Why Is Hive Different Than It Was Before?

in #hive-16792223 days ago

I used to curate on Hive around the clock, but now I only do my curation for the day in less than two hours and continue the next day. I mostly scroll through my following feed and curate and engage with the posts that appear within a 24-hour period.
There are numerous reasons, including my personal life, but I will leave that to discuss the other reason why this has occurred.

There has been a significant decrease in the quality of content on Hive, not in terms of quantity, but in terms of overall goodness in the types of posts I typically consume. It is not about the length of the content, but I will explain more.
Back in the day, the chain was full of excitement, from whale drama to content theft.

We had these massive giveaway posts in which the authors tried to take advantage of the favorable market conditions to earn more money. We had posts with over 400 to 500 comments discussing governance drama and such. Recently, the only post that came close was the SPL proposal post, which demonstrated that most people on Hive are in hibernation mode and are likely waiting for a post like that to jolt them into action.

One advantage of posts like this is that you can learn about people's true intentions and gain general knowledge from those who truly understand how Blockchain works; some people are walking Hive encyclopedias, and reading through posts like this can help you learn.

Also, we had content trending that had big boys arguing over who was richer and more influential, the bigger boys who would always boast about being able to afford comfortable lives and not relying on Hive for anything.

These dramas were beneficial to the chain, and you had those who constantly pushed their legion of friends to power up more Hive so they could downvote their fellow whales.

Do not get me wrong, this is not the best of things, but believe me, they made this place viable, and as I previously stated, drama is traction, no matter how you phrase it.

Remember how Hive gained attention after Justin Sun attempted to smoke the Hive community?

Hive basically trended in many places and sometimes, somewhere, in a morbid way, these drama are not entirely evil. I believe the majority of those things were malicious and devious, but on the internet, regular things do not attract attention, and when there is no attention, there is no hype.

The prominent witnesses you see today once fought for support to stay on top. Blocktrades were the holy grail of Hive at the time, and you could see them interacting in various places. It is not the same as it was, and I have a theory as to why.

I am not a regular consumer of content discussing mundane topics; if it does not truly address irregularities, it is not my thing.

However, these types of content have decreased because the chain is somewhat stable and the market is not in a comfortable position for people to really voice their true options and flex their muscles.

The majority of people are posting their survival strategies and games, while those who are angry are posting about why they hate Hive for not replicating BTC's success, and some are simply holding on and trying to stay here.

The Chain Morphs Every Cycle

But there's something else...

Overall, the Chain changes with each market cycle, and I believe that the mode of the market influences the type of content created. During the previous bull market the most popular type of post was "unfair rewards" type of posts. This was because at $3, a post could earn up to $900, and dandy people would always use their guns (stake) to reduce the rewards on a post.

They had a great time doing these things, which happens during each market cycle. This is the most serious issue with the bull market on the chain: people are debating who deserves what and why. It was a terrible thing, but there was something interesting about it.

The Life & Market Factors

People are more reactive than proactive, which can be attributed to a variety of factors. For example, Asher (abh12345) was one of the most active and close people I interacted with when I first joined Hive, but he is no longer as active, and his most recent update was about how a condition caused him stage 4 kidney disease on one kidney.

Life generally causes people to become inactive, as I mentioned earlier, and this can have a significant impact on how people use Hive. The nature of the market is another predominant thing; you will gradually start to see new faces, new opinions, content, and different things the moment Hive hits $1 and above.

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Life generally causes people to become inactive

I couldn't have agreed more. There are days or times where I am barely holding up, I do not write as I can barely think, this is the case of many.

For Asher I pray he gets well soon and I miss the Engagement League.
Hope you're doing great Jose?😃

He mentioned that the engagement league will not come anymore, and it was really good, it helped me as a newbie when I came in. Life happens and it's always difficult to keep up.

When I see the lifecycle of Hivers, those who make it to 5 years are in the minority. Perhaps they find some new interests that take them away from the chain?

I think I have seen many who are over 5 years, infact I see them on a daily.. and I relate with most of them

The ones that left are the ones who couldn't keep up, because they got busy with life and so many other things..

Life can generally be overwhelming, and for some it's just life..

!discovery 20

You are right, but I believe that the most important factor for this stagnation is the market. Right now the market is getting ready for bull run and a lot of people will come back to hive. What makes me happy is that from what I see even if people are no longer active, the majority of them did not YET sell their assets so they are just hibernating, waiting for the moment.

You're right about this. Some people did not sell their assets because they probably know it'll be a terrible decision. Market situation like this is a period to actually hibernate, but I believe being active is actually better..


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You’re right.
Also, I think some old schoolers who used to post quality contents are no more active and we don’t have much of those contents anymore
Well, I’m sure we would still find some quality contents no matter how difficult it may seem to be

Well it's subjective, I just feel it's mostly life that keeps people inactive, and the market situation too. Content changes with people and the market

Nice article my friend showed me.

Life happens for everyone, and that's one way it affects the manner in which they interact with the chain and people and apps on it. Then, the group of friends one usually interacted with might get smaller because for reasons stated in your post and general life some don't stick around or their presence is cyclical. Connections with others may take their place to fill the void, but not always. Most people's onchain activity changes/morphs in time and often influenced by the market or the projects and people that stick around.

Well yes, incredibly I've seen people come and go, for reasons that aren't because of the market or Hive, but just life. I use to know this guy who actually helped me on the chain in so many ways. Then he probably went through a divorce and also immigration issues in London and became inactive. I tried reaching him through Twitter but he wouldn't reply. Late last year, I lost my only sibling too, and got diagnosed with all the complications, and I lost touch with many too, I think I just am not that guy that a lot of people once knew, while there are other changes in my life I think it's generally reduced how I use Hive, despite my passion for everything here.

Yes, but at least you are still here. In some ways and for some people this kind of connection with others on Hive can be therapeutic too. For others, they feel it's better to take a step back from online activity, particularly in the social media, where often people pose as doing so great in life and rarely talk about their problems. Every person has their own ways of dealing with what life throws at them.

Well, it's not like I cannot leave the social space, offline and all the silence isn't great for me either, as there's no recluse. I agree it works differently for various people

The main problem is that 98% of those who come in only do it for the possible earnings and not because they genuinely want to have a blog. So the moment the earnings go down they leave along with them or continue with minimum effort which often already wasn't that high. As much as I like Hive as it perfectly suits my needs, I don't think the overall model is good enough to properly work.

This said, I do believe it has a niche audience that will always be there which will keep the chain alive. It's hard though to see it ever go anywhere near mainstream even though I would love it to happen one day.

The overall model of Hive is not perfect, but everyone goes through humbling when it comes to web3. It's the wild wild west there. Over expectations kills the possibility of exploration and betterment.

Anyone cares about Hive, knows the place can literally get better and we've been talking about this all these while, but the witness system can be slow and redundant.

Hive doesn't really need to go mainstream, I just feel that it just needs some decent traction, it doesn't need the whole wide world.

I agree, it's just fine if Hive remains a niche platform that continues to exist and at least hold up and slowly grow over time. I would sign for that.

You made me remember Asher as he was one person that made me more active and still do. The use of Ecency frontend was like a competition then. I hope he gets well too and I miss the engagement league and will do since he won't be bringing it up again.

A lot of people have their reasons why they aren't active while some are actually waiting to come back once Hive price shoots up.

Well, life happened, and he's probably in remission for his illness. Yes, he was one of those influential people for me, and till today, I still check his post and I'm always keeping in touch.
No chance the engagement league is coming back, but it was good while it lasted.

Yes, it was good. All the best for him.

You have stated quite a lot of vital reasonable point, very true to the letters, here's a thing and its one very reason why i just love hive and i'm willing to invest 80% of my time on it, tho i'm not there yet its a prospect for me...

HIVE IS LIVE I said that because life itself is transgenerational one phase after another things change and new waves arrives, so is hive, nothing remains the same, but i guess you mean change on the chain towards a positive trajectory, which is one thing i so love what the #leofinance #inleo and other team i might not be aware of teams doing all they could pushing projects that gets users to engage and want to take the chain off here and make it go out....

Its might not be the same for everyone, i'm just holding on a thread, i've got a better prospectus up my sleeve.

Greetings @josediccus ,

You are correct....there are quite a few contributing factors to this one.

As a returning user...from a while ago...the biggest change is that many of the previous actively engaged users are tied up in trails and as a result the engagement is different....quite different.

Kind Regards,


When did you return, and how long did it take you to actually return, did you still see some of the faces you recognize from way back?
Well, you're right, the engagement is different, but I think some people still manages to come back maybe when the market is better

Things have really changed. Everything seem to.have moved on or something, and there are others who have left due to downvotes on them.

Also, when it comes to interaction, the margin is very low. Some people just scroll through your post and make a comment that will just make you want to downvote them. Like, I once saw someone's comment saying "nice post" to someone's post about her father's death.

People find it hard to trust, read, and comment something meaningful nowadays, and it is kinda disheartening to see. No human interaction. Kinda weird, no?

Downvotes as are part of the system, and apart from some really malicious person and his friends who downvotes people unjustly, most downvotes have been justified because of stolen content and all other things.
Generally I just think the crypto market makes people saddened when it's the bear market, and they lose interest, when they could actually be accumulating.

I think life issues is the main thing.. some people just morph, their lives become different and they become less active

I think it may have finally settled into the common knowledge that the top 20 accounts are gonna take 50% of the rewards intended for all creators day after day, year after year.
Those in control intend to stay in control even if it means we become the betamax of blockchain.
Nobody buys into a game on those terms, and as we can see, people won't even invest their time with those conditions.

I've been saying it all along, as long as only agreeable speech is supported by tptb any freedom lovers will find other things to do.
Come to find out, most people love freedom.
Only cucks and extremely poor employees agree to sell their souls under the conditions on offer by the hive, imo.
That is a small minority of the population.
It may explain why literally millions of people have turned their backs on us.

Well I think that might be extreme. Hive generally has its downside, plus the title of the post might seem to signal FUD but I actually think it's more than the reward.
Every system or project is always affected by the bear market and I don't think it has the do with 20% of people getting the rewards and all that.
A lot of things makes Hive easily irks one, but it's literally not greener on the other side.

This place can be better, but some people are always too paranoid

20 accounts, 20% would be an improvement.
8+ years of top down management has gotten us here, maybe it is time to try something else.

Yeah, but the witnesses are still stalling

Puppets have strings.

I feel many are downhearted by unfavorable market. Adding to that, a lot of chores to meet daily demands adds up too.

Unfavorable market situation is also a huge culprit..

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The bear market really does change things. There isn't much we can really do about it but I do agree that the people in Hive right now are just the people who want to be here. It's stable and it's a place for them to be. The question about post rewards is always a tricky topic and I agree that it will become an issue again when the price of Hive goes up.

You're correct. The people that are here are the ones that actually wants to be here, and it's stable. Rewards are always a problem when it comes to the bull market and it's always a funny situation. I remember a whale target me during the last bull run

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