How To Write Like a Lion
I wanted to follow up with my HiveStats post I wrote the other day and if you haven't seen it yet it's called Want to earn more Leo? Than HiveStats will get you there which was a complete walk through of HiveStats and how to use it to refine and focus your articles to maximise readership and returns.
But now that I have provided you an insight into how to focus your work I am going to teach you how to write. Now I am not claiming to be the greatest writer or earner on Leo Finance but I do know a few things about how to write, engage and get cracking.
So as the friendly neighbourhood Lion that I am I thought I would put together a quick How To Write Like a Lion guide to help others also on their journey and in the hopes of lifting the entire blockchain along the way.
You Are Your Own Personal Brand
The first thing you need to do is change the way you perceive your account or blog and stop thinking of it as a social media account with a token but rather see it as your business. This account is an extension of yourself but not everything because much like a small business whose owners put their heart and soul on the line.
Think of Leo Finance as the tool for you as a freelance writer and your account is your business.
Focus your energy
This is something I am guilty of not doing in the past but that's focusing my articles and topics. Be selective and write because you have something to share and not because you need to in order to get an upvote. This means your content will be more goal orientated.
I often see people who post a range of different things and there is no unison to their writing. Finding out what it is you want to share with your readers and sticking to it will help you go a long way. You'll also notice that some of Hive and Leo Finances best authors focus on one or two core niches and provide new information on it each article.
How Often Should You Post?
This is a contested position as everyone is different and different things work for different people but the advice I can provide for you is be consistent. You will notice that my articles are published on weekdays generally between 8am - 9am Melbourne, Australia time and weekend a set a little later as people tend to be out of their weekday routines.
My readers know that at that time each day I will have new content and when you start being inconsistent with times and your work becomes sporadic you will find it hard to retain readers.
Also remember posting multiple articles a day especially if they are to the same readers or in the same group will most likely be losing you money as some people may read them all but they will only vote once. So save them and space them out over time this also helps you have original content ready to go.
Engage your audience
Nothing beats genuine engagement and this is something I try to focus on the most and I will get back to each comment and I will also move around engaging on other peoples articles. It is not easy but I would highly recommend setting some time a side each day to engage and I would never miss engaging with a comment on your own work. Remember, This is your small business and would a small business owner never engage someone who is in their store?
Ask questions in your articles too, don't be afraid to ask for opinions even if they are different to your own and you never know, you might learn something new from your readers!
Article Length
There is no right or wrong way in developing article length and some articles will require more in-depth breakdowns and some you will struggle to put more than a few hundred words together. It is ok to do a mix and you don’t always want to give your readers slabs upon slabs of writing as you may see yourself losing followers or them moving onto something less wordy.
It's not easy to find the balance and you do also need to consider search engine analytics my advice would be to aim for the 500 – 800 word count but also produce longer articles from time to time this will also show your readers that you're sincere and will put in the time and effort to find the information or news they want to read about.
Use images
Don't forget to use images in your articles I would recommend a subscription based one so you don't need to scroll and search for images and have multiple different source links.
I have a subscription with Canva which also has an editing program attached which enables me to also make my own images if one doesn't exist and if you're writing crypto focused content then you're probably going to need to create a lot of your own stuff.
Draw Inspiration from Contests
If you're coming up blank for content and not sure what to write about scroll around the blockchain you will find plenty of contests and awards happening that you can participate in. Not only will it help you find something to write about if you're starting out or experiencing writers block but you will also be able to win yourself some additional support.
I hope you have enjoyed what I try and do to expand my articles and how I work and that it provides you with some additional ammunition to be a better writer.
Do you agree with my tips or have more to add to the list? then let us know in the comment section below.
Image sources provided supplemented by Canva pro. This is not financial advice and readers are advised to undertake their own research or seek professional financial services
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta