Is it time to invest in Hive?

in #hive-1679222 years ago

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There is nothing in the world more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

-Victor Hugo-

Greetings to the great LeoFinance tribe. Today I bring you an interesting topic to the forefront that deserves to be discussed by the entire community and also its governance. And it has to do with whether there is a future in investing in Hive at this time or not. What strengths does our community have that makes it different from other products: be they cryptoassets and other elements of the numerous others that exist in decentralized finance? It's a complex question with multiple answers and that's what makes the post interesting.

In relation to the previous questions and due to the amount of information, articles, posts, videos, different tutorials; in addition to a great variety of advertising campaigns that sell training in the area, it would not be strange to think that at this stage of the game, all Internet users and Web 3.0 users should already have a deep knowledge and a functional management of all this technology, its fundamental concepts and its multiple portfolio of services and products.

Needless to say, many of us are far from that reality. Sometimes I personally feel that I am a blind man who needs a cane and many helpers to be able to find my way in this great crypto village. And that leads me at the same time to express my gratitude for all the support I have received.

It is clear that other questions arise from the above statement, such as: Why does such a situation occur, if there is plenty of information and opportunity to be trained in the area? Precisely therein lies the problem, I believe that the saturation of information on the one hand, the variability of the market on the other, as well as its rapid evolution and permanent change adds an additional difficulty to the already complex process of adapting to the ecosystem.

To give a more graphic example of the above, I will describe the discussion around the crypto world that arose recently between two friends and myself, when we happened to touch on the subject following my decision to invest a portion of my savings in Hive as a payback towards the platform, both for the monetary benefits as well as the achievement motivation benefits it has provided me with.

Of these two people, one belonged to the community and expressed to me that his relationship with the platform was less emotional and more of a financial nature, but that he looked favorably on my decision since he considered Hive as a relatively stable cryptocurrency, as it had sometimes gone up in the market when Bitcoin has gone down. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I immediately launched a deeper question in that order of ideas that said: Can centralized digital currencies be considered cryptocurrencies, and in which one is better to invest? So, by way of reflection, I transcribe my summary of the conversation.

In a historical review, since its birth the Defi ecosystem has diversified and the following cryptoassets have gradually emerged: cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, centralized digital currencies, NFTs, SFTs and cryptoassets backed by natural resources such as oil, gold or electric energy. Two examples of the latter are the Venezuelan "Petro" and the "E-stablecoin" launched by the people at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in addition there are other so-called green cryptocurrencies.

In theory, all of them can coexist without interfering with each other. However, in a crisis environment such as the current one, there is no total certainty that this is so, and at the end of the day what has been promoted for years as an immovable truth may occur: the survival of the fittest. Two thousand twenty-two has meant a trial by fire for cryptocurrencies and all other related cryptoassets. Many small investors have seen their capital vanish overnight. And a four-year crypto winter is already being announced.

We repeat again the question asked above: how solid is Hive really to withstand more accentuated downturns than the ones that have occurred so far? uncomfortable questions, but they have to be asked sooner or later. And the last one Is it wise to invest in platforms like Hive when seemingly more solid cryptocurrencies and stablecoins have collapsed?

I recognize that I do not possess the technical expertise or insight to answer these questions, but one thing is certain, I am already in this world and I vow to be positive and consistent with that attitude. I would like the resulting decision to be as informed and confident as possible, but in the end like everything else in the investment world I will have to take a leap of faith.

I am not going to lengthen this post trying to prove the unprovable, in complex issues, questions are better than answers. Questions mobilize you, answers make you enter a zone of apparent security or comfort that makes you stop. In this sense, life is movement and in economics it is even more so.

The only thing I will add is what I have been insisting on in previous posts: dreams can be monetized or tokenized, and speculation should not be the only basis for the stability of financial or technological products.

Perhaps it is crazy to link cryptocurrencies, DAOs, the rest of the Defi world and the metaverse with the circular economy, but there are mergers that no one expects to be successful that end up being so. Eternal growth is a fallacy, I vote for mixed economic systems, where the thermometer for productivity activation, controlled recession or slowdown is dictated by new emerging technologies and the conditions of the planet and its inhabitants.

One is not only a millionaire in money or material goods, but in well-being, in cooperation, in winning, in principles that give you a firm basis for life, in constructive relationships. There is an abysmal difference between being predatory inhabitants of the planet and its niches or being people with a clear vision of local and universal citizenship.

It's decided: I'm going to invest in Hive! It is my community and the least I can do is to reciprocate. I think that up to now, with the ups and downs, the failures and other setbacks typical of human imperfection, the right decisions have been made for the maintenance of the platform. I hope this will continue to be the case in the future.

A final message to those who make the big decisions within Hive: The present is lived and resolved in the now, the future is built by projecting for tomorrow. Let us continue to resolve the present with its downs, ups and inevitable cycles, but let us also allow this hard-working community to build its future together. We all have something to contribute when we are willing to work with conviction and self-confidence.

See you soon.

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Thank you for reading and supporting me!!!!