Synergy between Hive and DAOs. first part

in #hive-1679222 years ago

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There is nothing in the world more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

-Victor Hugo-

A big greeting to all the hive and especially to the LeoFinanza tribe. Today's post is a topic that I am passionate about and for which I have great expectations and hopes regarding the many potentialities of our platform. For that same conviction I wrote the previous writings, in which I raised the prospective analysis as a sample of a possible future where ecosystems, organizations, people, cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance enable a better social progress for all human beings and for the planet and the living beings that inhabit it in general.

Let's start with the general concepts that describe what DAOs are. In this sense, I place their acronyms in plural, since the types, design and functionality have diversified so it is better to talk about DAOs and not just DAOs.

This acronym, which stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, is a relatively new figure, with both organizational and legal characteristics that give it flexibility in terms of the projects and functions it can cover. In that order of ideas, it can be adapted to many types of operating models: governments, companies, social projects, networks, among others.

Looking for a definition different from the one that is generally given to us by the different internet sites, DAOs are communities of people that make decisions together in a decentralized way, that become autonomous through the principles of their software.

Basically DAOs are digital companies that only operate within the internet thanks to smart contracts, but can support various ventures that are both in cyberspace and in tangible or traditional form.

The attraction of these organizations is that anyone can theoretically submit a proposal, and if it meets the required standards, it can be financially and technologically supported by the DAOs. They are also strategic allies of projects such as new generation startups, which allow their creators to manage the financing they need to develop their business plan themselves.

There is something important that needs to be mentioned: DAOs place as one of their conditions, to receive some consideration for the help offered in any idea or project. This can be done by promoting your name, bringing users to the ranks of your organization or potential customers for your services.

As has become commonplace in the technological world, DAOs have had negative experiences due to bugs or flaws in smart contracts, which have been exploited by unscrupulous individuals. After these bad experiences, those responsible for these types of organizations took measures that remedied these weaknesses and DAOs returned to generate the positive expectations they had in their beginnings. The moral of the story is that we learn from negative situations and mistakes.

One of the most attractive aspects of these organizations is its easy implementation, since a DAOs can be managed very easily and quickly. They are assembled within the platforms of organizations with this functionality such as: Dash, Aragon, Marker, Moloch but there are many more, with the option of opening a channel in any social network adapted for this purpose, discussing the details of the project and that's it. All these processes are done in a matter of hours or even minutes and the company is already created.

All of the above are just the main characteristics of these types of organizations that have made them attractive to many investment groups, associations and individuals. DAOs even have the potential to replace public administration in institutions such as: hospitals, public services and even more specific functions of the State. These potential possibilities place it in the sights of many visionaries.

In a future post, we will specifically address aspects of this possible synergy between Hive and DAOs, trying to propose feasible scenarios, based on some successful experiences of financing or aid to problems of certain communities such as: the water problem in Ghana, power generation problems, among other projects that can be implemented permanently and not only circumstantial.

The idea is to benefit as many communities as possible, using this organizational technology. Trying to create the conditions to involve different companies or institutions and that the binding factor is the DAOs, achieving greater efficiency and transparency.

See you soon.

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¡¡¡Gracias por leerme y Apoyarme!!!