The Fatality of Excuses

in #hive-1679229 months ago

This article is going to discuss something that was bounding around in my head for a while.

Go into many fitness centers, or high school football locker rooms, and you see a sign that says something to the effect "no excuses". This is meant to inspire while also installing a mindset of responsibility.

Of course, this is not relegated to just athletics. It applies in any area of life.

This is the core principle of what makes people truly successful. Those who are constantly putting up excuses tend to blame others for their misfortune The problem with this is it becomes an exercise in fatality.

One's change at success is permanently hindered simply due to his or her mindset.


Take Responsibility For Everything

Excuse making is a national pastime, at least in the West. Go to any developed nation and you will see a host of people with "reasons" why their lives are in such a state. Naturally, it is never their fault. Instead, they will utter off a list of reasons why things turned out poorly. They are also very willing to tell you who is to blame.

Do you know who excels at this? Politicians. Ever notice how they are willing to tell you what the problem is and, most importantly, who is to blame. At the same time, did you see how they are never at fault?

Is it any wonder that governments are such a mess and nothing constructive ever gets done? What do you think the chances are these people are never wrong? Yeah, no chance. Yet, if you listen to what they say, it is always the fault of someone else.

Sadly, politicians do not have a monopoly on this. We see this across most parts of society. It is as if we are still children, blaming Johnny for leaving the door open and the dog getting out.

So what is the solution?

Simply put, take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. It is all on you. No matter what the situation, it is not the fault of the government, your spouse, parents, kids, or boss. You are the one making the choices in your life.

Does that mean we aren't dealt a bad hand at times? Of course not. Sometimes we are mired in crappy situations due to no fault of our own. However, what we do from there is up to us.

Taking responsibility is a habit. Most of us are so ingrained into blaming others that we do it without thinking. It is an epidemic that is only getting worse.

Stop Blaming

For most of us, we go through our day making a number of choices. It is the totality of these choices that creates our lives.

The problem is that most do not realize their hand in the results they get. It is far easier on the ego to blame someone else. Of course, this is adopting a position of powerlessness but many prefer that to having their egos dinged.

One problem with this is we are not in reality. The reality is, for most things, it is your fault. Even if others are involved, you made choices that led you to where you are.

For example, why are you blaming your spouse? Are you not the one who freely chose to get involved? Unless there was a shotgun involved, you opted for what you have now. Claiming ignorance is no excuse. You signed up for it.

The same is true with your job. No matter what your boss is like, who keeps showing up for work each day? You. If it is that horrible, go get another job (or career altogether).

It doesn't matter what the situation. If you start this process you will quickly become adept at uncovering what choices you made that put you in the mess you are presently experiencing. This also means that you can adopt a new approach to get yourself out.

Suddenly you are empowered. This is the conversion that goes from fatality to the potentiality of success.

This is a very simple process yet if will be one of the hardest things you ever do.

Article by @taskmaster4450le

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That's a tough one because we are seeing a generational shift to everything being someone else's fault these days. I actually have a plan for a post in the future that kind of references this and I might link back to this post (if I remember). We are a society of victims and I don't see that changing. What can change is how we deal with being a victim I think.

I thought the post was about excuse of posting the weekly recap late... 😅