Money, Content & Value: Personalizing Digital Opportunities

in #hive-1679222 years ago

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Money, Content & Value: Personalizing Digital Opportunities

Competition creates standards that outlaw equity when it comes to opportunities. This means that we have standards which are required for becoming professional in different fields and hereby earning money and making wealth. But the advent of sophistication has changed this. In this video, I talked about how people can take advantage of their inborn traits to create a niche for themselves in the labor market. For example, I talked about how some marketing jobs require the possession of beauty and accents rather than degrees or the bureaucratic process of securing a secular 9 to 5 gigs.

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Keying Into Sophistication & Exposure To Forestall Economic Revolution
Money: The Learning Curve & Translational Process
What Makes A Job Opportunity Lucrative?
Shopping Online & The Illusion Of Buying Cheap Things
The Humanistic Approach Towards Scarcity & Competition
Spending & Accumulating: The Low & High Point Of The Crypto Seasons.


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It's an interesting topic and I am reminded of the arguments some of the game youtubers have talked about play to earn. The basic premise is whether or not it will affect motivation when the focus is on the money aspect rather than the social aspect.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When the focus is on the money, surely it'll affect the social aspect because it plays an important role on the motivation to continue even when the money isn't forthcoming.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sometimes our talent or what we studied in school are things so many people doesn't even take seriously in life because of our instant needs and so many talent has died through this process

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, our instant needs are mostly what we concentrate on and that's why we mostly work to pay bills firstly before any other thing. It's a world of endless billing.

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Content is defined by YOUR skills. Not what other people are doing with their skills, but YOUR skills. Everyone has unique skills or qualities that makes them fit for a particular job. Once you identify what yours is, you know where you belong and how to use YOUR skills to your advantage.

The problem is in the identification. Identifying one's skills or the ability to do so is, is a skill on it's own, sometimes this is why a lot of people never move from where they are.

Identifying one's skills or the ability to do so, is a skill on it's own.

I’ve never heard this before. It got me thinking. You’re soo right!

This is insightful 👌 We have that hidden talent in us that is capable of making us comfortable but sometimes, we don't listen to our inner self to discover our purpose and take advantage of it, but rather keep looking for greener pastures elsewhere in maybe an organization whereas we have an inbuilt skill we can harness and be made.

Two weeks ago I had an encounter with one lady searching for Nanny work of 15k per month, and then upon our discussion, I discovered that she has a unique skill that can give her up to 100k per month. . I was able to give her all the assistance she needs and just two weeks oo, she has started making cool money from her own handwork.

Many thanks sharing this ✌

Yeah, I'm sure that lady never figured it out, until you came along and helped them with it. The truth is, in Nigeria, a lot of people just wants to do what's available because that's the only option. Sometimes the people don't think they have the time to search for what they can do as a result of this, they prefer to wallow in mediocrity. It's absolutely crazy.
In my life, I'm still going through a phase of discovery, but I'm glad I'm not totally lost. Thanks for that detailing input Ma.

Everyone has different things that they can use to generate capital, Just that a lot of people have not yet discovered themselves. And some people also think that they are not good enough at using their skills to look for money because they have the feeling that people will not value it.

The most important thing in life is discovering what we have and looking for a way to explore it without minding what people will say about it.. some people are looking for what you are good at doing out there, but how will people know if you don't showcase the skill.

Nice listening to you today, and hopefully this will go a long way to help others in thinking about what they can offer to the society to gain capital.

Thanks dear, basically I think it's important to even go on a journey of recognition or discovery, I mean when we begin to understand our purposes, this is when we begin to understand that we're all a content. A piece of commodity that's willing to be sold out there.

Nice listening to you today, and hopefully this will go a long way to help others in thinking about what they can offer to the society to gain capital.

Thanks a million, I'm glad I touched on that topic, I generally think that the world is no longer as it used to be, it's easier, but complicated, we just have to unfurl it..

Interesting topic you touched on, I suppose most of us have that inborn talent within us untapped for better use. There is a content within us someone out there is willing to pay, we've got to identify it and market it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is true, if we actually tap into what we can do, we'd never have to see making money as work. But the processes of doing so is where the problem actually is. A lot of times it's hard for people to see what they're naturally gifted at.

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