My Vision for LeoPremium

in #hive-1679229 months ago

LEO launched on July 3rd, 2019. This upcoming July will mark the 5th year that LEO has been live as a token, platform and ecosystem. If you go back to that time, you'll see just how remarkable this place has become. We look nothing like we did back in July 2019.

The progress is rapid. The pace of innovation is stunning. Our team is 10x larger. We continue to grow on all fronts.

With progress and growth comes breaking stuff. We move fast, break stuff. As the community has so famously coined: we do it live. When you look at any startup that has done anything worthwhile, there is some element of doing it live. You have to be willing to crack some eggs in order to make an omelette.

The INLEO UI has become quite a masterpiece. I am really proud of where it stands today. We have so much on the roadmap for 2024 and I couldn't be more excited to deliver on it. From AI integrations to just general stability and usability... there is more in store to come to the UI in 2024 than any of the previous 5 years of development.


LEO Premium is something I have been excited about since the team and I first started discussing it. It addresses many needs simultaneously.

Firstly, a product.

You all know that LEO aims to be built on sound business principles. @taskmaster4450 has talked quite frequently about that. There is a lack of sound business building when it comes to the Crypto space.

Most people just want to launch token after token, NFT after NFT. Trust me, I get that. Been there, done that. Tried it all. It's enticing because it seems like it will work super well. Especially when all the big money maker projects are doing it.

But in the long-run, it doesn't work. I've seen it first hand in many different ways. I've always been obsessed with building sustainability but sustainability needs to happen in the right way.

Building a great business to me means building a great product.

I always thought of as the product of the LEO Ecosystem... and it is. But a Product also needs to be something you can sell and make money from... Especially if your goal is to build a sustainable, profitable business.

Since we are a tokenized ecosystem, a sustainable, profitable business means that we are earning revenue and that revenue is fed into the token (LEO). A Web3 ecosystem is one that is owned by the users.

Recently, I had a realization that LeoPremium is the product. Of course, the UI is still the main product we build... but LeoPremium is the monetized product. It's the one that the LEO Ecosystem sells and makes money from.

This is a first for our community and ecosystem. A true product to actually market to the world and sell. Building our revenue from this product should be a top priority that lives synergistically with continued development, innovation and of course: onboarding and monthly active user (MAU) growth.

Scaling Premium

As of right now, I believe we're somewhere in the ballpark of 150-200 monthly recurring Premium Subscribers. Let's just use 200 for round numbers.

Premium is $10 per month and the only payment rail is HBD. So we collect roughly $2,000 HBD per month from premium subscribers.

That's not bad to start!

I recently had a vision for a LeoPremium Flywheel on the LEO Token Economy. More on that later.

For that to take place, we need to see some massive growth on the Premium Subscriber front.

The goal with LEO Premium is that the value is tremendously higher than the cost. $10 per month is the cost and it's not hard for us to deliver 10x the value of that on a monthly basis to all of our Premium members.

Current Premium Feature Set

  • Orange checkmark next to your username
  • Priority in "For You" feeds
  • Edit threads after you post them
  • Add Bold, Italic and other "Markdown Styling" to your threads
  • Publish longer threads
  • Bookmark Folders & Organization
  • Themes

Upcoming Premium Features

  • LeoAI
  • Auto-AI Summarize Blog Posts to Threadstorms
  • Favorites Menu
  • Pinned Threads
  • Advanced User Dashboard

In addition to these features, Premium users also get increased upvotes by @leo.voter. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about this.

Premium users are signaling support not just for LEO but also for HIVE. Since 100% of Premium Subscriber revenue buys HIVE and LEO off the market, then pools it as liquidity, the subscribers are actively contributing buy pressure to both HIVE and LEO on a monthly basis.

So, we know that anyone who is premium is more likely than not a supporter of the two tokens and more likely to hold them than someone who is not. Again, not a perfect metric but definitely a signaling variable.

Eric and I had a meeting yesterday about my new vision forward for Premium and the overall productization of the LEO Token Economy.

One key aspect for me is surrounding @leo.voter curation. We've worked tirelessly on better curation models. We 100% manually curate with @leo.voter.

Right now, we have a curation model where we go through content on the UI. We curate high quality content that meets certain quality standards that we've created.

I am making a big change to how this works.

Instead of upvoting any content we see that meets these standards, there will be new variables introduced:

  1. is the content posted from If not, then it's not eligible for curation. This will free up a lot of voting power to focus on natively posted content
  2. Is the user Premium? If yes, then curate with a significantly higher voting %. If no, then curate normally using our high-quality standards of content guidelines

Starting this morning - as we just talked about it as I'm writing this post - the new curation practices are in place.

Non-premium users who publish content from will likely notice a bump in their curation received from @leo.voter. Naturally, since a lot of VP is freed up from point #1 above.

Premium users who publish content from will notice a definitive increase in their curation received from @leo.voter.

If you are premium, you will likely make 2-5x the cost of premium back each month in upvotes on your content from @leo.voter's 2.4M HIVE POWER.*

*asterisk because your content needs to be posted from and you also need to meet the minimum content quality guidelines. If you post a long-form blog post with a picture of a cat and 3 words, it won't get curated. We still have our standards in place for quality content. The frequency of blog posts matters too. You should try to post a minimum of 1x per week. If you don't post long-form blog posts at all in 1 month, then we obviously can't reach you with the curation.

We're going to add a user dashboard (currently being developed) and one new module I have an idea for is to track exactly how much $$$ you've received in the past month from @leo.voter upvotes. For example, if @leo.voter upvoted your content 4x in the past month for $18 each, then the user dashboard would show that you've been upvoted 4x by @leo.voter, totaling $72 in upvote value received.

This will make it abundantly clear.

LeoPremium Flywheel

The flywheel is what led me down this path originally. The vision for Premium is concrete in my mind now.

Currently, $2,000 per month is being earned by Premium subscriptions.

100% of the revenue buys HIVE and LEO off the market, then pools them as bHIVE-bLEO Permanent Liquidity.

The liquidity in this pool can never be removed. It's permanent.

Imagine if LeoPremium was earning $10k per month. That would be $10k per month added to the liquidity pool. We all know how valuable it is to have deep liquidity to facilitate trading. It also is very attractive to outsiders who want to get into a token.

The $5k per month in buying pressure would have a massively positive effect on LEO as a token. There is currently ~$9k per month in inflation of new LEO Tokens created for the Rewards Pool.

That would be more than half of all inflation for LEO getting purchased from the market and then locked in a liquidity pool permanently.

Over the course of a year, that's $60k in buying pressure each for LEO and for HIVE. $120k in total Liquidity Pooled per year.

And that's if we go from (current) 200 to 1,000 premium subs per month. I imagine we can grow quite far beyond that in the long-run. As I said, if you're premium AND create at least a few blog posts per month (let's say 4 minimum), you should easily make 2-5x the cost of premium back in HIVE/HBD Upvote rewards alone. Not including LEO rewards.

Premium that pays for itself.

The flywheel has other knock-on effects as well. If your content is posted from, then you're eligible for Evergreen Rewards from the LeoAds contract along with more visibility in the community.

As liquidity deepens, trading activity increases. The permanent Liquidity Position still earns native swap fees (0.35% of each trade) as bLEO-bHIVE. Over time, that pool position will increase exponentially on itself.

How Do We Kickstart This Flywheel?

My target is 1,000 Premium recurring subs by the end of Q1, 2024. It's far past time to make this happen. Our community continues to grow in MAUs each month. We're at 1,700 MAUs right now.

So this means that half of our userbase needs to be premium in the next 2 months.

We are entirely capable of doing this. I have shifted a lot of the team's priorities to make this happen as I believe that getting this product into the hands of 1,000 people on a recurring monthly basis will be a step function change in the tokenomic future of LEO.

To help us with this, get premium. Once you're premium, make sure you make some blog posts each month and also engage on Threads.

Share your results as a Premium member. My goal is - like I said - to deliver 10x the value of premium to each premium user each month. At least half of that in the form of upvotes. The other half in the form of amazing features that only Premium users have access to. I talked about those features above and I am shifting a lot of dev resources to focus on the upcoming Premium features like LeoAI, Pinned Threads, User Dashboard, etc.

Let's carry this new vision in 2024 and make it happen.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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This is an exciting update. I'm very much interested in joining Premium. But unfortunately I stopped using Threads regularly due to my login issues and issues with settings in my bala-leo account. Even if I get premium, I cannot use the premium features because of this login issue.

I have reported this issue in multiple places but no luck to get it fixed. It has been over 6 months since I reported the issue. It will be great if your dev team can fix this issue for me so that I can enjoy normal keychain login and enjoy premium benefits like others. 🙂

cc: @anomadsoul

I'm pretty sure I answered this somewhere. I don't know what your issue is but I urge you to open a tech support ticket

Hundreds of people use Hive Keychain on a daily basis and I've never seen anyone with the same issue as you. Perhaps a reset of keychain, a fresh browser, etc. is worth trying

But if you want one-on-one help, open a tech support ticket in Discord

I created a ticket for this on 29-06-2023. It has been over 6 months but still no luck. The ticket number is #ticket-0049. I have shared all the screenshots and even videos showing the issue. I recently tagged you on that channel when we had a chat on this in one of the threads.

Perhaps a reset of keychain, a fresh browser, etc. is worth trying

I'm sure the issue is not on my end and I have tried all the possibilities. There is something wrong with the way my user data is saved in your backend.

I appreciate one-on-one communication with your dev so that if he/she needs any technical information I can share it.

I responded in your ticket

We won’t use dev time for one-on-one support like this but I will help you as much as I can. Since you’re the only one with this issue and I can’t reproduce it, I’m led to believe it’s something on your end until it can be proven otherwise

Thanks for your time and glad that I was able to find the issue. 👍

Leo Premium already serves an amazing experience. The auto summary and integration of AI would make it double 🔥

Thanks for the insights man!

The AI features are going to be really incredible. The auto summary will work a lot better when LeoAI is integrated (since it's trained on all Threads data already)

I can't wait for July 5th to see Leo becoming 5 years as they became a token.

Will b a fun celebration!

Do it!!!

already done :-)

I actually like the idea of Leo Premium. As someone who is stuck in the habit of mainly using the base Hive Website to browse the platform, I am getting most of the posts from Inleo Alpha showing broken images though which kind of makes me wait to potentially take the step. In Peakd they do show properly.

I think this is on's side

They don't accept any images that aren't hosted on their own server

Damn those are some well thought out plans and I love leveraging that not only towards rewards as an ROI, but the buying pressure from an organically grown liquidity pool. I think I have to go back and read all that again to get the details but looks solid.

I just have to have the ROI dumbed down/understood as I am a HBD hoarder loath to relinquish except if there is return and a contribution to the greater good here. ;)

Awesome stuff again Khal! Time flies!

Yeah this has become a big focus for me. 5 years in and we've built a really incredible platform and community but now we need to focus on making it sustainably monetized. Premium is the way

Haha well put simply: if you invest 10 HBD in premium and make at least 1 blog post per week (just a random, minimum number) then you're more than likely going to get 30-70 HBD+ worth of upvotes each month

So if you're an HBD hoarder, it's a great way to get more each month

You also get all the listed benefits of premium and show up more in Threads feeds so you'll get more organic curation from the community

My goal with premium is that you get 10x the value back. Half of that being in actual $$ value from the Rewards Pools (HIVE & LEO) and the other half being incredible features that enhance your experience of INLEO

Hell yeah! I Appreciate you!

You'll enjoy it! Make some threads and a few blog posts at least this month and you'll see 🦁

I really like what you are doing with LeoPremium, I am satisfied, from the days I have left, I intend to use it 100% and I will publish my blogs through this interface, although it costs me a little to get used to the HTML, I am very skilled with Markdown and I like to justify my content, but otherwise, everything is fine.

We have markdown

What specifically is missing from the editor for you?

Nothing special, I think it's perfect, the only thing is that, when I put the Markdown codes to justify my text, it doesn't take them, but, it's not a big deal either, I can live with it.

I think that, with so much time creating in other Frond ends, and switching to Inleo, has made me a fan of the justification of the texts, I see it more orderly.

I like the idea. I just need to buy a premium and start creating blogposts again :) let me do that.

Do it! You'll make 3-5x the cost of premium back in the first month, easily

I think it might be time for me to pay for premium now.

Nicely 🫱🏾‍🫲🏿

It's definitely worth trying it

If you do it and post at least a few blog posts throughout the month, you'll make enough for 3+ more months of premium and you can just keep the ball rolling

Ah, thanks for this Khal

I will whip out some fiat and buy asap

Apologies for the late response

Alright count me in for going premium again. I wasn't seeing the value before to be fair but I like these new changes and the revamp of voting is also a big big plus.

We had a team meeting and I was very clear with everyone that curation needs to change in favor of premium members

IMHO, getting to 1,000 premium recurring subs is more important than every other KPI we have right now

The sustainability that will bring to the LEO Token economy is hard to even fathom right now
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( bitcoinflood ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

Just build out LeoAI and include that as part of the premium package. That is going to be worth it alone.

That's coming and I think it would be but people still don't seem to get it

Gotta bang your head against the wall to make them get it

I have been using Leo Premium since the launch day and my experience has been amazing. I always say that some premium features I just love. You shared some upcoming features these are another excitement. I am looking forward to seeing these features coming soon.

Also, almost 5 years is a long time and undoubtedly inLeo has come a long way and this is one of the best projects on Hive. I am super excited to see the user dashboard

Thank you for all of your support! It means the world

We'll keep delivering more and more premium features to make it 10x more valuable

Yes! 5 Years! Crazy that it's been that long

Thanks for the advices but sometimes Is to dificult to do something, well we try to continued doing our free style.

Love inleo UI more and more day by day
now 2 questions

  1. When "pull right or left or justify" markdown code works for writing in 2 columns ? ( not just text alignment)
  2. if a premium user posts in different communities than leofinance but via is it still eligible for some votes from leo.voter?


I'll add #1 to the list, thanks for the feedback

For #2, yes. The changes we made recently are that ALL CONTENT posted from the UI is eligible for curation by @leo.voter. If you are premium, then it is significantly more frequent and with higher vote %'s

leo.voter + Evergreen !
New era of content creation on Hive blockchain

leo.voter, evergreen + premium... a new era indeed!

Interesting develoment around the Leo Premium feature. The post is very clear and going forward, we can see more users desiring to get the premium tick. Also, we will get to see more quality posts from the INLEO frontend.

It is important to prioritize incentivisation of users that are engaging the INLEO frontend, especially as we know it adds to LeoAds revenue too. As of now, Ecency will continue to have lots of users posting form that frontend, the incentives is high for such users. They earn points for each activity and can use it to boost their posts.

This future unveiling for INLEO frontend usage is very exciting.

I'm still pressing on for the trial of Premium for Businesses and Organizations. While looking for a formidable plan, we can start with, say, $50 or less to have business and corporate organizations start using the INLEO frontend.

A good future loading...

Yes we will use @leo.voter to incentivize these interactions now (especially if the user is premium)

For businesses and orgs - we will add something down the line. We don't have a big enough customer base to warrant it right now. But later on, we will

And we will tie it into our ad system so that those orgs get ad credits each month

It will surprise you how much small scale businesses and institutions/organizations in Africa would sign up for that category of premium.

Making the iterations are not bad and then improve the package with time.

How the heck are we at 5th year! I thought we were on 3rd year. Time certainly does fly.

there is more in store to come to the UI in 2024 than any of the previous 5 years of development.

This is the best time for that type of rapid development. I am a very happy Premium user having an excellent experience along with LeoAds earnings. Thank you for all your hard work. Hope to see more development on CubFinance once users start flocking in.