The biggest issue is that bitcoin itself is nothing like a currency. That's why nothing else works in theory with it being a reserve currency.. it can't even be a normal currency So let's take a stroll down memory lane..
Bitcoin is in a civil war with Bitcoin Cash. Who's really correct in the great crypto war. At the core tenets bitcoin cash is correct. bitcoin cash is actually behaving like a currency in idea. the problem is it's never getting to the next level because it lacks the infrastructure. You see tons of money are poured into bitcoin core from vc's and institutions and miners want to keep bitcoin impractical so they can make money off high mining fees. Institutions wanna keep it speculative so they can control all the money all the way up.. The problem is this approach does not spread economic prosperity. Without the spread of economic prosperity you can never have a flourishing economy.
So first off they have this shortsidedness to even see it getting to something like a reserve currency as long as they can line their pockets.. prop up their balance sheets and books.. So this level of shortsidedness and lack of understanding is a misunderstanding of how monetary economic systems work.
None of these cryptocurrencies are actual currencies, lol. It's like a big false lie to get your money taken or scammed. They shouldn't be called currencies. They should be called blockchain unregistered securities.
In relation to bitcoin there lies the genesis of this problem of bitcoin being this pawn and misused technology of banks and institutions and not the people. So the people who know better and really want to see crypto succeed will address this issue. So anything you get a bitcoin fork in idea. Which is why bitcoin myk is using bitcoin.. " to suggest that prior versions of bitcoin are inferior and not seen as useful. This is what a fork is.. If everything was right with bitcoin forks wouldn't have to exist. So forks generally denote some type of improvement or need or change in structure.. idea..and support of the people and network in which the blockchain serves.
Why would bitcoin myk be a better version of bitcoin? bitcoin myk equals more usefulness and bitcoin equals less. let's take the example of gold. The euro and usd gets traded more than gold which means people are using it more.. Most people in day to day life don't even use gold. So that would suggest the euro and usd moreso serves their needs than gold. And that's the bottomline on that.
So if the masses of the general populace don't use gold but the euro and usd. Who uses it? The same people who mostly use bitcoin. Generally people with disposable income which is not how a good currency works. A good currency is in the hands of a good portion of the population and regularly used.
Why does bitcoin myk get it right? bitcoin myk gets it right because first not many look at it like a speculative currency. At this point bitcoin myk is probably looked at more like a practical currency. So it's things going on in bitcoin myk and principles and faith and beliefs much like what you have in the usd.. If i hold a usd i'm not speculating with a usd tht one day i'll be rich. i'm using it for practical value.
So bitcoin myk is a practical value token. it's to supply 80% of the globe with the citizens dividend. it is based on a philosophical and political belief.. to some which then makes it a need and because it's free you're likely at some point to get to stable prices.. Why is that? As long as people see bitcoin myk as more useful to transact than to hold to speculate it is more of a transactional currency.. root word being " current" to move than something like bitcoin where year after year i lose money selling it in some cases. So these are just fundamental misunderings fo money.
So why don't people here on hive understand this yet.. The quite simple answer is ignorance .. plain and simple. At a near future economic catastrophy the united states is set to become more democratic socialist.. So what's inevitably happening is capitalism will die this slow death and thats not my idea. That's the idea of most level head thinking economist that we aren't going to march off into some capitalist utopian future, lol.
That the form of capitalism we've practiced that has done a horrible jobs making people stewards of the earth's resources. These horrible horrible stewards century after century try to convince us they are in the best capacity to administer this. So many of us due to the results are in total disagreement with that.
A currency is a system it's not ownership into a business.. or in these cases small businesses. So you aren't going to ever have a capable currency based on creating a small business. If you want to have an effective currency first think in terms of system like we do with bitcoin myk. First of all bitcoin myk is'nt really a for profit endeavor. That means whether bitcoin myk goes the way of profit or it just goes the way of freedom to transact our money dependably on a network. it doesn't mean to the moon. if it goes to the moon that's more like a side effect of growth and buying power. They can play together and often times do but to have a really successful currency there are many important details your projects miss. I don't understand how you all expect so much from them when the projects themselves dont understand anything about creating a world used currency. These are just dreams of people who don't know anything about what currency or even money is.
So bitcoin myk is seen as a system that represents the people by their own value. Their energy is converted into currency. It's not a shellgame. Their energy is converted into the currency itself by an algo that sworks for them the same way it works for everyone else who uses it. So literal energy that may consist of electricity like some wireless energy crypto projects wanna do.. decentralizes the market because it decentralizes the value of energy. Bitcoin MYK decentralizes the value of human energy. I't's not a shellgame.. you see.
So the bottomline is we got bitcoin that has michael saylor and another small group of people that own over 87% of the bitcoin network and of that ownership only about 1% of the network control that much. Now that should be enough to stop this entire conversation. That should cure the level of ignorance we have in crypto enough for most of us to seek another way.
Why doesn't it? it doesn't because there is something called willfull ignorance with shortsided thinking. The willfully ignorant has accepted the idea they won't be convinced of anything otherwise because much like burying heads in the sand they have in their minds accepted a convenient lie.. In other words they are slovenly lazy thinkers who don't want to fix crypto. They want someone else to do it and hope they can profit from it when they do.
The problem is people can make money from ignorance they do everyday all the time. However they will never evolve and i say a human who never evolves isn't much of a human either way.
So let's sum it up.. You need alot of people with a currency that they believe in and support typically it may denote some idea of a fair and equitable system and many people know that's stable. So America isn't just stable because it has nukes. it's stable because it also have some sense of what people believe is a fair idea. Eventhough it's breaking down and everyday our system becomes less stable. in its early stability it once use to call something the American Dream. so your currency needs that idea.. A fair stable secure system . So if i'm under a tyrannical system where it's whales with influence right? Well my money feels less secure there..
Next i need practical use.. the speed of the currency... the vendors and merchants who want it.. So if i went down to venezuela and i gave stores cryptocurrency and did workshops.. then i asked that store to accept the cryptocurrency. They would be more incentivized to do so because they have the cryptocurrency.
the citizen's dviidend that people have through bitcoin myk.. forget about the price of it. worry about if it's going to be stable and big.. and can get big in the future. if those possibilities don't exist in a realistic way then that means another project should be chosen. if my thoughts are right about the economic distress and upheavel that is inevitable we're going to see a differetn thought process in people. it won't be this capitalist make a trillion dollar business idea you're thinking of.
All that is getting less and less and more than likely going into the idea of the " social company" where after research it gets determined just considering a for profit business is enough. No in this idea we find out the more lasting or best situation for a company is being in a situation like dan price where a ceo gives every employee starting $70k a year including himself.... and how he created many profitable and thriving businesses doing this
Anyway i don't expect you all to have my handle and level of education on money. i understand alot of people are here just to get rich quick.. to dwell in darkness and ignorance.. to manipulate markets to gamble to kingdom come and nothing wrong with that, lol.. the thing is what many are now finding is that the way we've considered our economic systems aren't the most efficient and just wrong.. So i'd invite people to study and research and stop entertaining ideas about our economic systems we're regurgitated from someone else.
That in the long run there may be much more lasting and effective systems. it takes a certain amount of money sophistication.. discipline and maturity to get this.. i understand that but nevertheless it should be considered that anything else is a willfull ignorance that probably won't match the course of events that our future looks like.
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