Hey hey, so it's me, @josediccus here. So I will be doing a giveaway in HBD January, possibly from the 3rd to the 5th of January, I'll make a post, then do the giveaway. However, I'm going to set some terms and conditions, just to encourage those who are doing their best with and for hive, and create a lively mood for the beginning of the year. Rest assured, I'm not doing this because I have too much, I just want to reach out to others.
Giving isn't particular about one party being rich or poor, it's just about extending a hand. I'm a very spiritual person, and lately, I feel I have meandered away from my faith and cultivated some reckless living, but with the many events happening in my life lately, I feel drawn back to my faith, because that is probably the only way. A lot of doctors here are confused about my health situation, so many of them have diagnosed wrongly, and some of them are rather confused, as to what to do.
Some others have basically run me dry, took away a lot of emergency savings, and left me having to depend on my aunt to feed. (Mostly because I feel no motivation to even do kitchen duties). I do not blame them, cutthroat doctors parading degrees are mostly what we have in Nigeria, and to be very honest I'm just tired of seeing their greedy faces. The ones in the general hospital are no better, poor, and mostly inexperienced. So I really do not understand anymore, and this is why I'm hoping I can leave Nigeria in search of a better living abode and medical exposure.
I currently do not have any resources to pull this off, I stopped working 6 years ago, after one being month bedridden, since then I've lived minimally, surviving and taking hustling online, but with the way it is, I don't think there's anything in this country for me anymore, and I really do need to better my health. Back to the giveaway, it's my way of just making someone smile, it might really not be life-changing, but going forward, I'll regularly put up posts and support those who are putting in their best on the chain. Again, this will happen in the first week of January. I just want to recover first from my five-week hiatus of seeking good medical care to no avail. I discovered a lot of people have been good to me, offline and online and even if I can't pay them back, all I can do is appreciate and be better to another person.
My brother has recently died, and while I'm still in that agony, I want to keep going to keep a stable health. My anxiety has messed up my cardiovascular system, and I truly, truly want to take of things I can control and leave the rest. I want to get married in 2024. With all the troubles in my life, maybe I need someone who would share in this pain. (Even if that might be too harsh to ask) I did my share of hunting, and to be very honest, I stopped when I discovered that not a lot of people want that health uncertainty, some people just want a blissful marriage, and not giving it to them would be harsh.
It might be a long shot, but having a partner, a baby, and something solid. I just don't have the energy to fight the health challenges I'm incapable of handling despite how hard I've tried. It's a long shot, and life has become lonelier by the day, with no friends, little or no family, and nothing else, maybe it's time to have those people who I can truly call family again. So for the giveaway, it's on, if you're lucky enough to be on the chain that day and meet the criteria, then some HBD to start the year. See you in the first week, cheers.
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