Sandeep Nilewal, co-founder of the Polygon project, has exposed the falsity of one of the most toxic accounts of blockchain skeptics who limit the work of blockchain to only new technical problems.
He told Sandeep:
The Web 3.0 revolution is not just designed to solve new problems.
There are no fake use cases for blockchain networks.
The Polygon founder tweeted and shared his views on how blockchain systems should tackle financial, social, and other problems…
According to him, the use cases chosen by the blockchain teams should not be criticized as fictitious and non-existent, especially by those industry spokespeople.
According to the co-founder of the Polygon project, blockchain networks - at least the vast majority of them - are focused on improving the ways in which current technical mechanisms address age-old challenges inside and outside of fintech.
Earlier this week, it was announced that Polygon will be used as a technical platform for transmitting police reports in Firozabad (India).
The Indian Police has launched a dApp built on Polygon to accept and process complaints and various files.
Polygon will make law enforcement mechanisms more transparent and stable.
In August 2022, Polygon made headlines with its latest development, the "zkEVM" upgrade.
Starting October 14, 2022, major Polygon-based Decentralized Currency Exchange (DEX) companies are stress testing Polygon's zkEVM upgrade over the public testnet.