LIVE LEO AMA | Onboarding Hundreds of Users, New MAU Record!

in #hive-167922last year

Mitch and I were at the Breathe! convention repping Hive and LEO over the past week, so we weren't able to make it to the AMA for Tuesday the 12th. Today, we're finally back for Tuesday the 19th's episode.

In this AMA, we recapped our experience in vegas and also talked about the pros and cons of the conference.

We made tons of awesome connections and met some great people. The convention was a bit slow on day 1 but day 2 ramped up like crazy.

We onboarded hundreds of new accounts and showed them how to create their first Thread. From there, we worked on explaining the Web3 aspects - how everything is built on Hive and immutable + earns rewards.

People were fascinated by us and by Hive in general. The Hive booth was beautiful - thanks to Crim!

In this episode, we also answered dozens of questions from the live threadcast! We had a blast.

Want to Help Us Double the Userbase of Hive?

Our DHF Proposal is aimed at driving new users to the Hive blockchain through a new onboarding funnel that we've built. Hive Lite Accounts allow these users to instantaneously sign up to Hive. Then our UI guides them through creating Threads, Posts, Comments and giving out Upvotes. After a bit of time, the UI begins prompting them to take a course that we built and learn more about Hive. From there, users are driven to download their private keys (becoming a full, self-custodying Hiver). Afterwards, we send them to other Hive dApps where they can learn more and get deeply involved around Hive.

Our mission is to onboard 9,615+ new Hive Monthly Active Social Users. If you want to support us, please consider voting using the links below. If you want to learn more about the plans, the following reference links will take you to various aspects of the plan.


Learn More:

1- Proposal to Double the Hive Userbase
2- Overview of our Marketing Strategy
3- Traditional Marketing Plan
4- Collaboration Marketing Plan
5- Guerilla Marketing
6- Adoption Campaigns | Engaging, Retaining and Educating Thousands of Newly Onboarded Users
7- Influencer Marketing

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Well done guys!

Doing a very good job Lions... We are getting to

Really appreciate and impressed with your energy and effort towards onboarding new users to hive
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