Whenever you think of how much you wish to accomplish and it seems as though the whole thing is out of your control you have just one thing to do. It is this thing motivational speaker will tell you to start from where you are, using what you have to do what you can.
They are right. It doesn't matter if somehow you feel you don't have enough information or facilities to take your dream up and pursue it. All you have to do is make do with what you have and take the leap. You will never really know what's waiting for you out there unless you jump. You might into a disaster or good fortune. What matters is that you leave your fears behind or carry it along but allow it to fuel and propel you to do better things.
Your financial dreams are important and as much as you want to become financially independent, there will be a lot of things standing in your way. But if you look past all those obstacles, you will be able to make a leap that helps you put your financial dreams into perspective and live them. You will be able to clear that debt, work that balance sheet, deal with that budget, learn about investing, become an investor, and do anything you wanted to do with your finances. But first things first, you must be willing to take the leap.
This is solely because if you don't, your future self won't be happy with you. But if you do, a lot could be waiting for you out there. Do it today.
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