My Hive Goals for 2024 Week #27

in #hive-1679222 months ago

I have decided to start posting a weekly update on my progress toward my 2024 goals here on Hive. It helps me stay on track and I can realize if I am behind on a goal at any point in time. We are over halfway into the year. If I need to towards the end, I'll push whatever is behind then. However, I am wondering just how much I need to purchase if things continue the way it is now. Things are looking good for my own goals lately as I see myself with some leeway after the powerup last week.


Above are statistics that I have gotten from HiveStats. This week is looking a bit worst than last week but I still think that I am doing quite well on my own goals so far. Progress is progress as it all adds up over time.


I got less than last week with 58 HP earned throughout the week. I am checking this through the difference between the two endpoints on the graph on Hivestats. The author reward is looking worst than last week by quite a bit but my curation is about the same. I guess I can't really control that so I will just see if it impacts my progress.


I gained 9 HBD last week and I put an order to sell that into Hive. As I said in my previous posts, my HBD goal is pretty much set with the interest that I will get. My order from last week filled. As for this week, I got far less HBD but I kind of guessed that from my Hivestats chart earlier and I plan on putting an order soon for more Hive from the HBD that I earned this week.

LEO Power

leo wallet.png
I only earned 25 LEO between last week and today but I am still fine with my goals right now due to the buffer. It's not as much LEO as I would like but I still haven't gone back to threads.


goal progress.png
My progress is looking fine so far. Both HBD and LEO power are ahead of where I need to be right now. The HBD goal is looking quite good as it has passed the 71% mark. Since my HBD goal is going well, I am planning to get more Hive so I can power up more for HPUD. I am still waiting for my HBD for this week to sell into Hive. I would say that my HP goal is now on track as we are halfway through the year and I am now above 52% for HP. I am so glad to see that all of my goals are on track now and I do plan on powering up some more Hive during HPUD to make sure that I stay on track.

Do you have any goals for 2024? What is the progress towards your own goals?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think you will achieve your goal giving the statistics you shared.😊 Advance congratulations . 🎊


You're welcome. 😊

Congratulations, I think no one really knows the right time to convert back to hive, so hbd is still the best bet

I have enough for my goal so I think having more Hive might come in more useful for now. I could always convert that into HE related stuff later on if I need to or power up to make some buffer for my HP goal.

Keep it up with your goals
You’re doing well