Cryptocurrency Analysis #5

in #hive-1679223 years ago


Hello everyone, today I'll share my thoughts on several coin trends.
These types of articles are expected to be updated weekly, usually Sunday.
Let's get started!

View of the entire market

Let me talk about my views on the entire market first.

Unfortunately for the broader market, 2/17 BTC fell sharply and other coins followed it. Whether this is just a pullback or a sign that the bear market isn't over yet, remains to be seen for a few more days.

BTC Analysis


BTC fell 7.65% on 2/17 and is still in the process of falling. It has now encountered support around $39,000, but whether it works or not depends on the next few days.

In the last wave of declines, BTC rebounded after consolidating in the $32,917-39,265 range, which will act as a lot of support. I think there is a good chance of a trend reversal after reaching this range.

BNB Analysis


Compared with the decline of BTC, BNB is relatively stable. Although it also lost 5.83%, it stopped falling near the previous support at $380.

Although BNB has long followed the trend of BTC, compared with BTC, BNB has less room to fall. From the past, BNB has strong support above $300, but if you want to buy, you still need to refer to the trend of the broader market.

HIVE Analysis


Unfortunately, as I said last week, HIVE suffered from the broader market decline, from $1 to around $0.9. Of course, $0.9 has pretty good support too, so maybe you can worry less.

Those who want to buy HIVE can buy slowly in the range below 1 USD , it is impossible to predict when it will return to 1 USD, but low-price layout is also a good strategy.

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Cryptocurrency Analysis Series

Cryptocurrency Analysis #3

Cryptocurrency Analysis #4

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The above is for sharing, not investment advice, please be cautious when investing

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Thanks for reading, see you next time.

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