What Are The Biggest Lessons You've Learned From Crypto?

in #hive-1679222 years ago

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Everyone that sees the internet as the recipe to learn unconventional ways of making money will surely be aware of crypto. When people mention making Money online, there's no way Crypto wouldn't be mentioned and in this video, I talked about how this popularity made early investors in BTC and unmade them as well. I talked about the lessons I've learned from the aspects of volatility and how money drives people mad when it comes to Crypto. There's a relativeness to Hive which I duly addressed

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The biggest lesson from the crypto is that I learned to be more patient. Really, nowhere in the world you can make “fast money” as everyone expects. Yet, there are some situations with a very good financial yields, but also the risk is greater then. Of course while this situation with patience and finances can be copied and used in the family life and everywhere else. Valuable investments never bloom that fast and easy.

This is a great lesson. Patience can be a lifeguard tool for anyone willing to be in crypto or other Blockchain projects.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

To be flexible is easily one of my greatest words of advice. In fact, I blogged about it and created some art inspired by it, today. If you're not flexible and you aren't able to change course, when needed, you won't last long in this space.


Exactly and you're totally right. Because crypto is volatile, we ourselves requires some aspect of flexibility to complete this.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Definitely, it also helps to have a strong heart ;<)

I accumulated a lot lesson from the Crypto. Crypto is not just about patient, it comprise of different lesson that engulf around it, one of it is "Power of Now". Crypto is volatile asset and when you're into it you have to make use of the opportunity that comes and not to procrastinate...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well.... The lessons of less-procrastination is really important I must say. The truth is I learned this too. Time is really of importance with crypto.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

My Answer

  • Emotional intelligence is more important than financial IQ
  • Don't forget to tell yourself that you're contributing toward building a better financial and economic system for the future of humanity by being part of the crypto community.
  • Crypto is all about the people and nothing but the people. So we must make sure we have a healthy network of people where we can grow together

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Stunning sir, real stunning. I must say that I've met more impactful people through my Hive and crypto journey and they've influenced my life. Having them has been like building a chain of connecting through which I've built every knowledge I've gained here

Emotional intelligence is more important than financial IQ

This is true because people with the former have gone on to achieve the latter. It's the person I've tried to be throughout my life.

Thanks for dropping by sir.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Crypto is very volatile. Consequently to that the knowledge of it has to be acquired before diving into it either as a trader or as someone who want to HODL.

The lesson I learnt is to never sell cheap. Your post touched some basic aspects of finances

Thanks for sharing


Thanks, never selling cheap is the goal of almost everyone. Understand or learning Volatility lessons are really great. I think I'm not really much of a trader bity I understand t yoiy mean.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

My biggest lesson is no doubt to be patient on project(s) I see have the potential to do well in the future. I can very well relate this to Bitcoin back in 2014, I had been patient and also took the time to dig deeper into Bitcoin my financial life would have panned out much better.
That lesson have led me to give project(s) time to mature, makes me a better HODLer and not panic whenever the market goes South.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Patience is a big lesson as it gives us the mental maturity to become better at finding good projects and rightly vesting our time appropriately into it. I've been lucky to meet a great community in the person of HIVE, I've learned almost everything I know by being here and another lesson is believing in a vood project.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Invest that much you can afford to loose and build your fortune on HBD :)

Well, that's quite "straight to the point" and HIVY as well. I believe in the future of HBD as well and I think it's potentials are unthinkable.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

My faith in Hive comes from the structure of the feeless and fast transactions. This appeals to a lot of the population and the development just continues. We are seeing a ton of new projects and it goes both ways for everyone involved. So my faith is more in what I see being done on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a carefully placed faith there my friend. I think my faith is perfectly placed on Hive just like you. I can agree that we're many with the same placed faith and one thing I've learned so far is that Hive doesn't disappoint especially with the level of growth we've been seeing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta