How Is Your "Hive" Skepticism Endangering Your Sense Of Preparedness?

in #hive-1679222 years ago


I see a bright future for Hive, and sometimes this future I envisage for Hive is what drives most of my actions. Now when I talk about Hive, I also mean to say the projects that are built on the blockchain.

Of course, it's easier to take a look at the last 2 years and begin to Imagine how we have failed at a lot of things; marketing, retention and not having been able to exponentially grow in huge figures.

But of course, it's possible to look at how well we've managed to stabilize HBD to a minimal level, slap a 20% APY on it, and got people Investing in it. It's the damn bear market but Hive at $0.6 doesn't seem bearish at all.

I'm not saying good prices are a testament to growth and development, all I'm saying is that having great prices can be good for things like retention, and positive vibes, it enhances believability in the entire system, it takes away FUD and creates FOMO instead and this alone can act as retention.

What If Hive........?

The question I tend to ask myself is that should hive Hit maybe $5, LEO $1, SPS $1, CTP $1, would I have been prepared enough? Not a lot of people can be in the affirmative to this question and this is because most people are hardly ready. Why? Because being ready requires making smart and viable choices. It requires taking bold steps.

Sentiments Against Building

One thing a lot of people are guilty of is seeing the need to build during the bullish situation and losing their motivation to do so when it's the actual bear season, they end up complaining till the next bull market only to discover they didn't put themselves in good positions to take advantage.

Of course, one of the enemies of being prepared is procrastination and the inability to obtain clarity about the future. Sometimes people create an imaginative 50/50 success or failure ratio to the Hive in general.

Now, these imaginations might be purely sentimental, but because they need a reason to justify their unbelief they just have to hold on to a reason that makes it difficult for them to build making them sell off their little wins for peanut and failing to secure the opportunity to buy back.

The Luck That Comes With Efforts

However, I'm a very objective person. When we look at the world of memecoins, we're in a new normal of how a coin with no project but all hype can make people millionaires, this shows that Crypto is evolving.

Nowadays you just need to constantly spread your portfolio into as many projects as you can manage and leave a huge chance of success to the element of luck, yes, sometimes a sense of preparedness and research is one of the ingredients which a person requires to get lucky.

Luck isn't built out of proportion, and neither is it just a fluke, one thing I've come to understand is that a person needs skin in the game when it comes to crypto, and when you can't muster this, it'll be difficult to maximize profit.

Hive: A Testament Of Consistency?

Another thing is that when a project is consistent, growth is inevitable, especially when there are reasons and use cases for any of such projects. Hive has been working hard to become more influential, over the years we've seen how splinterlands, for example, have tapped into the gaming sector to create another use case for Hive as well as better traction too.

One of the reasons why I decided to build into second-layer tokens is because of passive income, this means that the Hive ecosystem, in general, is quite profitable.

My verdict on Hive is slow and consistent growth over time while focusing on how much I can achieve in the space of 5 to 10 years. Asking the right questions about your involvement might incite you to make better Hive decisions, try this once in a while.

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Your post was upvoted and reshared on @crypto.defrag

I am also bullish about Hive but I also feel that I am less bullish about the 2nd layer stuff. There is just way too much out there and it depends on whether or not I am actively looking up what that community is doing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My preferences are limited when it comes to the second-layer tokens, it's majorly LEO, POB, waivio, ctp and a few others. I think there's solidity and some of these tokens might just do well come the bull market, I think I'm objective to that extent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Thanks a million Sir, sometimes all we need is the validation to keep going

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This is so true and reminds me of that phrase "You have to be in it, to win it." Right now is a great time to build and we are all finding the best ways that work for us in order to do it. I see a bright future for Hive as well and it will be even more potent and powerful for those able and willing to plant the seeds for the future.

A lot of people don't want to give out too much but they forget that it's the amount of energy, intent, money and exposure you give to crypto that you'll eventually get back. Being "in it" matters a lot.

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Yay! 🤗
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Things are looking bring on Hive everyday in fact this week with SPK token going Live just had me excited and bullish. There's a lot of preparedness required of us now for when Hive goes mainstream, the benefit could be mind blowing.

Am doing my best daily to make sure am prepared.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha I'm doing my best as well to get prepared because I believe in over a year time we might just about have another bull market. I think I am not prepared enough, I want my Leo power to have hit 10k at least before this period you know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh great! Thanks for the reminder to take these opportunities presented to me on Hive more seriously.

I also do see a bright future for Hive and that has never had a doubt even when the coin has been experiencing bear moments.

Yeah, I also think Hive being at 0.6 dollars isn't so bad... HBD accumulation has been one of the sweetest decision I made 😊

Asking the right questions about your involvement might incite you to make better Hive decisions

Sure, I will do that for sure 🙌

Well done on this, it's nice reading from you

It involves making sacrifices too, holding on when others are selling, looking for better earning opportunities rather than the native hive coin alone, increasing your stake by widenning your network range as well on the blockchain. I believe in you, go get it girl.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well advised, thanks for believing 😊

The Luck That Comes With Efforts

Haha. Same same bro. :')

With consistent actions, we are going to own the Hive game. 🔥

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, to me, I believe there are luck that actually comes with effort, without efforts, we cannot unlock that luck.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta