Why cryptocurrencies are better than gold

in #hive-1679222 years ago

One of the best arguments in favor of crypto is the ease of use. Until recently, purchasing a cryptocurrency was akin to venturing into the wild west. But now, a new study suggests that the cryptocurrency market is a unified beast, with the rise and fall of one token correlated with the movement of others. That's right: the rise and fall of one cryptocurrency token is correlated to those of other, similarly-sized, tokens. The market behaves like stock markets and commodities markets around the world.

Bitcoin has a fixed supply of 21 million coins. Nineteen million have already been mined. This means that new coins can't be produced, which reduces the risk of inflation. In contrast, fiat currencies like the U.S. are susceptible to inflation because of their ability to increase their money supply through spending and government bonds. The result is a depreciation in purchasing power. While gold has low volatility, cryptocurrencies can become almost worthless.

Unlike fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies are more secure and infinitely divisible. Bitcoin, for example, is decentralized, which means that its transactions are approved by every system on the network, making it impossible to counterfeit. Furthermore, cryptocurrencies are infinitely divisible up to eight decimal points, making them an excellent hedge against inflation and fiat asset meltdowns. Even though the downside to this is risk, this advantage is compelling enough to justify the risks involved.

Another major consideration in choosing a cryptocurrency is its liquidity. While gold may be stable, cryptocurrencies are illiquid, so they can be difficult for the average investor to stomach. If you're a risk-averse investor, you'll probably want to stick to a traditional asset like gold. Alternatively, you can consider investing in a stable coin such as gold or silver. Aside from being stable, it also has a long-term growth potential.

Bitcoin is also riskier than gold. Because it's decentralized, it's not regulated and can be subject to massive fluctuations. Bitcoin prices can drop as much as 50 percent in a single day. It's a good idea to only consider cryptocurrency investments for the most risk-tolerant investors. Gold is a safer choice, but it has a much longer history and more protection for investors. Cryptocurrencies can be a great hedge against inflation and risk.

Another reason cryptocurrencies are better than gold is their ease of use. Gold is valuable in many applications, but is hard to steal and is generally legal across borders. But in the world of cryptocurrencies, the price is determined by the whim of the traders, which can lead to erratic fluctuations. However, cryptocurrency enthusiasts tout the security benefits of digital coins. Although there have been instances of thefts, cryptocurrency users have had difficulty recovering stolen funds.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that can complement gold in your portfolio. While gold is a great asset for diversification, bitcoin is easier to transport and easier to use as currency. However, in some ways, Bitcoin is better than gold. As Bitcoin is an entirely different asset class, it's more valuable and easier to trade. Bitcoins can become a store of value if they are backed by the government. This means that the value of your crypto can increase more than its value in the long run.

Both gold and cryptocurrencies are subject to scarcity. While gold stocks have increased at 1.7% per year through mine production, Bitcoin stocks are growing at a rate of 3% each year. Moreover, they are engineered to fall back to zero growth by the year 2140. Therefore, the risks associated with digital currencies are higher. You should avoid investing in crypto assets until you can be sure of the price and the stability of the underlying assets.


While Bitcoin has many advantages, gold is still the more reliable option for investors. Bitcoin has been around for centuries, and it has been held by governments, pension funds, and central banks. Bitcoins, on the other hand, have not yet experienced a major financial crisis. Gold is also a more reliable and tested form of security. The price of gold doesn't change much over time, and neither has Bitcoin. The biggest downside to cryptocurrencies is that their price has increased so rapidly.

Another reason why cryptocurrencies are better than gold is that there is no central bank backing them. The Federal Reserve has already treated cryptocurrencies as an enemy. It's unwise to try to take on the Fed as an adversary. A better strategy is to use one of the many other options out there, such as paper gold and other precious metals. However, it's crucial to consider the long-term risk of cryptocurrency investment before deciding to spend too much of your money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


First, the main thing about this kind of investing is the fluctuations, there is no point of investing in a stable coins because the potential profits close to nothing.
Second, the crypto is a digital asset gets its value by people ( supply and demand), in fact crypto is more than numbers in the screens around the world unfied by network processing, while gold, well, is gold😎.
Third, the conspiracy theory should be taken in consideration when it comes to the crypto, I mean the USD is no more than paper and ink and gets its value from the demand, and the crypto is no more numbers in the screens and gets its value from the demand, do you see a pattern here?.