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Need to Get More Insulation in the Attic
Roy was walking around upstairs in our rooms and taking temperature readings with a thermal imaging app he has on his phone.
He was going all around the ceiling where he could reach and it was reading at over 100 degrees Fahrenheit with the air conditioning and fans going. YUCK!
The house has central air but it's hard to get it cool up here even with that.
We have a portable unit on the bedroom side and a window unit on our office side.
He called the contractor who will be rebuilding the storage shed for us and asked him if he does insulation too. He does so he is going to come and have a look on Monday.
My sisters and I grew up in these rooms up here before my parents got central air conditioning in the house.
That didn't happen till we are all grown and out of the house. But we had an above-ground pool where we spent most of the time in the summer. Dad got rid of that when we were out of the house. He wanted his backyard back and got tired of fixing the filter and stuff every year when no one was around to use it. I get it. But I miss the pool. I would swim when it was as cool as the low 60s here. I often joke that the polar bear is my spirit animal. Except I don't like raw fish. I don't like cooked fish much for that matter. LOL
Obviously, I won't ever be moving to anywhere that is warm/hot year-round.
And on to my weekly update.
Friday Buying on Thursday 6/1
Started with 6.83966299 Swap.Hive in my HE wallet that I got from trading other tokens.
I used my $16 weekly fiat investment to buy Hive and power up for Power Up Day this time.
Received $14.36 USD worth of Litecoin which I deposited to Swap.LTC on Hive Engine.
Received 0.14997454 and traded it for 40.89703287 Swap.Hive
Had 47.73669313 Swap.Hive and withdrew 41 to have just over 40 liquid Hive to stake for Power Up Day.
That left me with 6.73669313 Swap.Hive in my Hive Engine wallet.
CTP Power on CTPtalk
Total from 5/27: 77,173.967
5/28: Staked: 89.908 New total: 77,263.875
5/30: Staked: 147.09 New total: 77,410.965
5/31: Staked: 120.117 New total: 77,531.082
6/1: Staked: 55.334 New total: 77,586.416
6/2: Staked: 43.201 New total: 77,629.617
6/3: Staked: 37.348 New total: 77,666.965
492.998 (~0.64%) increase in CTP Power this week
22,333.035 away from my goal of 100,000 CTP Power
~78% of my goal achieved
LISTNERDS Staked on ListNerds
Total as of 5/27: 159073.942
5/27 Transferred 14219.982 LISTNERDS into the site. Haven't staked them yet because they didn't make it to the site before I did this report. So they will go to next week's totals.
5/30 Staked the 14,219.982 that I transferred in last week. New total: 173293.924
14,219.982 (~9%) increase in staked LISTNERDS
26,706.076 away from my goal of 200000 staked LISTNERDS
~87% of my goal was achieved this week.
Total from 5/27: 3999
6/2: Used 5.87999988 of the Swap.Hive left in my HE Wallet to buy 12 more INDEX tokens at 0.48999999 Swap.Hive each.
New total: 4011
0.3% increase in HE-INDEX holdings this week
3,989 away from my goal of 8000 HE-INDEX tokens
~50% of my goal achieved
Total from 5/27 : 2,540.248
5/28: Staked: 6.067 New total: 2,546.315
5/30: Staked: 3.789 New total: 2,550.104
5/31: Staked: 4.384 New total: 2,554.488
6/1: Staked: 1.443 New total: 2,555.931
6/2: Staked: 1.818 New total: 2,557.749
6/3: Staked: 1.324 New total: 2,559.073
18.825 (0.7%) increase in LEO Power this week
1,440.927 away from my goal of 4000 LEO Power
~64% of my goal achieved
Total as of 5/27: 153,027
Total as of 5/28: 153,031
Total as of 6/3: 153,032
96,968 away from my goal of 250,000 BBH
61% of my goal was achieved this week.
Received 0.41781676 SWAP.HIVE from @bbhbot this week for holding BBH tokens
Total from 5/27: 5,339.4481
5/28: Staked: 11.156 New total: 5,350.9041
5/30: Staked: 30.4408 New total: 5,381.6449
5/31: Staked: 6.2551 New total: 5,387.9
6/1: Staked: 0.8223 New total: 5,388.7223
6/2: Staked: 4.3424 New total: 5,393.1647
6/3: Staked: 0.8356 New total: 5,394.2003
54.7522 (1.02%) increase in ALIVE Power this week
4,605.7997 away from my goal of 100,000 ALIVE Power
~54% of my goal achieved this week