What Will The Age Of Automation Bring?

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Technology is an interesting animal.

Most of the time, we see evolutionary changes which are accompanied by a great deal of hype. Point to many technologies and we can see how this is a the case. Mixed reality is a prime example of this. It was suppose to radically alter society for the past decade.

Of course, this is not the case we few of us do anything in this realm.

The flipside to this is the smartphone. When Apple introduced the I-Phone, things went nuts. Within a half decade, most of the developed world converted to this technology. When lower cost Android options came out, it was game over for the likes of Motorola and Ericson.

These two case illustrate how we have to be careful. It is easy to get lulled into hype cycles when, in fact, that is usually all it is. However, we have to be mindful that, at times, the hype is warranted as I-Phone moments do happen.

So what will the future bring and how will this affect things?


The Age of Automation

There is little doubt we are entering a period we automation is going to be the norm.

Online, we already see how this is the case with algorithms, bots, and other autonomously run programs taking over. People with rudimentary coding skills can produce a bot in a manner of a few hours.

At the same time, the chat bot technology is taking the world by storm. We are seeing this implemented into the most commonly used platforms. Over the next few years, this is only going to grow.

Robotics appears to be taking a massive leap forward. While we are still a long way from a period where the entire workforce is robotic, we are getting closer. Over the next half decade, we are going to start to see unskilled labor jobs replaced by robots. That is the starting point.

Like everything else, it will spread from there.

What does this mean for humans and jobs?

The Human Opportunities

While many present a grim image of the future in this regard, there are some things working to the advantage of people.

To start, demographics in many of the developed countries suck. That means we are going to see a smaller workforce as a percentage of the entire population. With more elderly, the economics gets disrupted. Automation can help to keep productivity up. This is of benefit because governments, as the system is structured, requires taxes to pay for the social services it provides.

Another opportunity is to blend ourselves with the automation. By this, I am not referring to the actually merging of technology as with mind uploading or anything like that. Instead, I am talking about the incorporating of it into our daily lives.

Technological advancement of this nature could mean massive decentralization. As written about elsewhere, the ability to create movie studio quality content with artificial intelligence instantly destroys the monopoly that Hollywood has.

Here is where distribution is forever altered. What was once the realm of just a few suddenly becomes available to many. Over the centuries, as technology expanded, more were able to enter the elite in term financial resources.

During the 1800s, there were a handful of robber barons. Today, due to the Internet, the number of billionaires explodes on a relative scale. My view is that cryptocurrency, when coupled with Web 3.0, is going to make the number today seem small.

Thus, the age of automation means we are going to see production increase significantly. To me, the key is in the ownership. If we are dealing with just a few corporations, then we are reverting back to the robber baron days.

However, due to tokenization, the opportunity to operate on a completely different level is being designed. This means that people will be able to generate fortunes outside the traditional realm. Here is where the anticipated inclusion of billions really alters things. It also takes the numbers and turns then into insanity.

So while the age of automation is going to be painful for many, it is also something that will help the majority of the population.

Article by @taskmaster4450le

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Finally a piece by @taskmaster4450le

Btw wouldn't you try pulling your strings with Leofinance to do something about Cubdefi. It's a threat to LBI as well