Should I Panic Sell All My Bitcoin?

in #hive-1679223 years ago


For many who bought the peaks of BTC and some altcoins in this bull cycle, being down 30-60% is not uncommon. As someone who's been in crypto for 3 cycles now, it's interesting to be a third-party and see other people going through similar emotions that I experienced back in 2018.

In 2018, I experienced - vividly - the crash in BTC and altcoins after we busted through $20k and came hurtling down in the months that followed. It was a wild rollercoaster ride of emotions but it was very educational.

Back then, my focus was primarily on price. I was all-in on crypto and I watched my net worth deplete rapidly as crypto prices tanked.

I knew that there was a better way. I knew that I would not get caught again in the next cycle.

This Cycle

This cycle is interesting. There are far more players in the space. There are far more things that you can do in the crypto industry and "metaverse "web3" as some are calling it.

Regardless of what you call it, the industry has changed but many of the same emotions remain. For anyone who learned from the last cycle, your emotions likely have matured and you had some sort of preparation.

We all wanted to see BTC hit $100k by the end of the year and the fact that it didn't should not have shaken your long-term belief. The miss sucks, but it's not the narrative of what's happening in this space.

For me, my focus has shifted largely away from price and more toward development. In the past 2 cycles, I'd say 90% or more of my focus was on the price fluctuations of crypto. I was always worried about the value of my portfolio, the measurement of my income from yield investments in the space, from blogging on Hive, etc.

In this cycle, I've seen a complete shift in the way my attention is oriented: my past self was focused 90% on price and 10% on "work" or "development" (back then more-so on work and freelancing in the space). My current self in this cycle is the opposite: 10% on price and 90% on development of LeoFinance.

With LeoFinance occupying my day-to-day lifestyle, I feel much less impacted by price. I am more impacted by the stresses and successes that come with developing products and building community.

But What About Other People?

With so many other people getting into the space - new and otherwise - what should they focus on? 99% of them are not going to go out and build their own project and start hiring on development talent and expanding operations and looking for holes to fill in the industry.

Instead, I urge them to find something of interest in the Web3 Universe. I truly believe the potential here in Web3 is utterly amazing. For creators. For consumers. For builders.


With the LeoFinance Whitebook getting published (the first few pages, anyway) last week, I have been reading feedback through the comments of the @leofinance post and seeing the discussions people are having in Discord and Twitter about it.

The vision we have for LeoFinance has changed quite dramatically - while the core remains true, the industry has reshaped itself and we have not been shy in evolving alongside it.

Focusing on this revamped mission statement has been a renewing focus for the project and it's been amazing to see us achieve so many aspects of our long-term roadmap throughout 2021.

This focus on Web3 has taught me a lot about what this crypto industry at large is turning into.

Actually, we're seeing a refocusing back to one of the most fundamental aspects of the creation of Bitcoin itself: democratization of opportunity.


7 billion people in the world today. All with varying levels of access, success, societal status, education, etc.

Bitcoin and the crypto industry represent democratized opportunity and it's happening right before our eyes. I think focusing on the price too heavily will lead you to become one of the people (at least, in emotional spirit) who asks "should I panic sell all my Bitcoin?"

If you find yourself there or close by, then I urge you: focus on building something in Web3. Whether that's posting content on Web3 via LeoFinance or engaging with content by consuming and curating or using DeFi products or learning about NFTs...

There is so much to do in this space outside of worrying about the volatility of crypto prices. Head down and buidl in the bear markets. That's where the fortunes are made!



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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think the advice is to buy high and sell low... selling now doesn't seem like it follows that strategy.

Actually even if we were a long term player, we should have sold the bitcoin at the top and bought at the bottom. But again no one knows the top and no one knows the bottom, so next best option is to HODL.

Moral of Story Long term investing reduces risks

You must be a devil with the ladies.

They always run away...

Like, into your arms?
Or like right into bed?

No like, I say, "Hey! Get in the van!" ... off they go.

Maybe my pickup lines need work.

hey miss money pussy wanna jump on my jetpack?

That's a good one. I'll try it out this weekend at Bingo.

gets in the van

Well okay but if you get hair on anything, you're cleaning it up.
And no clawing the seats!


You never Sell BTC before 65k, but if you need some to get an amazing investment you should see LTC, because this implementen the mimble mimble to the privacy network.
By the way we have the oportunity to been in the 2018 cicle AND this year for us this not give nothing of strees.

This time is definitely different, as much as I almost cringe saying it... The people panicking now would have straight lost it back in the 2017-2018 crash. This is healthy. I'm no expert trader, I'm just looking at the fundamentals. What is being built. LeoFinance is a perfect example of that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But, still, should I panic sell my BTC? :P

It's a free world, yunno😆

Make the choice

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nicely written, lessons learnt and having a long term is goal, especially when the project is worth sticking with

Panic sell is never an option. The market won't stop fluctuating. If it's not favourable now, it will be soon enough.

Yes. Run through the streets panicking and screaming to all who will listen, "I'm taking a dump!"

I think that is always an appropriate reaction. To everything.

Haha, great one - have pictures in my mind now

Good. You can use those pictures to wipe.



Was it something I said?

can't remember, old brain


I feel the same way as you do. It was never only about the money or price but this cycle there is so much serious pockets of innovation that I am not even worried a little bit. I just rebalance to some projects as I see fit.
Best of luck Khal ! You made it hehe 😉

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I want to be like the Wojak winner and holder (although everyone sells in panic) but the long term trend faces a lot of downside, it's just a matter of patience.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good point. I am stressing my crypto beginner friends as I am happy when goes down and sad when goes up before buying some more. On bottom I take my rewards in the likes of BTC and ETH, on top I keep them in stablecoins. So I buy when drops.

Cool and nice post

Is only the new people is panicing to sell their BTC because now is the best time to buy more of the Cryptocurrency

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think this is the best time to hold onto it..I anticipate great turn around

Ah you can focus 10% on the price now because you are behind LeoFinance. Those of use who aren't doing the same still focus on the price. 😅😆

Then again I've been writing on Steemit/Hive and other crypto earning sites since before it started crashing so I am also just HODLing whatever I earn. It feels like I'm saving money for the future. 😆

Interesting read. Quite the advise many need to hear. Many want to see their portfolio increase overnight, that shouldn't be the mindset. Accumulating and building in times like this are sure way to go if one aim to see better times. Web 3 comes with lot of possibilities and opportunities, one must seek to align with it in one way or the way to make the best out of it in time.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

The quest to see a quick increase of in trading accounts have caused many to make very bad financial decisions like continuous buying the top of the market. The best period to buy and accumulate is during dips but instead some persons panic sell because of fear. Having the right mindset is very important for success in this space.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly. It's the mindset for me and knowing when to get in and when not to. Fomoing into any project is not a good one

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

The key to having the right mindset is getting the right knowledge. So, it's necessary to have the right knowledge about crypto trading to avoid taking the wrong moves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For people who buy to see their portfolios increase overnight, they should find a low-priced crypto that looks promising, buy a decent amount of it, then forget about it. Buy and forget.

This seems to make sense for the gaming cryptos since that's a booming sector in crypto. Look at what happened with Splinterlands, then consider the promising games either fully released or in the pipeline.

The worst thing that can happen is total loss, and only armageddon can make that happen. More likely, bear markets arrive, so we need to wait them out for the bulls to return. Then the cryptos we bought and forgot about can do their thing for us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For people who buy to see their portfolios increase overnight, they should find a low-priced crypto that looks promising, buy a decent amount of it, then forget about it. Buy and forget.

Exactly. That's what I personally do i.e buying and forgetting. Going with mindset of quick gains would get one burnt.

Indeed. Gaming cryptos seem to be a good one has one get to earn while playing. If the price gets down, one could still recoup investment from daily rewards

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I'm earning yield on my Bitcoin and I'm long on it so the price today is not so important to me since I'm earning in kind. The USD value today is most likely going to be much higher in 5 years, so those little crumbs of Bitcoin I earn daily will add up really quickly in the future!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Always better to have vision, long time is the key to true success in this business

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bitcoins, though a lucky currency, but I think when it comes to selling it, we just cannot focus on its predictability.

still there are more things to look. Some of us hold Btc, and then suffer in serious indecisions, its like -whether I should sell it in 2.5× rate,or be the profit be higher than that etc etc.

But, as the time comes, we hesitate to keep the stock and let it go.
That is the serious matter to look out.Once, we point the right benchmark of selling, it can be potentially 3× profit or more.. But,after then, being self-complacent, we need to agree and hold onto the acquired selling target,whatever it is ---thats my personal opinion.

@khaleelkazi you have spoken. When I first discovered cryptocurrency back in 2017 I lost 95% of my portfolio investment to panic anytime the price of BTC and Eth drops, not untill 2020 when I allowed the same thing to reoccur again then I realised and learnt that stock investors don't look at the drop in price of their shares but the potentials and the future a project carries, that will help them to forecast their future potfolio profit. Thanks to decentralised content creation most of my earnings now comes from hive and some other platforms.

Ever panic sell. Always accumulate and DCA

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I and many other people think that THIS crash in the price is different than the other crashes. First of all, the first two crashes happened because the bubble reached its max, and then burst spontaneously because it ran out of buyers since it was not mainstream. Secondly, there were TWO bull runs in 2021, not one (with a crash in the middle).

This time however, it is crashing for a different reason. Unlike before, when crypto was something that only a few people were interested in, at least 15% are interested this time, and there are many more exchanges. The reason it is crashing this time has to do with government regulation and socialism induced supply chain problems. This time, it seems to me it will either shoot up to 200k the bubble burst again, or it will crash to zero from government interference. I hope the former happens, because that would mean its habit of going 10x every 5 or 6 years is not over.

Excellent thoughts. I'm looking forwarded to leveraging the things you build for me. Not all of us can recognize our abilities as builders but we can all be creators to some extent.

Project Blank is where you'll find me most but I do want to know if it is ok just to stay in Leo without switching to the new alphabet of Leos. I have some cub but my brain can't keep up with how it all works.

I'm a lion and want some assurances that i will still be that early adoptor who is so lucky to be here. I don't want to have to chase lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In summary, invest in developments, whether by cash or by time...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Build, build, build now and reap the rewards later on! The crypto space is yet to be discovered by all people around the world and to understand it is all about financial freedom. That's no stopping it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Once upon a time a manager of mine told me to read the Wall Street Journal everyday to learn about investing. I didn't heed that advice, but I am older and wiser now. I wonder if there is advice that you would offer to newbie crypto people. I am trying to read blogs like this to start being able to understand the lingo, and read in the comments and follow news cycles. I am in things for the long hauls, so the dips aren't so alarming for me. Thanks for posting.

Be aware of FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation, and it threatens established players and the current way things are done. Some media sources are aligned with these players, so they tend to promote FUD in their reporting. You may have noticed this already.

FUD-friendly news still has it's place, but for us it's to know what the Establishment thinks and does. We will do our thing in the crypto world, we just need to be aware of the movements of no-coiners and cryptophobes out there. Finding FUD-free news sources (especially online) is challenging not because it's out there somewhere but because there is so much to go through when it comes to crypto.

All I can suggest is to find someone who is now where you want to find yourself in the future, see what that person did right, and follow that path.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sounds like a crypto mentor?

It could be a crypto mentor, even if the mentor never sees you or communicates with you. It could also be someone who is just a few months ahead of you on the journey and things are going well on the crypto side.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will stalk some crypto people who seem to have their head on straight. Any names you would throw out to start following??

When it comes to cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum, I'm still looking. Finding posts at LeoFinance and D.Buzz is a good start.

When it comes to HIVE/HBD and CUB for Cub Finance, I recommend these people:

There are many others whose account names I don't know, but these provide a good mix of experience and longevity.

After a while, you'll discover other opportunities, and therefore people who have done well with those opportunities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you're ever in doubt, the @leomarkettalk daily blog is always there for you to ask questions in the comments and get involved.

Plenty of folks in there who will be happy to help you out :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need to write a proposal for getting the daily thread back on the front page of Leo.

A lot of people are missing out on good info.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep searching the internet for valuable investment articles and keep reading. Trust me, you'll be glad you did. The only way to know and understand this space is by reading and studying. When you get the right knowledge, you will know how to operate, manage your risks and make profits.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you! Will do. I hope to be much more educated by the end of this year.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm still a beginner in the crypto world, but when I decided to get into this I had already decided that I was in for the long run so no, I'm not selling.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not including selling because of a real-life emergency, if I sell it's to get into something better. My head hurts trying to sort out where to go!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Boom! That's the spirit; playing the long-term game is more profitable. Truth is many successful crypto investors today are those who got into BTC in its early days and then they did hodl onto their assets.

Another newbie advice, learn not to FOMO into buying coins but always take time to consider many factors before investing. Equally, dips seem to be a good buying period.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A very good advice but when investing it must be a project you know almost everything about and comfortable with because change in price have it way of changing our mind

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Rightly said! Carrying out proper research is necessary before investing and also a liking must be developed for the project. That way, price fluctuations won't really bother you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great point! Sometimes it's hard to deal with FOMO but it's important that we learn how to navigate it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

FOMOing is a sign that a trader doesn't understand the basics of trading.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

learn not to FOMO into buying coins but always take time to consider many factors before investing.

100 percent agreed. One of the factors could be the use cases of the coin and whether there are possibilities for the project to grow in multi-directions or even if single directed then if the team is capable-of/dedicated-to continuous development.

Another factor could be to understand what they are offering is going to last in the long run or...

Anyways, again agree that not every coin is worth investing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very correct! Not all projects are worth staking your money into. Some projects will crash while some may be abandoned.

Still to add to the factors to put into consideration are;

  • the project team; seeing team members with a good track record is a green light
  • Community strength: Community is everything. When a project has a strong community then it will soar in the long-run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well said, couldn't agree more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In my opinion people shall ask themselves the following:

"What was my defined plan when I bought BTC (or other crypto)?"

The answer to that question shall answer if someone should be selling their crypto or not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool! Well written. This is exactly what I used to tell some people that invested in Bitcoin and other cryptos through me. The blockchain space has grown beyond sitting at a place on grabbing changes in volatility. Some forks earn over $4000 monthly creating contents. Defi is another great stuff.

Thanks for this!

It is definitely a good idea to invest in crypto especially when the market is down at the moment because there's definitely a better and positive pump in price yet to happen and any investment been made will definitely yield profit for every individual who engage in the act of investing wisely if propably I can out it that way.

Many first-time buyers of crypto (and traditional assets) won't know when to buy, so they buy whenever. Soon they realized they bought at the wrong time, and that's when they get gripped by fear. When the bear market arrives, you know what happens next.

It's important for any first-time buyer to stick with their investment (or speculation) long enough for the bears to go back into hibernation so that the bulls can run through the streets. With enough time, the prices will return and rise further.

The best time to buy is in a bear market, but first-time buyers don't know how to time it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even here on hive/Leo people are making a lot of money from creating content. Crypto is providing wide range opportunities and it is there for every class to grab.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is so true @dwayne16 ! There is a lot of potential ;-)

Content creation is indeed a profitable career sector in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Over the years, many have been millions of dollars by simply creating original contents of different sorts. To excel in content creating, it's important to always stay creative, unique and consistent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

no! :)

In this post I show how this cycle is different to the previous two:


As you say, having experienced this previously, is a great help for you to keep your emotions under control and not be influenced by the changes in price... For me and other people who have no experience in investment, this is a critical period, and a key factor in my opinion on how much you are affected by the fear of losing money is dictated by how much you are going to lose... on of the greatest advice that I received before starting to invest, was to "invest only what I am ready to lose".
I am an optimistic person, and I really believe that crypto will have a great future, but the truth is that we all think this because we are somehow involved in them. The reality is that we don't really know what will happen in the future, so in order to not be too much influenced by our emotions, my strategy is to invest only surplus money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I basically just came here to check out a post from you that is actually less than 1000 words, but you do bring up some good points here. :) I started in crypto right at the end of 2017, so I have the benefit of living through a long bear cycle. Unfortunately, I didn't have the holdings then to understand what I needed to do with them this time around. I did pull out some gains at an opportune time, but I really underestimated the importance of moving some gains into stable coins. I wish I had not just focused on my fiat obligations and set myself up to make some moves on the crypto side of things.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

“If you find yourself there or close by, then I urge you: focus on building something in Web3. Whether that's posting content on Web3 via LeoFinance or engaging with content by consuming and curating or using DeFi products or learning about NFTs...” - for this reason I’ll always bless the day I came across and stumbled on hive . The opportunities web 3.0 presents are just immeasurable.As regards panic selling your btc or not ; I feel you are a guru on this field, you will eventually find a striking balance to this near financial dilemma of yours. All the best as you make the best decision.. Cheers!!

Hive is one of the best thing that has happened to me because 50% of the thing I know is from hive, just get comfortable with it, engage and your life will be changed for good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyday, I am always glad that I decided to hop in the Hive vehicle. I'm glad I took this ride. Many things to be grateful for about Hive. The platform brings to us many earning opportunities with less risk of losing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Don’t sell your LEO now.

Personally, this is my first cycle and I gotta be honest, I was focused 100% on tge price of my holdings. This was mostly because I had to buy some cryptos with my earnings from real time jobs and it was a terrible feeling watching the price of your holdings crash so hard. But i've learnt in these past few weeks that if I was to shift that focus on building my crypto portfolio and developing myself in several areas, this space would be more fun and I'll probably have more peace of mind. Your post is a reminder of what we should focus on - "LONG TERM".

There is point in selling btc, I strongly believe our love(btc)and Leo will moon soon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I too came into crypto properly that time 2018 especially with the ultimate crash of BTC and I have changed throughout from 2019...each year I am more involved in the space. Like from a passive Hodler of only major to Cryptos - BTC, ETH to holding other coins. Then staking them...

I joined Steem at 2018 too... and it goes along crypto, HIVE...many of my crypto experiences, I post here and growing.

Then now more into DEFI to... not much but I checking the platforms and learned new things.

Inbetween 2020, its been great 2021, brought more new coins and not at their lower prices so am little in red, but hardly bothered.

I know, in years time fundamentals and adoption will bring a wave, rasing the value of cryptos I hold. Although I also change my portfolio when the project does not seem right. For ex - with Ada and Sol I sold positions before price fell damn low because I was dissappointed with the delivery of project.

My suggestion is only invest in projects you can get involved in - like maybe through staking, DEFI because its boring beng a passive holder, but never ever sell those Bitcoins just because your not involved in that blockchain, because that's a store of value crypto, and there are oppurtunities to do stuff with your Bitcoin.

Lots to learn, explore... always something to do plus eventually, year by year your actually richer, maybe not in money but in knowledge which will help you in making it big!! thats got to be sweet right??

Lions don't sell!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The long game or we don't do at all.✅ Nothing pays better than this🥰🥂

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I really feel this post, I too was focused on price but now focusing more on work and producing tangible outcomes. Been a great past few months interviewing and engaging with project leads. Some good moments some not so good ones. But all was focused on learning and doing.

I saw your tik tok. 100k BTC first half would be good but I think we're heading for a repeat of last year with a big decline.

Interest rates and national debts have people withdrawing assets and investments to pay down loans.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

if a small fish account like me is more suitable with the idea written by Mr. @tomlee . Consistently being a content creator is the main choice because I don't have the capital to invest in the market let alone touch 0.001% BTC. It's an interesting experience story from you. thank you very much .

Content creation is a great way of earning cryptocurrency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

sure! and a portion of the earnings can be invested into Hive for account growth. thank you sir for the motivation.


You can always reinvest your earnings by staking rewards and also curating others

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yes! because it's the easiest way for us to invest. Thank You

Unlike many other OGs out there, this is my first cycle. I am not sure if I have witnessed a complete cycle or not as the market could still dip deeper. I am glad that I got the opportunity to engage with other like minded individuals on hive and leofinance. I learnt a lot but I am still focusing on the price action. Since I came into crypto with the earning mindset, It will take time for me to shift entirely to buidl,hodl or don't worry mindset. I am trying to engage, curate, involve and use many products available out there.
I will still be looking at the price :) but I will not be too much worried as I know there will be another cycle for me to profit from. Let's see how this will move ahead and where I will be in a couple of years.
BTW, wen Project Blank? I could have written this comment on that platform and engage with web2 and web 3 audience :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto these days is more than just the price and that’s why you need to be in a community like Leo finance to help fully understand and grow, I’m glad I came across this community too. The future of crypto is bright, let wait and enjoy the process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's not bad to focus on price actions but the important thing is knowing how to take advantage of these continuous price fluctuations. When the market pumps, what do you do? And when it dumps, what do you do? This is what matters most as we monitor price actions. Also, you don't have to worry too much about price declines especially when you are hodling promising project tokens.

About ProjectBlank, it is coming on the way; no specific date yet but every development and building being done now is setting the stage for ProjectBlank. The goal is to make the core infrastructures stable because ProjectBlank is going to be very robust.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very apt!

Price volatility is clearly the most common thing in the crypto space. Thus, it is very important to know when to buy and when to sell. There's always a better time to buy cryptos and that's when there's a crash or dip. The best time to buy isn't when everywhere is green because dump happens after a pump. Equally, there's always a pump after a dump.

Panic selling is done by those who hodl coins just because of price and not because of its use cases. It's important to always look at the use cases and developments around a project before deciding to make investments else you will always be bothered by short-term price fluctuations. When you hodl coins with unique use cases, you won't be bothered even when price tanks. In fact, you will buy more instead panic selling at a loss.

All the same, there are many things to get involved with in the space that can possibly keep one away from always monitoring charts. For me, it's engaging and being involved in the development process of LeoFinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta