I tried to make a video a few hours ago, but I was "idea-less" for over an hour. Then I carried my semi-acoustic guitar, hoping to play and sing, but I remembered that I could barely talk because of how "blocked" my nose is; worst still, vocal rendition will be a no-go area (special thanks to Catarrh and cold).
So, I am left with only writing, and I have no idea how this piece will turn out.
When I was younger, I always equated being an adult with possessing absolute freedom; I bet I didn't factor in the part of "responsibilities" that is its co-joined twins. But, becoming one, it is quite clear that the package we automatically subscribe to upon entering the stage of adulthood consists of unlimited responsibilities and 1GB of Freedom. Yes, it's easy to run out of "data" for our "freedom", but the "responsibilities" are unlimited. So much that our responsibilities now shape our understanding of freedom as well as the options for free choices we are open to. But, the opportunities available to us also determine the free choices we are open to, and all these have implications for how far we grow or fly with our wings (freedom).
Well, we should learn to celebrate our little wins. Celebration gives us a sense of accomplishment, a sense of reaching the finish line, and a sense of completing a goal. Although celebration can be understood differently and carried out in varied ways, its effects and goals are quite subjective. Put differently, whether Mr. A decides to host a large party to celebrate the 6-month birthday of his son, or Mr. and Mrs. B decide to celebrate their 50th Marriage anniversary year, both celebrations shouldn't be judged by how grandiose they were but by whether the aim of the celebrations were accomplished.
In all things, be grateful. Be grateful to those you've met on this journey of life who've impacted you positively, those who assisted you at some points and those whose meetings with you gave you varied experiences (both good and bad)
Be grateful to God at all times... Just Be! He is always Faithful!
Okay, these three concepts may be slightly unconnected, but for me, this is a New Year with new opportunities, unlimited responsibilities, and "limited or guided freedom." Yet, I will still celebrate the little way I can, which is to thank God for the gift of life, good health of mind and body, as well as to be grateful to all who've met on this journey of life.
Thank you all!
Happy Twenty-Something Birthday to Me
All graphics are mine
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