4 Years Of Ignoring The Noise...

in #hive-1679223 years ago

The Relaunch & Evolution of ListNerds.png

I'll set the scene for ya'...

It's late 2017. The bulls are starting their charge. The price of Bitcoin is smashing record highs and it seemed like every project out there, is a winner. ICO's funded multi-million dollar launches overnight. YouTube was alive with crypto experts pitching you 'guaranteed moonshots'. It was quite the time to be involved with crypto...

I had bought into Bitcoin a few years earlier and even got into mining Litecoin from an early stage. Of course, we won't go into how my company at that time sold all our BTC because...It hit $500 and it wouldn't go much higher. So we thought lol

But there was something else on the horizon that caught my eye...It was 'the blockchain that shall remain nameless' which eventually forked into....Hive!

If you scroll back far enough, you'll see what my approach was...I tried everything. This blockchain could be used for me to create content on and talked about what I was putting (what little I had) money into.

You name the ICO...I was more than likely putting a bit of cash into it!

I was convinced, everything was going to the moon and I'll become a multi-millionaire in a few months....

In a few months...The bear market began and for the next few years, it was misery in the crypto space...Except for this blockchain!

There was a passion brewing. Development was continuing regardless of the price of the token. And the community was a strong as ever. I'm not sure when I made the decision but looking back I'm glad I did!

My decision....Was to focus 100% on this blockchain and the projects being built on it!

...And ignore, everything else!

A lot of people stuck with Bitcoin (and made out very well), some chose Ethereum, others just seemed to bounce from project to project...I didn't pay attention to any of it and sep up my flag right here!

Some may say, 'You are an idiot for putting all your resources into one blockchain' and sure...Short term it may look that way, but here's something that my good buddy @taskmaster4450 has mentioned a few times on our podcast...

And I'm paraphrasing but:

"There are so many cool things out there in this space, but I simply cannot be everywhere!"

Hive is my big bet!

In fact, I've brought my entire business over to this chain and dragging my community along for the ride lol. So while I cannot tell the future, I have no regrets for my decision!

I own very little Bitcoin now...

Litecoin mining seems like a lifetime ago...

I hate Ethereum and do my best to stay as far away as I can from it...

Yup, all the eggs are right here in the Hive basket!

Time will tell if this is the right move for my family and my future. Everything in my heart of heart tells me, Hive will change everything online. The opportunities here are unlike anything I've ever experienced in over 2 decades of building businesses online...Nothing has got me more fired up and excited about that future!

So obviously, it goes without saying but...This is not financial advice. This is however, and I've mentioned this before....Time investment advice!

Be active here, show up every SINGLE day and put in the effort. Those simple day to day activities now, will have a massive benefit for you in the future.

How can I say that with certainty?

Because I didn't come here with deep pockets, I have the programming knowledge of a toad, and I am most certainly not a Pulitzer Prize winning author...

But 4 years into my journey, it's been the most rewarding experience of my professional life!


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There is a great hope in hive, because the blockchain is developing everyday, new projects are built and also new individuals come to the blockchain. In future hive will surely make everyone proud.

Your future self will thank you for being active and engaged today!

Yes 🙌🏼

I needed to hear that… lol… sometimes you get so frustrated because you see all the flashy shiny new things pumping and your prime pick just kinda hangs out, but yeah sounds allot like the same journey. Although most of it is here, I am diversified a bit.

Glad you got something out of it man. Yeah the worst is being on crypto Twitter and seeing everyone drool over the next biggest thing...Part of my journey has been, trying to tune that stuff out lol

There's that old quote attributed to Carnegie about getting rich - put all your eggs in one basket but make sure to watch that basket. Good times for Hive and it is great that recognition is finally coming.

ha ha ha i like it!

yeah I watch it all the time lol too much in fact lol

I didn't come here with deep pockets, I have the programming knowledge of a toad, and I am most certainly not a Pulitzer Prize winning author...

But 4 years into my journey, it's been the most rewarding experience of my professional life!

Same for me!

Lots of people got started here around those times for sure...What an adventure it's been lol

Indeed! 🤠

I really think that those who are here now are the initial seed of what could be a revolutionary project!!

I’ve listened to your podcast so much that I’ve started to hear your voice as I read your post 😫😫. Happy 4 years on here! You’re a great builder and we are proud to have you here, I am. Keep up the good work. Bless you.

Programming knowledge of a toad! Lmao!!!!! Get out of here mhn!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

ha ha ha I dunno if that's a good or bad thing!!

Appreciate you sir, thanks for the comments and support!

Oh lol it’s good stuff. I enjoy it

You are about 6 weeks ahead of me lol and you have grown remarkably well. Consistency is the key and being on here this long that means it is a forever blockchain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh no doubt...Hive is stuck with me forever now LOL

For many more to come! Let's see if this bet we take will come, or better said, when it comes.

All the best from the other side of the pond.

!PIZZA for you as I know you don't drink !BEER

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you sir! Forever trying to sneak me a drink lololol

I’m a Bitcoin and Hive maximalist.
Bitcoin is the future of money and Hive is the future of the internet.

Blockchain is inefficient and pointless without true decentralization.

Only Bitcoin and Hive have no founder, no foundation, no founding company.

Only Bitcoin and Hive have proved themselves to be entirely self sustaining.

Everything else depends on the funds of a centralised entity to run their blockchain.
A few many go through the difficult and painful process required for true decentralization but most will only last as long as their founders funds.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm all for Bitcoin! It's pretty much my number 2 holding outside of the Hive ecosystem. I love what you said too, it's pretty much the only 2 true decentralized blockchains and crypto out there!


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In a few months...The bear market began and for the next few years, it was misery in the crypto space...Except for this blockchain!

Development was continuing regardless of the price of the token. And the community was a strong as ever.

The opportunities here are unlike anything I've ever experienced in over 2 decades of building businesses online.

Thanks for sharing your passion and conviction about Hive. Not many have such kind of focus and long-term perspective. Newcomers like me can learn a lot from veterans like you. Grateful for the encouragement!


Just forgive my small token of appreciation. !PIZZA

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that's a benefit for newer members here, to see how literally anyone can do this.

No big amount of money invested, literally...Effort!

Me too. I haven't used yet even a single cent. Just thinking to start buying HIVE this first day of March.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think Hive has a lot of potential because of the fast and free transaction. This means the potential userbase is large and there are little downsides towards the applications being built here. I also have HIVE and the related projects as my biggest crypto holdings (made mostly from being active here).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the nugget right there....Activity here, pays off!

Huge tip I think more people will start to understand.

And some of us followed you here because, well, it was you. But I have learned, and re-enforced with my learning that I agree 100 percent with you.

Not because it is you but because I have learned the same thing about Hive that you have.

Unfortunately I have had some personal challenges and my HODLING, for the time being, has turned into financial support for my family.

Read that again. In two years on Hive, showing up every day, I was able to supplement my income. And I started from zero.

I will soon be going back into the building stage of my Hive journey.

I want to thank everyone that has stuck with me. And Jon for dragging me here.

Hive is the future.


That's the best thing about the blockchain...If you put in the effort, magical things will happen!!

For me it’s just bit more than four months (!) but I feel what you mean. There is passion here, there is dedication and a very nice and supportive community. Hive coin is doing well and we have some excellent Apps and projects running, especially in gaming (Splinterlands, Cartel, Ragnarok, etc). But also for my podcast there is so much development by @brianoflondon and many others. Podping, Value for Value to name just two big opportunities.

Thanks for sharing these motivationional lines, @jongolson! We stay positive and optimistic and I hope your investment into Hive will pay off!

#oneup #cartel #spt #hive

Oh it's a rabbit hole for sure!

Just so many things being developed here, you'll love it even more in a year from now!!

🙌🏻 Can‘t wait for my 1st Hive anniversary!

Agree 100%! I've been on Hive for more or less six months now, but it's only last month, that I am beginning to understand how things work.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congrats for the courage. I would not be so happy for such "centralization" of the funds.
I remember too the ICO jungle and the following "Private Sale" rounds because the ICOs were already mainstream.
BUT I feel that being diversified in several different areas is a must, and having some money in BTC or ETH is not attention-consuming. Just a wisely planned Accumulation Plan. That's what I am doing and what I share with my follower and coachees. All of them are having results and they apply this way of thinking also to other fields, with good results too.

Just been my approach to everything in my life...When I go in, I go all in. Not the choice most do that's for sure. But when it comes down to it, I'm an entrepreneur, and worst case scenario it crashes and burns...I rebuild :)

I've done it a few times in my life lol

Well, that's completely wise when it comes to projects where your attention must be put in.
All-in into investments is more like to gambling.

Anyway, I have a potentially interesting proposal for Hive community. I will come out in a few hours with it. And I am quite new in Hive to be really aware how Proposals work and how can someone support it. Do you have suggestion for doing that? Would you eventually be available to evaluate it?

Call me a gambler then ;)

It's a gamble I'm 10000% o.k. with.

As for the proposal, if it benefits the community, and gets on the radars of the whales, it'll get supported. But the trick is always, build the relationships with people overtime, and it's more likely to get the support.

Thanks for your input.
And sorry if I am quite naive about the Hive ecosystem, but, in your opinion, what would you suggest to get on track of the whales? Tagging them, or something more?

Showing up, for 4 years every single day lol Literally, no quick way to do it.

Sounds fair!