Ten Suggestions to Write Faster and Make More Money

in #hive-16792210 months ago



Here I suggest you some ways to write faster that I found out during my four years of translation and writing stories.

  1. Break your tasks into smaller tasks and switch between them: This will make your writing process more fun and less tedious. It makes it like a game. What I personally do is this: If I have 14 pages of translation and preparing 10 articles for my social media accounts. I would break the 14 pages into 7 mini tasks and in each interval I do two pages and then move to writing one of my contents out of the 10. You can do this based on word count. Do 200 words of one project and then move to another project and do 200 words of that project. I do this and this lets my writing rest a bit and lets me change them based on the new ideas that come to my mind. This makes me not get bored and not burn out and saves me time, specially for fiction writing. Because in fiction writing, ideas don't come to mind soon, and you have to develop the ideas you want to use in your story. This method works for me. Because I finish 200 words very fast and this lets me finish two projects (One non-fiction, one fiction) at the same time. This brings joy and sense of accomplishment.

  2. Waking up Early in the morning: This results in you having more time to finish your daily tasks. Waking up early in the morning used to be very difficult for me, but when I realized I am wasting my time sleeping more. The time otherwise spent to create more content and grow faster, I sopped sleeping those hours. Working on what you love is also a good motivator to make you wake up early and start your day early. Setting up an alarm will help you get up early.

  3. Making sure your internet connection is working properly: Sometimes my Wi-Fi doesn't work to my liking. It connects and then disconnects. Then, I change some settings on Device manager and restart my computer, and then it all works fine. What I mean, make sure there is no problem with your computer before working. That it is updated to the latest version of windows. This will boast the speed of both your system and Wi-Fi.

  4. Listening to music while working on your content: This can be very useful because it removes all noises from your environment and makes you focus more and write faster. Choosing the type of music that works best for you comes with trial and error. It is up to you to select the one that best suits your mood. When you understand your mood and the mood of your writing, you can decide a music piece that works best for you. If one piece doesn't work, quickly change it. You can put it on autopilot so that when it finished, it starts over again without you clicking on play again.

  5. Having snacks on your table: one of my favorite things to do is take breaks between writing assignments and writing content for my social media accounts. I love chips and chocolate. I put some on my desk as a prize for works accomplished on time. Likewise, I don't do this every day. But I like to do this for myself. You can do healthy snacks if you want. It is all up to you. I'm just sharing what I do to give myself a little boast and energy.

  6. Taking breaks and doing some stretches: You don't have to do a full workout. Just some stretches is fine. Sometimes I take walks. It is really working to refresh your mind, and taking some air will make you stress less about your daily tasks.

  7. Closing all open tabs and only keeping open those you need for your writing: When you close the unnecessary tabs, you feel like you have less to check and this makes you focus on the task at hand, and you will finish it in no time.

  8. Keeping your desk clean: I don't put everything on my desk Because I have read that a clean desk contributes to task accomplishment and concentration.

  9. Schedule your posts: I personally don't use this because I want to read my content once more before publishing to make sure everything is okay with the tags, title, and text. But, if you want, you can schedule your posts to be published in your desired time. Instagram has a scheduling system in place too. YouTube has it too. So, if you are active on Instagram and YouTube, you can benefit from this feature. To be honest I used scheduling on Instagram but in hive I want my posts to be more clean without no grammatical mistakes. So, that's why I don't use this feature on Peakd.com. But, this saves so much time. Maybe I did this in the future.

  10. Write your content days before you publish it: If you have ready content that you prepared days before, you can be a few ahead. This lets you have more free time in the day working on future contents. For fiction writing, what I do is that I write the idea of the story and then add dialogue and other details and then adjust it to the prompt given. That way I have a full edited story days before the prompt is given. I just have to adjust it to the prompt. And that's it. My work is done.

My favorite is number 4. It really helps me to write faster.


This is amazing!!!
I’ve got to learn from this .
Just like you,number 4 is also my favorite because I love music .

thank you very much. Music does wonders 😃