonus !
    I tend to reinvest those HIVE drips from the curation accounts back into my HBD:HIVE trading fund, giving a nice little synergy to growing another income stream,
  • LEO (which includes LP): I gained 22 LEO this week, which is quite a bit lower than normal, and reflects my lack of activity in posting the week before. However, 22 LEO in a week is still a decent amount and comes from my Inelo posting and curation activity, my HP delegation to @leo-voter and also my LP delegation to @india-leo.
  • HP delegation to @leo-voter: I didnt add anything this week. I do intend to add to it further later in the year (after my curation account and @eds-vote delegation targets have been completed) but am monitoring it anyway because its an important part of my LEO growth strategy,
  • EDS: I gained +2.3 EDS which is a nice amount. My HP delegation to @eds-vote brought in +1.94 EDS this week. The rest of the gain seen came from the mining lottery for holding EDSMMs (I have 146 of those). I selected increasing my delegation to @eds-vote as my secondary goal as I'm really keen to keep accumulating EDS, and focusing on the HP delegation works well with my primary goal of increasing my HP total,
  • HBD:HIVE Trading: I had zero trades go through this week, because the price of HIVE is below my current trading range. I will create some new trading pots this coming week that extend my trading range into this new low price, but as said above, I think its worrying that HIVE is hitting the lows while many other tokens and particularly BTC are hitting all time highs. With a number of projects changing and or failing, and things like Splinterlands going through a rough time, it seems to be impacting Hive in general. We'll have to see if we can pull out of this rough patch or not.

Plan for the coming week

  • Regular Posting: Regular posting (daily) is the key to HP growth. I've regained my posting frequency a little this last week, and will have to see if I can keep it going moving forward,
  • Posting via Inleo: I'm continuing to post mostly using Inleo due to the extra LEO this will generate. Its making a difference, as is having Premium,
  • Curation: To be active in HIVE Blog curation to help with HIVE curation rewards. I try to keep my voting mana between 80 to 90%,
  • Undelegated HP: To continue to increase undelegated HP in order to improve HIVE curation rewards,
  • HBD:HIVE trading: To continue with HBD:HIVE trading. I'm going to keep adding more funds to my trading capital from post payouts over the coming weeks. HBD:HIVE trading has been working well for me, so I may as well take advantage of that and try to increase the profits on my trades - increasing my trading capital will help to make that happen,
  • HP delegation to @eds-vote: This weeks delegation of 10% of my weekly HP income to @eds-vote will add a further 5 HP,
  • HP delegation to curation accounts: This weeks delegation of 10% of my weekly HP income to community curation accounts will add a further 5 HP to my @qurator delegation.


A gain of 47 HP was pretty good considering that I'd not been that active at all, and as such it was nice to see the contribution from curation and HP APR making a nice difference. I have also enjoyed up'ing the ante on the play-2-earn gaming side of things this week. I'm keen to see if I can make more of these profitable as an extra income stream on the side. It will take a bit of work, but I enjoy it, so lets see what happens !

My Tribe Token Investment Project

My experiment with 8 different tribe tokens on my alt account @hoosieboy is moving along nicely. The experiment is designed to grow semi-passively via staking, curation, posting and rebalancing - in a way where the methods should work together and add constructively. Everything gets re-invested back into curation accounts for the same 8 tribe tokens, so it also provides a positive boost to those tribes.

I did another rebalance last weekend and racked up another small gain due to some nice increases in the price of PIMP and CENT in particular. There has been quite a bit of turbulence in the layer-2 markets, hence is been a bit up and down of late. I'm still really enjoying the experiment because each rebalance is different due to all of the methods at play. Getting an insight to those is proving to be really interesting (to me anyway). You can check out my latest rebalance post on my @hoosieboy alt account here.

And as a reminder:

  • It will be Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) next Saturday (15th of June). I've got my LEO ready for powering up,
  • This weeks Savers of the Week post went live on friday (here). The awards for those selected are quite nice ! We are looking for inciteful content that shows how you are saving, growing and investing. Each of the 4 nominees gets 15% of the notification post payout and 5 HSBIs - so it can work out as a nice little boost to all selected ! So make sure you are creating your weekly savings posts, and tagging them in the comments of the weekly post from susie-saver on the @eddie-earner account - you've got a very good chance of getting selected !


Interested in the Saturday Savers Club ? Check out their latest posts here.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hi @hoosie,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord

I really admire your dedication to experimenting with various investment tokens and play-2-earn gaming. Wishing you success in finding those profitable streams dear friend

Many thanks !

You're most welcome good friend

Even a quiet week gets you respectable gains - good going ! I haven't been brave enough to try any flip trading, I might have to give it a go with small amounts in Hive Engine, just to get the hang of it in a low risk kind of way...

I find flipping between HBD and HIVE straight forward. You always know where HBD is going to be so thats fixed. Then I dont try to time the market, but instead pick a percentage that I'd like to earn in a trade and then set the trade ready.
So at the moment, with HIVE price being quite low ($0.285), you could sell a small amount of HBD, and then set a trade to buy back into HBD once it hits $0.30). Then set your next trade to sell the HBD again, back down at around $0.285 or wherever you think its reasonably going to go. Rinse and repeat.