Tribe Token Experiment - Using rebalancing, curation delegation and tribe tagging - 1st rebalance

in #hive-16792211 months ago

This is a post by @hoosie, using an alt-account. This is an update on a tribe token experiment I started on the 10th of Nov 23. That experiment is designed to use 3 main techniques to see if its possible to grow an account fairly organically:

  • Delegating tokens to tribe curation accounts,
  • Via posting experiment updates in the relevant tribe accounts,
  • And by using portfolio rebalancing (inspired by the XV token project from @spinvest which uses portfolio rebalancing to take profits).

You can check out the initial post that explains it all here.

231117 HE tokens.png

Rebalance Update

This is a standard update following a rebalance of the account.

Starting Position

231117 starting position.png

The table above shows the starting position for the week, the new number of tokens (before the rebalance is undertaken and spare HIVE is sold to buy more tokens). The table also shows the new token price, value and percentage weight of the tokens in the basket.

The additional tokens gained came from a combination of:

In the future, when there is enough HP on the account, I will also start to delegate HP to accounts that also bring in the targeted tribe tokens (delegating to @leo-voter, @youarealive, @tokenpimp, @thisisawesome, @hiro.gita, @ctpsb and @neoxiancityvb).

The table below summarises the planned delegations and accounts to be used:

231117 Delegation Plan.png

New swap.hive to invest

As this experiment is only about the 8 noted tokens, all other income and tokens were sold for swap.hive to be re-invested in the tribe tokens. This came from:

  • 50% of the previous week's post payout in HBD was sold for hive,
  • All other tokens in hive-engine that are not part of the experiment were sold.

That gave new a new basket balance of:

231117 new income available.png

Rebalance Calculation

The 'total value to rebalance' figure from above was then used to calculate the new number of tokens that should be held in the basket, if spread evenly across all 8 tokens - see table below. The second column states how many existing tokens need to be sold (if the number is negative) and how many new tokens need to be bought (if the number is positive).

231117 rebalance calculation.png

If tokens need to be sold, then it means that token price has done well in the week, and the rebalance acts to effectively take profit from the gain in that tokens value in the week, so that it can be used to buy more of one of the other tokens that has had poor price performance in the week (ie, to buying more tokens at a bargain price).

Actual Rebalance

As guided by the table above, the following action was then taken:

  • Sold tokens that needed to be sold,
  • Bought tokens that needed to be bought.

N.B. Due to the time it takes to un-stake tokens (if needing to be sold), and the difference in buy and sell prices, it may not always be possible to rebalance the basket exactly as planned. Although in general, from week-to-week it should not drift too far out. As such, the following table presents the totals after undertaking the actual rebalance, with the aim of trying to get as close as possible to the planned rebalance numbers.

231117 new actuals.png

From there - all tokens were staked, and delegated to the noted accounts.

That completes the rebalance process for this period.


The following table presents the summary for this rebalance:

231117 rebalance summary.png

The following table presents the summary from the start of the project:

231117 summary since the start of the project.png

As this is just the first rebalance, and only one week has passed since the start of the experiment, I didnt really know how things would go. Also, with no HP to delegate and a starting value of only 1 HIVE each in the tribe tokens to delegate, meant that any gains from delegation were always going to be small. The last post got some upvotes, but not many, hence the payout from that wasnt great. However, token gains have been made. The APR has worked out as really high, but thats due to the low value of initial investment and a large comparative gain coming from the post payout (even tough in real terms that was quite small). I expect the APR to drop in the coming months and settle out to its natural value (whatever that is).

In reality the experiment needs to be able to run a good number of months to see if it will work in principle, but I cant really see why it shouldnt. Some nice post up-votes would give it a good kick start, but I wanted this experiment to be as clean as it could be, and to run as organically as it could, and as such, it will get what it gets.

In any case, I was quite excited to do this first rebalance and had been waiting all week for it to happen. I'm happy with the results - the tokens increased in number, as did the Hive value - so I cant complain. Now we just have to see how it goes next week !

Details about my alt-account

This is a post by @hoosie, writing on an alt-account that I setup purely by accident when I didnt know what I was doing during my first few weeks on the Hive blockchain ! I thought I was getting an actifit account for my main hive account, and instead bought an entirely new actifit hive account, that I've rarely used ! I have used this account for the experiment because it basically had zero value in it (well about 1-2 HP worth), and importantly very little layer 2 tokens, and hence it acts as a clean slate to properly track progress for this experiment.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@fantagira(1/5) tipped @hoosieboy

Good luck with your experiment!

Many thanks - I'm certainly finding it interesting !

I do love this experiment and it was really interesting to read. I’d love it if you tagged me for future rebalancing reports. That would give me a better chance to get to them 😉

I really want to see how this works out for you and possibly learn more about this rebalancing.

Pity about the unstaking periods though, because the prices can fluctuate a lot in certain periods. Like Leo around LPUD’s for example.

I’m also curious about upvoting from alt accounts. I see many people are upvoting their alt account and even upvote from the same account (self vote), but I myself never do this for my own accounts, cause I don’t know whether this behaviour is not frown upon. What is your opinion on this?

Hi, I'm glad you found it interesting ! I'm very excited about it at the moment, and I couldnt wait to do the first rebalance last night. I guess it will take a few weeks to see how it really works, but the tokens certainly did come in last week (although in small amounts !).
I'm happy to tag you in future reports, so thats no problem. And if you get bored of them, just let me know and I can un-tag you again !
In terms of self-upvoting, I dont do it. In the first post where I also set out some of the rules of the experiment, I stated that I would neither upvote my alt-account, not reblog it - so I'll stick to that.
I'm looking forward to seeing how it grows !

Thanks, I’ll probably get to those reports every now and again, whenever I have time at the weekends, but I don’t mind the ongoing tag.

Yes, I saw in the first article that you stated no upvotes. I do reblog my content from the alt account, but never upvote it either. I wouldn’t want to be seen as milking the rewards pool, but I see some people do it and was wondering what’t the general outlook on such behaviour.

My understanding is that generally it is frowned upon for the reason you have said (milking the reward pool) - but as said, some do it.