Utilizing Wax Dao and exploring Gmfrens

in #hive-1679222 years ago

I stumbled on this at first before my return to hive so I did not know much about this particular project/nft. A few days afterwards when I came back to hive I had noticed that @l337m45732 made a post on this and I vaguely recalled his username from before so I decided why not lets try and see. @gmfrens I believe is the account of the project.

At that time I decided to buy some GM about 3 to be exact which cost me probably around 63-65 wax at that time for all 3. I've so far been able to mine about a little over half of what I put in back already.

The circled area is roughly what I bought them at and now if you were to buy the same 3 miners it would cost you 72 wax (probably a bit more as more you buy you will face higher slippage. Sure you can wait for the 1.5 HBD but then you maybe missing out on all that mining time in between.

With a lot of the projects on https://waxdao.io/ I probably recommend to enter and then pull returns to lower your investment in on them unless you are very familiar with the project or the direction of where it is going, but as far as this one is concerned I find it interesting that it is their 2nd set of miners sold and that none are for sale currently on the market in atomic hub so I'll probably be looking to add more into my position after learning more about the project.

Sometimes we have to try to jump in head first at things we don't understand so that we can learn more and see which projects or communities is right for us. If you have any questions to ask feel free to message me and I'll try to answer them to the best of my abiltiies.

I have probably over 1k nft's staked into waxdao if this is a subject of interest for people I may decide to do a breakdown post, but not sure about that yet. Because as these pools work the more nft's staked the less you will end up making overall... but maybe if these communities are strong and supportive we can all make more and grow together. What are some projects/miners that you like to invest in whether on hive/wax?


Ayy thanks for supporting the project fren! Lots of fun stuff coming. Make sure you stack up on as many NFTs as you can, you're gunna need em!

This project is 100% community funded with a goal of bringing the masses to Threads (the microblogging side of LeoFinance) & creating opportunities for the community. It is 100% an experiment, but I've on boarded a fantastic dev to help me make this thing happen.

Again - thank you for your support!

For those that want to spend HBD instead of heaving to buy GM, that's ok too. The miners are actually cheaper in HBD now that GM has gone up quite a bit.

Much love fren.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Np I still haven't looked too much into the threads section or how it works just yet. Also as you said the NFTs we are gonna need as many of them as we can will they still count when staked? Because these new miners have a 90 day staking time?

Threads is micro-blogging on Hive. It works at the comment level, so it doesn't show up in regular post feeds. It's a super fun time, very familiar to the Twitter feel. Highly recommend checking it out!

Yes, the idea is to stake them all and build your GM stack! There's gunna be plenty ways to use your current NFTs and GM very soon 💚😵

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ya that sounds really interesting is there a thread in which I can read up more about it. I'd love to start micro-blogging and meet new people or perhaps even earn some gm. Also maybe if there are a few key threads you recommend others to check out to learn more feel free to post the link and disclose it here as access to information and readily available information is key.

The wax blockchain keeps showing up on my radar but I haven't had the time yet to delve into it. Is it interoperable? Can one move assets from (or to) the blockchain.

yes! you can move assets from WAX to different chains like Hive relatively easy. there's even WAX on Hive Engine so you can buy WAX there and withdraw straight to your WAX blockchain wallet & vice versa

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's pretty cool! Thanks for the update :)

It all depends how you define interoperable... For example splinterlands is a pretty big force in the hive blockchain as many of the in game actions require hive and they have it to where you can port items over from splinterlands and tokenize it to become an nft on wax.

As you can see projects like Gmfrens is also on wax and its a sort of cross blockchain community as well as I recall seeing chronoverse on wax as well. If any other questions feel free to ask.

Okay, I got it. The capability exists to port items from blockchain to another.

actually, WAX has a pegged token on Hive Engine so you can deposit WAX there, and move funds between WAX & Hive pretty easily

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You take a best journey of life

Thanks I wish you the best journey of your life also. I think we should all try to always keep an open mind and learn

Of course we will