If you are living in this world you don't need to be told on how important money is to anyone,right now as we speak money is the most important thing any average man will be thinking of how to get on daily basis,fortunately money is common that we see it on daily basis but despite it's commonness, it is not very easy to get.
For anyone to be able to get money in abundance he must have a very good grasp on where he can easily get it. Well while some of us find it difficult to get money some has it in abundance, so the question now is can humans ever stop chasing money? for me I will say no because of the great value that is attached to money.
We have all seen a lot of wealthy people around world, this set of people has much of this money that can take them their entire generation without knowing what suffering taste like, we seen people like bill gate, elon must , warren buffet and even down to the politicians, all this people are rich financially but yet they keep chasing money every single minutes.
Humans are insertiable when it comes to money so everyone has the desire to acquire money without getting tired because money is very important in living a good life, there is no any reasonable human being that will like to suffer and as the world is right now , the amount of money you have determines your suffering, money rules the world by doing the unthinkable,money help in solving problems that ordinarily you might not be able to solve.
The importance of money to human life is a reason why we will never stop chasing money, everyone wants to be comfortable in life and without money you might not be able to get those things that is needed for your comfort, building of houses, buying of cars, travelling on vacations, paying children's school fees, paying of house rent and lot of other things that I can't mention requires money.
So as long as we keep having daily problems money will never be enough for anyone, the only way humans can stop chasing money is when we finally have to leave this world, aside this I don think we will ever stop chasing money.