Ways To Use, Enjoy And Earn On Threads

in #hive-167922last year


Threads is no longer a thing many do not know about on Hive, a lot of people have come to know about the microblogging Twitter like site built on Hive by the Leofinance team. Blogging has been made easy and even non Hivers are showing interest in this opportunity presented. I can still remember when threads was at it's testing stage, how exciting it was to be part of those people having fun with it and differently easy it made my time on Hive to be.

Threads has come to stay and the sooner you find it, the much fun you get to have with it

Thanks to the zealy campaign hosted by the Leofinance team, more users are joining threads and there's so much more activities to do on threads and earn with it. It would be more amazing if you're part of the campaign but even if you're not, I thought I should share a few of the activities you could get engaged with on threads.

You just joined threads and I don't know what to thread about?
You have made a few threads but lost ideas on what to thread?

Well, I'd like to start by saying threading gets fun by every thread you make. And you don't always have to make your threads, I've been on threads for hours without making my own threads and there's a lot of ways to do that. So yeah, sometimes you don't even need ideas to be on threads... Just being active there is an idea on it's own as you'll be engaging with others.

Here are ways to use, enjoy and earn on threads

I know many have gotten the hang of it, how to enjoy threads their own way but I've had a few of my friends come to me asking what they should thread about as they are lost in what more to share there. It's actually surprising that a site that promotes short form post like Twitter and pays is difficult for some people to use still. But I guess, it's more about getting used to what you like in it and you pick it from there.

Thread on anything

This is the main essence of threads, for you to share whatever you'd like to share. Your hobbies activity, your meals, your pictures, your walks adventures, your favourite TV series, favourite quotes, your Hive achievements, your goals offline and online... You can also share links of your posts and that of others on Hive for the Hive users. Even with just these ideas, it's almost impossible not to have something to share.

Make use of threadstorm or the tag

One of the things I've come to love on threads is the tag #threadstorm as it helps people who have more to say about a particular topic to share more. I would understand if you don't get ideas for threadstorm every day but it is another fun way to enjoy threads when you have an idea of what to share. You get to create your threads and make as much replies as you can to it, you can also get to have more people join in if you have an interesting topic going on. You can also join other threadstorm through the tag, I always love to do that.

Join Threadcasts

The first time I learned about this feature on threads, I was literally blown away with the amazing idea. You get to threadcast when there is an ongoing show at any community, you ask your questions or share your experience at the show on the threadcast opened for it. This doesn't come often but when it does, you're sure to enjoy every bit of it.

You can earn Hive tokens, Leo tokens and Gosh tokens when you thread

Different users with different Hive power come to engage on threads and many would leave votes on threads they like, you get to earn Hive tokens that way. Leo Power holders will also come to vote and you earn the token that way. When you thread about your post links on Hive on threads and even the one of others with the tag #gosh on it, you get to earn Gosh tokens too. That's a lot to earn if you learn to enjoy being on threads.

There's more to threading than you've actually found out, keep exploring and have fun while you're at it.

Thanks for reading, your comments and support will be very much appreciated
Image was designed with Canva

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Great list for threading that others can be inspired of and make the most of it.