I introduced a challenge recently on Hive dubbed the 30 day writing challenge and I brought in a few friends to Hive and I m facing some challenges.
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Since I introduced a few people to Hive, it was my sole responsibility to help them get started and I actually thought that delegating to them 10HP would help but I was wrong!
Among the group I introduced, there are some serious folks who have kept depleting their resource credits hehe and I am forced to keep delegating HP to them.
I remember reading sometime here that it will soon be possible to delegate Resource Credits, I do not remember when exactly I read it.
So my question is, when will resource credits be able to be delegated so that we don't keep delegating HP to newbies?
I think it would be awesome to be able to delegate RC instead to HP to newbies, especially after the successful launch of Leothreadss.
I have to assure you that these newbies I introduced cant enjoy Leothreads because of the RC problem! They are kind of limited.
I wish the RC delegation system is implemented now so that we could onboard new people to Leothreads.
I am now limited on the number of people to onboard to Hive because of my limited HP, if RC were delegable I would have no worry as I have an insane amount of RC hehe.
I wish we could get a timeline for this RC delegation so that we be aware because I want to massively start promoting Hive to my country Uganda here.
Jarau Moses
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta