I Created An NFT Sniper Bot For AtomicHub

in #hive-1679222 years ago

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Yo, how's everyone doing?

I wanted to share this bot that I created today.

It's an NFT sniper for the AtomicHub contracts on WAX blockchain.

It runs on Node JS with EosJS and a couple other dependencies.

Basically, it works like this- you pick a specific NFT that you want to buy if it goes below a certain price.

The bot monitors the blockchain to see if that NFT ever gets listed for sale. If it does, the bot buys it.

I'm going to be adding more features to it over time, and fixing a couple little "bugs", but it works perfectly fine as is.

All of the code for it is in the article linked above, and you can just copy and paste that code, change a couple variables and get up and running.

I highly suggest watching the entire video before trying to use the bot. Your question is most likely answered in the video or the article, but please feel free to ask any questions below or share your feedback etc.

It's not perfect, I'm not a professional developer. If you are a dev, I'm very sure you probably have a few things to say about the way I coded the bot. It's all good, it works and I'm learning so that's all that matters.

Please be responsible with the bot, don't be a dick and try to snipe drops (it's probably not advanced enough to compete with better bots anyway), and don't keep a lot of money in the wallet that you use with this bot.

I just developed it today/yesterday so there's bound to be some issues that arise.

I would love for you to share with me if you do run into any issues, so that I can fix them as quickly as possible.

In other news...

Hive Engine Explorer Updates

The hive engine explorer that I built was taking a good 15 seconds or so to load transactions. I did some work on that and now it loads in less than 1 second.

Performing queries (i.e. typing special requests into the search box) still takes a good 5-10 seconds, but overall performance is substantially better than before.

Furthermore, I realized the leaderboard wasn't updating every day, but I fixed that today and it should now be updating once per day.

I need to double check that all the calculations are right, because something looks a bit off on the total volume right now. But it could be that we had a busy day on hive engine today. I'll know more about that tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by, see you guys soon.

Peace out.

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Your creations are amazing, I have to learn a lot from you.
