The "Talent & Hustle" Phenomenon: What Does The Universe Decide?

in #hive-167922last year

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Some people are born talented, and the ingredients of success are easily accessible to them

These kinds of people are the ones that might not understand the meaning of effort, because the means that are reachable to them, might take some others a lot of hard work to get.

This is a reality that we often deem to be unfair, especially when we begin to equate the principle of work and reward. There will always be people who work less for the money they earn, and there will be others who will be paid less for the efforts they put in.

It's reality

One of the ways to get stuck in ineptness and stagnancy is to languish in the judgemental conundrum of fairness and unfairness.

Jealousy Is Inevitable

No matter how educated or exposed we are, there are people we're always going to be jealous of, irrespective of how we train or restrain ourselves

This doesn't necessarily mean that we're aiming to harm them, it only means that we're hurting from the jealousy that stems from comparing them to us.

We find ourselves being angry at them for doing the things we can barely do so effortlessly. The idea that they do not put as much effort as we do, makes it seem like they do not deserve the things they get. It's always difficult for people to accept the fact that there will always be people who will do the things they can do without putting in any effort.

When a person is endowed by default, they're most one step ahead

......because of the places where they begin to run their race. Some people with humble beginnings who went on to become successful are always bitter, they feel that everyone should go through the pain of due process just like they did, and when this isn't the case, it creates toxicity.

I believe in hustle and talent, and there's what I call the natural endowment for instinctive success. What's this? It's often believed that all talented people are lazy, and depend solely on their charm or undeveloped capabilities to always pave the way for them, While this isn't completely false, there are also talented people, who honed their skills, worked hard and decided to master their craft.

The Phenomenon Of Exchanging Talent For Money

I know that the general belief is that everyone has a talent, this might be true, but not everyone is blessed with a talent that brings financial fulfillment. Finding out what our talents are, and checking whether they can be financially liberating is one of the most difficult things in life.

This is because most people are focused on exchanging their talent for money, rather than going on a journey of self-discovery, following the natural process, and allowing themselves to showcase what they're truly good at.

Nevertheless, there are people who spend their lifetime never discovering what their talents are, they might have, and Only ignore it because it's not financially liberating.

Work, goals, and passion, often set people off on a road to achieving different things

Sometimes the focus on talent dies when the reality of bills and responsibilities comes. This is when people begin to embrace the reality of hustle. There are people who only feel that they need to hustle if they do not have monetizable talents The truth is that neither talent nor hustle is interchangeable.

This is why people go to school, get a degree, master a profession, drop that profession, and head back into the streets to continue the rough way.

There's no certainty to anything we embody

.....this is why we try everything we can

For me, the natural endowment for instinctive success is attracting success without primarily depending on one's skillsets.

This is a natural process of favor where people become lucky without being a key player in why they're lucky. This kind is rare, but it happens.

The internet is a place where we see people become lucky without even preparing themselves to be, the universe sometimes breaks all principles of normalcy and shatters our expectations, beliefs, and mentality.

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Apart from that, you know some people can be so lucky that they are likely to get all the things they need and things work for them very fast and there are some people who are very talented but they are not as lucky as others and it makes them feel like they are not doing enough

Hmmm! What more can I say, well I love this piece earnestly

You know having talent is another thing, finding what that talent is and how it can impact lives is the real game

Thank God for skills, you can learn skills if you don't have talent and you can earn both from talent and skills - no crime in that

But, not everyone is set to discover this talent... in short, not every body is blessed with a talent

But with talent or no talent, the most important thing is finding your purpose because once your find your purpose be rest assured that everything will fall in place

I do believe everyone has something unique they can do, but the fact that we don't consider them marketable is why we normally wouldn't categorize them as talent and this is erroneous.
You're right, everyone can learn a skill and that's akin to the level or degree of hustle. We mostly dedicate time to learn skills, and in every aspect of the society, everyone has at one point in time done this, just to put food on the table.

I do believe everyone has something unique they can do, but the fact that we don't consider them marketable is why we normally wouldn't categorize them as talent and this is erroneous.
You're right, everyone can learn a skill and that's akin to the level or degree of hustle. We mostly dedicate time to learn skills, and in every aspect of the society, everyone has at one point in time done this, just to put food on the table.

No matter how educated or exposed we are, there are people we're always going to be jealous of, irrespective of how we train or restrain ourselves

This part right here is so true. So much in the corporate world. In the ph we have the phrase crab mentality where instead of celebrating the wins of others, people get jealous and downplay once achievement. Been thru this countless times that ive been wary of who to trust.

Jealousy is innate. Most of the times, I feel it takes a lot of self development and discipline, to act differently, away from our animalistic side

Luck isn't something we can control but if we keep trying, then things may work out. If you don't try, it doesn't happen. I don't know if I would really say I have any skills but I guess being able to get things are a part of just doing a job. Just keep hustling and learning because you never know what will happen.

Yeah, sometimes I wonder what my own skills or talents are, but I guess sometimes we ignore the little things we can do and not count them as talents.

A lot of people have talents but not all talents can be turned as a means to financial freedom.

If your talents brings you money, then, you are lucky, if it doesn't, focus on other skills or hustle to make ends meet because as you grow, responsibilities grow as well.

As you hustle through life, pray that the universe favour you.

I believe in hustle and talent, and there's what I call the natural endowment for instinctive success. What's this? It's often believed that all talented people are lazy, and depend solely on their charm or undeveloped capabilities to always pave the way for them, While this isn't completely false, there are also talented people, who honed their skills, worked hard and decided to master their craft.

You hit the nail on the head and I agree with this, Not all talented people are lazy, some still add efforts to hone their skills and it looks like they aren't putting much effort because they are blessed with it.

This is because most people are focused on exchanging their talent for money, rather than going on a journey of self-discovery, following the natural process, and allowing themselves to showcase what they're truly good at.

I used to write for fun while in school and never envisaged that I could earn from it, It was just a natural thing but I had to learn how to be good at it, Just one space on twitter changed the whole thing and look where I am today.

We just need to give our talents attention and time, discover what we are truly made for and excel.

You hit the nail on the head and I agree with this, Not all talented people are lazy, some still add efforts to hone their skills and it looks like they aren't putting much effort because they are blessed with it.

Yes, I think I've heard that stance where they say talented people are lazy. I just don't think it's all of them. I've seen very talented people who are passionate and are hustlers at the same time.

Yeah, many are still passionate and hard working and I think you are one of them.

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This our world is strange so to say, some are talent, but no avenue to come to limelight.

they feel that everyone should go through the pain of due process just like they did, and when this isn't the case, it creates toxicity.

I think who pass through difficulties why growing up are often embittered especially when they finally make it to the top. They expected everyone to pass through the same fate or process. They are qucik to say some people are not doing enough which is why they are not making it.

Also i believe everyone is unique in their own way. We just need to accept who we are and find our way to the top without being embittered by the success we find around us.

We'd always have people who want you to undergo the process they did. It's normal with oldies. We have such people in every works of life including hive. This is the diversity in the mentality of people. We cannot change such people, that's how diverse people can be.

Hmm, i'm sure you would have witnessed more on here. I guess you have more to tell me where your experience why on Hive.

This is why people go to school, get a degree, master a profession, drop that profession, and head back into the streets to continue the rough way.

This particular line really got to me, in our today's Nigeria you see lots of graduates in the street doing minimal jobs just to survive and so you ask yourself what was the essence of going to school, even if not for the degree while in the process didn't they thought of an alternative skillset? Why will someone spend such a number of years in school just to end up in the streets driving maruwa doing odd jobs ....

Talking about jealousy and envy I'm not particularly a fan of that, but I have a room mate we currently stay together since second year tho we're out of the system waiting for national service, this guy freaking annoying, he's naturaly gifted in asking, like you won't know when you pull out funds to him meanwhile he's not doing anything to help with daily expenses...most times am like when I'm out of here I'm not sharing my space with anyone cause I quite kinda like my privacy.

In Nigeria, the system is backwards. I feel that Nigerians are the problem of Nigeria. First of all, the incessant demand for university degrees are why some higher institutions are so expensive. However, everyone wants to work white collar jobs, so much that the people who want to do lowly jobs that requires skill acquisitions are low in number.
However, it's what it is. There are no provisions for graduates, and it baffles me because when you go to places like UK, there are so many establishments that caters for foreign and nations and you begin to wonder how Nigeria is so wealthy we cannot even guarantee jobs for 50% of our own graduates. We've voted in the wrong people again.

As for your friend, I feel that his ability to be so persuasive can actually be honed and put to go use in another positive way.

The system here is choked up, one of the things I really take out was to be creators of jobs instead of. Just demands, of course there are no jobs anymore, those in government jobs wants to die there before been taken out,

But to create jobs we need so sort of amenities, facilities to aid growth but our government are busy looking in the wrong direction instead of harnessing the full potentials of fresh graduates provide with all necessities to Create jobs and mob out excesses of unemployed youth no they won't do that, I'm to believe this is one of the reason the western economy flourishes, all those mega companies that now employs thousands was started by an individual with little support it blossom likes of Facebook Apple Amazon etc. But here no way they will rather kill your ambition

No wonder many energetic Nigerians are running out.

Powerful and insightful!

Talent and hustle, Discovery is very important. I vividly remember when my teacher in secondary school told me how it's very principal to know who I am. I ponder more on this cause right from tender age, cognitive thinking is my life. Just to cut the story short, I was able to figure out the answer. Then I begin to work towards it.

Talent doesn't bring money, until it get processed

Note my word: Talent to money isn't as easy as most people think it is, you must have paid the price of Time, learning and patience.

From raw talent ---- modification----Money

I compare talent to raw material that hasn't been processed. There was a time when I was ignorant of my talent. If it comes to writing I can write from morning to night without looking for a friend or companion, so writing was my lover. Then someone told me how I can use this skillI to call for money. Then I started exercising myself to deliver what clients will love.

So, talent requires more than what most people think of.

Thanks for sharing, Jose. Hope you're better now?

That's another angle which you've taken it from. I don't consider myself a talented person though and this is because a few of the friends I have are geniuses in their craft. I measure up to them because of my ability to hustle. I'm yet to discover what I think I can effortlessly do. However, it's true that most talents are monetizable, especially after they've been refined. Nevertheless, it can be a difficult process. A lot of people run from process and sometimes we just give up everything.

I like and can relate to your own journey of discovery. It's beautiful.

Thanks for sharing, Jose. Hope you're better now?

Provided one can show up, I guess that's a positive sign. How are you too?

Haha, quite amazing to hear.

Then we should never confuse Passion with talent. So, I will say Hustle and talent work hand in hand, apart from writing, I've always been a very creative seamstress. I really had passion for it, so I had to develop myself.

Good to know you're better then. I'm very well, here following the path you have set.

I don't think I have any talent lool hahaha, maybe someday I can have a business and be successful with it. All I can say is that, I'm open to be trying things in different new ways, in other words, I'd say I'm a hustler.

Sometimes the focus on talent dies when the reality of bills and responsibilities comes.

I once had a friend who went through this. She was an amazing singer with a golden voice. I wonder if she's still singing today because she's immersed deeply into business.

Or maybe some talents have other greater purposes than monetisation. only means that we're hurting from the jealousy that stems from comparing them to us.

The issue of jealousy arises when we compare ourselves to others. We shouldn't, especially if we don't know the person's process or his corgitations at night.
If we see people who don't seem to put in much work like we do but are more successful, we should try and find out what the person did and try to implement it. Maybe it's what the person did without knowing it would pay of or it could be what the person's parents did.

Thanks so much, Boss for sharing.