Hive Financial Goals - Week 2: Another Decent Week!

in #hive-1679222 years ago



Well, it looks like another successful week for my targets thanks to the generous upvotes from the community. Let's never forget why we earn tokens on Hive!

So last weeks targets on my way to 2500 Hive Power and 2500 Staked Leo were as follows:-
957.119 Hive Power and 272.205 Staked Leo and I'm very happy to end the week on 962.366 Hive Power and 275.735 Staked Leo.

Get in the hole! Another week on target. Just! No matter, it gives me a very small head-start on this new week which is going to be a lot harder due to the fall in prices and carnage on the markets and continued volatility.

For next week then, the numbers are as follows:-
1015.499 Hive Power and 358.725 Staked Leo

I will struggle I think this week as although I have a couple of decent post payouts due, they are on full power up and there will be not enough HBD to sell to buy the Leo to stake. I will see how I go on and keep my head to the grindstone.

One thing I will do this week is to become more engaging on Leo finance by commenting more and giving upvotes. the curation rewards will be tiny but every little counts!

I know that it has been a tough week for everyone, especially the people with bags of Luna which are now worthless but we came into this with our eyes open. I see calls for compensation but this in my opinion is a ridiculous non-starter. We are all responsible for our own decisions and know the risks in the crypto world. I watched the Thai forums last Wednesday and Thursday as people were gambling like crazy and simply throwing good money after bad.

Here we see the whole problem with crypto when it just becomes an implement to trade for profit and the majority of the participants lose sight of, or never even understand the ideological background of the movement, the foundation on which all crypto was built.

It's still sad to see so many people getting a hammering though but if I can take any positives, its that in future, the real gamblers on the markets might think twice about the effect they're having on the bigger picture. The establishment must be laughing their socks off as the whole movement attempts to destroy itself through greed and stupidity.

Anyway, I mentioned last week about looking at some extra goals to add and decided against for the time being. On the Hive-engine secondary markets, there is very little that takes my eye although I am watching @actifit carefully as they expand into other ecosystems.

Thanks for reading and hopefully I will be back here next week full of self-congratulation and a swollen ego after another successful week...or maybe I won't!

I am still open for suggestions for additional Hive based goals I should be reaching for or HE tokens I should be giving a closer look to or if you wish to share your own goals, please hit me up in the comments!

Life's not about the hustle. It's all about the humanity



Good job with your goals, congrats!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love you achievement, am working hard to get there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta